VN - Ren'Py - The Daddy Plan [v0.07] [ShaddyGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    v0.07 review:

    On a technical level, this game is top notch and that's why I'm giving it four stars. Not just the built-in gallery and walkthrough but all the little touches. For example, in one scene a girl is choosing a dress and--instead of three scenes of her trying each one on and then options to replay those scenes or pick one--there are just three dresses lying on a bed and when you mouse over them a little preview of her wearing them pops up. Blew my mind.

    The actual story is pretty boring: the MC is a single dad with four daughters who all want to have sex with him for some reason. He's starting a job teaching at their school and the cheerleader coach ends up being a girl he babysat until she was 12 who has always had a crush on him and been saving herself for him (that's not even the most insane thing about her character). For their first date they go to a pizza parlor and the park. I'm not gonna be all judgy here but it's extremely Drake-coded.

    Anyway, the MC is just a dorky normal guy but every woman he meets lusts after him for no good reason. The closest the story gets to conflict is when one of your daughters gets mad about you possibly dating outside the family but that gets resolved in about five minutes and then it's one big happy harem. Also, your new girlfriend mentions she hasn't showered in three weeks and... I have questions. Maybe everyone has COVID and lost their sense of smell.

    So that's it. Women throw themselves at the MC and he occasionally briefly reflects before going for it. It's boring. It's porn. It's something you throw on and fap to and then close and that's a shame given how good the author is at making a game in Ren'py.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game ios excellent have great renders and top notch writing and relationship Progression. But then you would be thinking why it is 3 stars ?

    Because it is frankly creepy and unsettling in how realistically approach its premise. What I look for in incest tyope game is escapism with taboo context. This spoils it by making it realistic.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story, very well written, a unique ui that should be included in may other games this is easily top 5 games I've played and it's only at v0.07 so much room for more of the story to unfold can't wait for more updates keep up the great work
    Chef's kiss to the dev ‍
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    It has a story that is a bit too slow burn for me. Since the game is already in the early stages, the content will probably end suddenly, but there's a lot of text to read to start with and I don't think the content is enough to make it worth your time. The game was a bit boring for me with so many slice of life scenes. Another problem I had with the story is that it progress like a kinetic novel. Sometimes you make choices, but they seem to be just about whether you want to see the scenes or not, and you can't choose anything that affects the story. This makes it even more boring to have to read so much dialog. The only thing I like are the animations and renders.
    Likes: k2ren
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked the cool story line and choices, animations are solid as well. fun to play. was a bit rough having to redo the whole thing again but if was fun. love the blood or no blood option as well. looking forward to upcoming updates!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    First time leaving a review so bare with me , but it's an alright game with an amazing premise the only problem is there is almost no content with actual lolis (other then the oldest but lets be honest here peeps , thats not why we came here)and that's why im giving it a 3 currently also not that much sexual content so expect kind of a slowbuildup (exception being izzy) all in all 3 stars.. till we bang more then one daughter, little edit for the dev too : No body came her to fuck their neice ! Change the name of the game if your so determined to keep the rose around edit : nevermind this guy is so unwilling to listen to comments that he'll ban you so do yourself a favor a pass on this one , unless you like when your opinion is meaningless to DEV therefore redacted from 3 stars to 2
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Tried it, it is not for me.
    I love good harem games, I love incest as a kink, and in the vast sea of son-mother and sisters games, daughter-dad is always a good thing, but sadly, the game falls flat for me.

    Harem works for me either if it is completely over the top fun, with a magic MC with a wondrous dick, in a game that is humorous and presents the situation with a wink to the player, like "we both know this is just stupid fun, but it is indeed fun, so let you and me roll with it."
    Or the other variant, where you have to work for the harem to come into existence and where even if you do everything right, not every woman might be willing to become a part.
    Harems should either be pure sexy fun (and don't overstay their welcome) or a conquest, where you slowly convince the possible members and wear down their defences.

