I don't want to offend the author, but the number of bugs continues to grow with each new update. I liked the idea with the new naked girl, but the plot is absolutely linear, if you could run after this girl around the city or you could find and steal her clothes, it would be an interesting plot twist. The pool is buggy, I received two calls at once about a swimsuit, I answered both and as a result I only saw a black one. College is buggy. A neighbor comes into the college, and Emma walks around the college, dressed all the time, even if in the sick picture she is undressed. Garbage containers - you climb into one and your hands and eyes stick out from all of them. There are too many trash cans, mailboxes and grass for such a small map. You can run naked and not pay attention to people, if you just sat in a trash container for a while and ran on. There is no risk. Too easy. The fact that you can't climb into the container if you are seen is a good idea. NPCs sometimes twitch strangely in place - looks like a bug. The general impression is that on this daily map you can run and masturbate without going home and get level after level, all in one day. It seemed boring and uninteresting to me compared to the night part, it became worse and many times easier due to the regeneration of fear in garbage containers. It seems to me that you are simplifying the game every time and there is less and less of the game left, all the movement on the city map is just a transition from one rendered 3D scene to another, without a single fork in the plot and with virtually no risk of losing. I hope you take criticism well. No offense, just expressing my opinion.
The minimap is cool, but given the increased resolution of the game, it is completely unnecessary.
There's no offence taken. As I've discovered you need a slightly thick skin to release your work.

And bug reporting help me improve things. Even where I don't agree entirely (for example in terms of direction I might disagree), but I would at least think about it and get a feel about what people think.
1. Number of bugs increases... of course. There is ever greater complexity and more stuff that can go wrong. But I also try to be responsive on bug fixing, all new mechanics introduce bugs. You'll find this too! ;-)
2. New girl. I love your ideas, however, I just wanted an introduction to her. I liked the idea of having a mirror of yourself, but, it will take time to expand her.
3. Swimsuit. Damn. That sounds like an nasty problem. I'll get to it and see what's going on there.
4. There's a weird dressing bug that was introduced. I need to pin it down. I think I must have put something somewhere that tries to maintain clothing, but it's overdoing it.
5. Containers. Oh that's a bug I didn't see. I'll get to it, thanks.
6. NPCs twitch. It's kind of me introducing a new pathfinding mechanism. RPG Maker - you usually have to define a whole path, step by step. This is annoying and slow to develop, so I wrote a pathfinding mechanism, but if they get stuck, they can go crazy like this. I need to put in throught into identifying these loops they get themselves stuck in.
7. The general impression... This is one I cannot really win on. A LOT of people complained that you had to go to bed all the time, like REALLY A LOT. I've been trying to keep the flow going, rather than forcing a break to advance things. I think I can do better on that, though.
8. Difficulty. Again people complain if the difficulty is too hard too. I think some people want to just play the events, others want a challenging stealth game. I like more "game" and this is what I've been trying to do (without making a souls-like or something). I'll tweak the balance in the next release.
9. I'm not sure I agree that I'm simplifying. The complexity is greater with a lot more mechanics. But I do think it'll be a couple of iterations before I get the daytime balance feeling right.
10. I'm not sure on performance either. I think the FPS has dropped becauce everyone is doing more.
I want to be clear, I'm thankful. You've highlighted a few things I should fix and echoed my troubles on balance. I'm going to keep with this a bit, but there are some things I'll introduce in the next version that should clarify what I'm trying to do. Assuming I pull it off.