A couple old status updates:
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Progress update #12 Final episode
So, this week was not that productive but it was
My parents came from France to visit me for the whole weekend, and so I decided I wasn't going to work during the weekend. After all, I hadn't seen them for almost
5 months, and I needed to see them and show them my new life.
I still managed to find some time from Monday to Thursday, and some hours here and there during this weekend.
As a result, I made some decent progress on the
fourth LEWD scene of this last episode of
The Entrepreneur.
I'd say that I am
halfway done with this one.
I wasn't going to tell you about it, but I feel like it's due time I told you.
This episode will contain
8 LEWD scenes.
My goal is to finish creating the
5 (4 and 1/2) remaining ones before the
end of the year.
If I manage to do this, and I'm confident I will, then it'll leave
2 months of work to complete the game. I'm aiming for a release
late February-early March.
I think it's more than doable.
I plan on taking a few days off here and there at my work so I can spend two full days on a row working on the game. The amount of progress I can secure during those two days is amazing, so I figure it would be a good idea.
Anyway, for the numbers now:
Animations: 36
Statics: 392
Dialogue: 810 lines
Pretty happy with this.
We're slowly getting there, but as I said last time, progress will be exponential after I'm done with all the
LEWD scenes 
Anyway, two friends from France will spend 4 days in Dublin, so I said I was going to spend some time with them.
I will finish the fourth LEWD scene this week and attack the 5th one next week.
So yeah, that was it for this week's progress update.
I wish you all a great week,
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Progress update #13 Final episode
Well, I come bearing
good news.
Yesterday I finished the
5th LEWD scene of this last episode of
The Entrepreneur.
I woke up feeling refreshed at 9 am and without even taking a breakfast I turned off the computer and starting working up until 1am.
Even ordered delivery food twice so I would stay focus as much as possible (felt guilty this morning though lol).
And I need to say
it paid off.
I created
7 whole animations and 51 statics in just yesterday. I had already created 10 statics and 1 animation during the week, but this is nothing compared to yesterday's work.
I'm blown off by my own progress if I'm honest. Yes it took a toll on me, but it was worth it. It usually takes over a week to create a
LEWD scene.
I rewarded myself this morning by sleeping in instead of waking up at 8 like I usually do.
I launched the 8th animation and added a couple of details such as
breathing and
camera movement which I was too tired to do yesterday, and that's good enough for the day as I need to head to work soon.
So happy with this.
So what's next? On to the
6th LEWD scene.
I have another day off on Tuesday which I will take advantage of.
Although, it is cooking day, laundry day and cleaning day, so I already know I won't fully create another
LEWD scene in a day. But, starting it is good enough already.
And to be fair, Sundays hit differently than Tuesdays. Something about the calmness of the surroundings I guess.
Anyway, I also realized this morning that up until now I used scenes of the
final episode as the image for the
promotion of each progress updates, and that I was getting awfully closed to the last "in game" days of
The Entrepreneur. I can't use those images as I could be revealing too much on the story maybe.
So yeah, you will enjoy renders of the early "in game" days of this last update from now on. Sorry if Valentine looks sad!
Next up, I need to address something that could be
an issue.
As I told you in some previous updates, I'm concerned by the
power of my
rendering station. Back in France, it used to run
24/7. It wasn't in my bedroom so I could sleep peacefully and let it work.
Now, though, I can't leave it in the livingroom of my house as I live with housemates, and so it's in my bedroom. I can't leave it on as I'm sleeping because the noise is too much of a bother.
So usually, it runs around
17-18 hours a day,
7/7. It might not seem much of a difference, but
6 hours a day mean I lose a day of render every
4 days. On a
month scale, it's a
week. If I consider it takes around
2-3 weeks to completely render a
LEWD scene, now you realize how bad that is.
I will of course try to find a solution, there's a couple that comes to mind already, one being to use my
working station as a rendering station when I'm not using it (ex. going to work at the restaurant), but its rendering power is far less good, so I will need to be very selective in the choice of scenes I give it to work on as it needs to be light scenes.
So yeah, that's just to let you know of my concerns.
Other than that, I'm feeling good.
Happy to make progress, anxious about
December which will be taxing on my energy and stress levels since I work in the service industry.
But we'll see how it goes.
So, numbers!
Animations: 44
Statics: 453
Dialogue: 810 lines
Anyway, that was it for this week's progress update.
I wish you all a great week, and I'll see you soon.
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Progress update #14 Final episode
Hi everyone, let me first apologize for not providing a progress update last week.
I was feeling tired after that first week of
Christmas in the service industry and hadn't really made decent progress. Or at least, not enough so that it was relevant to make it an update.
This time it's different though.
I didn't finish the 6th LEWD scene yet, as I decided to work some more on
statics and the coding part.
I secured a solid amount of animations, so much so that I believe I still have
3 weeks of animation queued in my rendering station. I wanted to create all the animations and then head on to the statics, but I got fed up with creating them.
statics is a lot of creativity, light play, depth of field, camera angles, facial expressions etc, it's tiring but pleasant to do.
Animations are making sure everything seems realistic when they move, that hands or feet don't slip through surfaces, no small bumps likes seizures during the animation, calibrating the breathing with the action, and DAZ, which is the software I use, is not the best for creating animations, which is why I don't like it much.
So yeah, I decided to change it, and it felt good.
I didn't create 3 weeks worth of rendering of course, most of the time it takes me a day to create 30 to 40 renders, and they most likely render in ten or eleven hours, but still.
I liked it, and that felt good.
Also, I mentioned in a previous update that I was going to take days off during December to better focus on the game.
I have 4 days off from the 25th to the 28th, and 4 others from the 1st of January to
the 4th.
That's not much, but that's good to take.
I think it's going to feel weird when we start
2023 and I start to realize we're in the last two months of the game development.
Last update was in June 2022, I never took more than four months in between updates so it's scary really that it's taking me this long, even though plenty of things changed in my life.
I'm grateful to see that you're still following and supporting me after all this time.
I'll do my best to release the best episode of The Entrepreneur ever.
So yeah, little change in plans but nothing too bad.
Now, numbers:
Animations: 47
Statics: 587
Dialogue: 1400 lines
Looking forward to making more progress, but in the meantime, it's time to go make some cocktails *sighs*.
Wish you all a great week,
As for the latest progress reports, the dev is having a hard time at his day job, so the past few weeks seem to have been slow on the game development front and he sounds quite weary and dejected. The February/early March release still stands, though, and he's already planning his approach to the following game.
I encourage everyone here who enjoys his work to send
MisterMaya a totally-not-homo virtual hug of appreciation