    The same goes in a way for incest games, there are a few where it starts pretty soon to go all in, but is done so funny, sexy and hot that I can live with it, yet in general the draw is the taboo here, and a taboo normally shouldn't be something that is overcome right at the start, even the MC themselves or whoever initiates the pairing should be hesitant and reluctant, maybe even be shocked over what they want to do/did.

    It can work differently, hell I know at least one or two games with a very similar set-up that work halfway decent, but here... the ambition is there, the drive is there, but I think the writing skill just isn't.

    I just don't find it interesting that all the girls are into the plan from the start and the MC is so passive and almost dominated by his daughters.
    Honestly, a dad can't let himself be pushed around like that, he would be a bad dad in actual live.

    I'll give this a three due to the relatively low quality of writing and a story that is just not convincing how it is told, but I won't rate it worse, because it's not the game's fault that it isn't the kind of harem/incest game that I enjoy.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    the Daddy Plan
    version #: 0.6g

    Story - 4, fairly standard all daughters want to seduce dad story, with slight mystery of who is doing most of the planning behind it. Doesn't have a really long buildup, but it's not instant either.
    Originality - 3, good story, but nothing earthshatteringly original.
    Renders - 4, nice looking girls with small chests, which is a nice change. MC doesn't look awful like in most AVNs.
    Blood looks black instead of red, and doesn't change/smear at all, so could use some improvement.
    Sound - 2, basic repetitive background music. some moaning.
    Playability - no issues,
    Performance - no issues,
    Bugs - none noticed,
    Animations - 3-4, fiarly basic marionette movements early game, but they get better. added selection of angles are nice.
    Voice Acting - n/a,
    Grammar - 4, don't think I've noticed many issues, aside from the MC's mind-numbing and incomplete phrase; "have a good, be a good".
    Amount of content - 3, not a ton yet, but what's there is nice.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game particularly because all of the characters are sexy and to my taste meaning no fat asses and no huge tits. The story is entertaining, but the pace is such that you do not feel like you are reading a novel and waiting for the good parts to finally arrive. The humor adds something whether that is realism or the ability to immerse yourself in the story I cannot specify but it is an important component. I look forward to where Rose and the girls take the MC going forward. I would make suggestions but why spoil a good thing.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This is all in all a good game, and well worth a try.
    Renders, are great, sex scenes could be a bit longer and better to make them even better, but they are OK like they are.
    The writing is not the very best out there, but all in all it is a great game!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very good. As always I can't wait to see how things turn out. I am a huge fan of your work! I wish you had more original content like this! The games you are involved in turn out much better than they would originally keep up the good work!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    a decent premise, but the plot falls way short (everyone is related and everyone wants to bang MC)
    Visuals are decent, animations are subpar. they get a bit better towards the end of v0.05, but certainly need more attention and love
    Models are fine, if a bit samey, except the hideous MC (shown way too much and way too much ginger chesthair)

    it's all a bit contrived, MC has no agency, there is no development in either characters or story, choices are "show scene" or "don't show scene"
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    On another day I might have rated this more generously, but playing this immediately after a game with genuinely great writing only serves to highlight how bad the writing is in an average offering. There was just no soul, no artistry, the attempts at humor fell flat, the plot was full of contrivances and man...

    I'm sure I could go on, but you get the point and I don't really derive joy from crapping all over peoples creative efforts. But I think there's enough proof out there that these games can have good writing that when I play one that doesn't it's hard not to be disappointed
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm going to be direct in my analysis, everyone played the same game so I don't need to explain everything, since everyone saw the same things.
    What I didn't like was the fact that the girls, the daughters of the house, boss their father around, and the father simply always obeys and lowers his head to everything the daughters tell him... like a femdom that shouldn't occur in a normal situation. The father of the family never has a say in anything, as it's always "talk between women" "shiu daddy the girls are talking"
    I feel like everything was planned behind my back,
    They all have a desire for their father, one of the daughters wants to take the place their deceased mother had,
    The girlfriend that the father gets through school work is included in this plot, they all get together and plot something in the long term to get the father to have a harem.
    But what made me stop playing was when all this shit goes bad and goes to the father, and the girls stay silent. The youngest daughter, the redhead, makes the father's mother-in-law catch the father kissing his own daughter, who in this case cheating on his own girlfriend
    on purpose even though she knew that everything would go bad... like a super villain in a movie... wtf
    and the father, together with the player, is placed in a bad situation of "let's talk" between the father-in-law, the mother-in-law and the girlfriend and the daughter, all in the same room, with everything left to the father who barely participated in the "conversations between women".
    I like harem games, most of my games are like that... but when they do it to screw the player and the lis are cool even though it's their idea... then I don't like it so much anymore
    leaving that aside and talking about something less important.,.. the game is pretty much without a climax... the whole gameplay revolves around the girls planning something behind their father's back... without any climax happening... like a " silice of life", each scene in the game is planned to always happen the same thing that has been going on since the beginning of the game, the same conversations about the same subjects.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Kind of weird. Not bad weird, just different weird.

