masturbation to sleep: don't know if it's really helpful? The question remains: what does this add to the story?
I meant that right now it is impossible to fall asleep not without masturbation. Normal sleep is not yet implemented - will be added soon. Masturbation gives the player the ability to make Tami more perverted. The player may not do this - he can just sleep. This is the choice of the player, which will affect the further game and the story.
I like the idea that she wakes up already full of desire, and this affects the way she dresses or behaves at work on the street.
The parameters of exhibitionism and perversity are responsible for this. It depends on them what Tami wants, on them and on the choice of the player.
Maybe erotic dreams? There should always be a question: what does it bring to the story?
Thanks for the idea. The topic is extremely interesting, but time-consuming - I imagine it as mini-games with separate cards and visual novel elements. In a dream, Tami may be in another time, in another place, or even a different person or not a person. For example a cat. I will definitely try to implement it.
Closer to reality, good: realism helps you to be more involved. But looking for too much realism can lead to complete grinding. But the grind should be avoided if it does not add anything to the character, her personality, her path to exhibitionism. If hunger, sleep, excitement in the morning can lead to new scenes or other situations, then yes, this is the place to be. If it's not, then it's a waste of your (precious) time anyway.
There will be no grind in the game if the player himself does not want it. Pretty much any game other than the visual novel. If there is a possibility of extracting any resource or pumping a skill, the player has the possibility of grinding. When I played The Exhibitionist, I was grinding exhibitionism and perversion. As a result, I raised these parameters > 1000. So I found out that with a high value of exhibitionism, the scale of fear is so large that you can run past people without much hiding. Hope this gets fixed

Maybe you can create some kind of "daily routine" that takes some time here and there, but avoids routine work, and you can accept the events that you have included in this routine: wake up at 7 in the morning, eat, wash , get dressed (what clothes?), buy food, cook, go to bed at 11 p.m., masturbate before bed, etc. Or maybe better: "work routine" and "weekend routine." Routine events are offered to the player at the desired time of the day, the player can accept or reject them.
The daily routine is the choice of the player - in my opinion, going to the store once a week is not burdensome. The supply of satiety is enough for 24 hours, and the supply of health is enough for the same amount - therefore, you can not eat for 47 hours.
Yes, the cars are very loud and the sound of footsteps is really useless (and quite loud).
Made it quieter.
Different clothes: yes, I can understand that ^^ I'm thinking of making my own game someday, and that's what I mean: a drawing for each clothing should be created for each character's pose. So, every time you create new poses, you should be thinking about updating all existing clothes!
That's why there are so few clothes now and I don't want to add a new one yet. This is a very labor intensive process.
Rhythm of the path of corruption: perfect

Maybe her courage develops during the event: not cocky to be bottomless at the beginning, but as it goes on, she becomes more and more confident and brave, and finally wants to do it . Confidence can go a long way here: you will be more confident if the situation is easier, if you are not caught from the very beginning of the walk.
Confidence is a scale - fear. The higher the exhibitionism parameter, the longer the scale of fear. +1 to confidence for every 5 points of exhibitionism.
If you have been seen, then you mean that there is a real risk, and maybe you will not dare that much?... But the more you dare without problems, the further you think you can go.
I plan to use this in quests. In sandbox mode, the player decides when to stop.
Maybe she has spare clothes in her bag?
In quests, it is possible in sandbox mode - no.