    At first, I didn't completely understand the title of the game, but after a few in-game days of the gameplay, I think I have it figured out. The MC isn't so much the active mover and shaker in this story, he is merely a game piece on the board... and his daughters are all taking turns moving him around. Just as game plans in sport are for the players to enact upon the game, the Daddy Plan is a plan for the daughters to enact upon their unsuspecting but go-along-to-get-along Daddy. There might be kinks in the plan along the way, just as there are in any good game plan, but the meme applies even here: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. Come hell or high water, they will see their Daddy's harem to fruition.

    I appreciate that you've added a walkthrough. Seems like it would be silly not to since that's become a hallmark for you. Would be absurd to read about some modder tacking on a walkthrough mod to your game, of all things. Fortunately, even though you've added it to the game, it doesn't really seem all that necessary: Choices are kept to a minimum, which I also appreciate. I don't think we need to require the player make every choice for the MC, especially those choices of the more mundane variety.

    The pacing seems a little fast. Possibly just feels that way because I'm late to the party, but it didn't feel like I had gone through a lot of content to get to at least one daughter trying to get the Daddy plan snowball rolling downhill. Unless the story is getting that plan in motion quickly, and the daughters spending the remainder of the game managing the harem roster, membership dues, or harem leadership council meetings with veto measures... in which case, fair.

    Graphic quality is good. MC is pretty detailed, kind of a... hairy everyman. His face and head could use some work: his hair is noticeably thinning more than most MCs I've seen--the banner image makes him look much better than he does in most scenes, though that could be due to good lighting--but I'm really impressed with the detail of short-but-plentiful chest hair, good to see he's not yet another hairless science experiment gone wrong. MC has this Irish look about him; it's unique for an MC. Also the MC clearly has a thing for redheads between his late wife and Rose, MC's first real dating prospect since his wife's passing. Not quite sure how the MC and his dearly departed ended up with a couple of blonde kids out of the deal unless there were a lot of blonde genes in the family tree above the parental level--pretty much everywhere, in fact. More notable example of this is Chloe, who has this Scandinavian look with her bleach blonde eyebrows. I say more notable because her slightly older twin sister looks like their copper-topped mother with a bob. At least they're both the same model with the same eye color.

    Animations could use some work. They're smooth, fluid, but kind of basic. Didn't really notice until after I started writing up my review when my critical eye started looking for it on the Colorado trip. Kat and MC in the RV, the morning after the first night? That dick might as well be made of stone, cause it don't move. For that matter, neither do Kat's fingers, the whole thing assembly just moves up and down. I won't take stars for it yet because I've seen some games do worse... somehow.

    It has music. I like music. The music works. Not much else to say there.

    I'll give it five stars until I see a good reason to take any away.

    Edit: I like how oblivious the MC can be sometimes.

    "No, not mad. Maybe a little disappointed. How would you feel if I played with you while you were sleeping?"
    "That's actually one of my fantasies, Daddy."

    Why? Why-- why would you ask that knowing what you know now? Di-- did you really think you were going to get some innocent "Huh... I don't know how I'd feel" and a shrug?
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game.

    We need more incest romance in this world.

    This game has beautiful daughters and a caring loving father.
    The renders look good and the writing is good too.
    It also has the the WT built in, which is a huge plus for me.
    I hope the daughters and the other LIs are all getting bred by the MC.

    If you like harem, incest and romance this is for you.

    The only thing that I'm not a fan of is the MCs design, but it's tolerable.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Girls are nicely rendered but they (and other women) absolutely throw themselves at MC and declare their love constantly. It's like MC is very very needy.

    The MC is absolutely hideous. He is most definitely what comes to mind when uttering the phrase sex crimes and sadly his face and hair is on screen every other frame which makes it really hard to focus on anything else.

    The UI is done well, which should not be underrated since the UI can have a massive negative impact when done badly
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The game offers enjoyment but leans a bit too easily into seduction, warranting a call for added dramatic tension. Exceptional models and well-crafted characters with engaging personalities contribute to a positive gaming experience. The inclusion of incestuous elements adds a distinctive dimension. Events unfold effortlessly, suggesting an opportunity for more nuanced challenges. On a positive note, the plot is evolving, becoming increasingly intriguing as the game progresses, promising added complexity and engagement in later stages.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The Daddy Plan v0.04 Review

    I begin by stating that I almost entirely concur with MikesDK review of Aug 17, 2023. There are a few additions to his very appropriate review of, I assume, v0.02.

    1) Given that Shaddy is a very experienced Ren'Py modder, it is understandable that he has included a veritable cornucopia of options for the display, etc. of this game. Included is a walkthrough, the ability to choose among four different fonts, dialogue text size, Text Box darkness, MC and Daughters' names, Daughters' "Pet Names", and Daughters' ages, even the name of the school can be customized by the Player!. While changing the name of the MC is quite common, the use of the other listed options is quite rare.

    I can understand that a game developer has to present characters' ages as being 18+, but in most games of this type there are serious discrepancies between the stated ages and the actual depiction of university/college life. In my playthrough, I opted for a Private High School setting with the Daughters' ages ranging from 14 to 16 - In the US, virtually all High School Students are 18 upon graduation. I, myself, turned 18 just two days after my commencement ceremony as I was one of the youngest members of my class. I felt the reduced ages were consistent with the Daughters' models and yet still provided for each Daughter to attend the same school and rationalize the use of a school uniform. American (as in the US) colleges and universities only require uniforms for students if they are Military Academies, otherwise students wear whatever clothes they prefer - mostly involving blue jeans. If only other game developers would offer the same options to the players! A big Plus to Shaddy for making these options available to us.

    2) The models used for the characters are based upon some DAZ models that have been available for a few years. However, I do believe Shaddy has managed to perform some morphing/tweaking of the characters to the point where they are no longer identical to the models we've seen being used in other games. I was especially pleased to see that he managed to give the Daughters a family resemblance that give no doubt they are all sisters, yet distinct from one another. The use of additional hair assets (including appropriate "wet" hair assets) helped distinguish his characters from the stock DAZ models.

    The game includes a lot of redheads! For some reason, the games on F95 seems to include a disproportionate serving of redheads (they represent about 5% of the population, IRL) yet are probably three quarters or more of the characters in this game! I'm not opposed to having redheads in a game, but I do object to the liberal use of freckles which are appropriately included in the redheaded characters. Equally a matter of taste is the use of small breasted, slim-built models even for the 24 year-old Rose. I realize there exists a common expectation by consumers of VN's that there needs to be Big Breasted, Big Assed female characters. I believe Shaddy deserves credit and a loud "Thank You" for bucking this trend and avoiding the grotesque models that seem to populate almost all VN's. Generally, I give the models a plus for the effort to distinguish the characters from the stock models. As a matter of taste, I think the abundance of redheads is something of a slight minus. Perhaps, a slight net plus to the models.

    Note: A few of the renders have the skin tone of some of the characters shift from a consistent pale complexion (less melanin in general for redheads and blondes) to a nut-brown skin tone. In fact, it sometimes seems the skin tone has been replaced by the freckle skin tone. I point to the scenes in v0.03 with four characters in the pool while the MC and eldest daughter are standing at the grill, and the v0.04 "Daddy/Daughter Date" with Chloe, the blonde twin. I have to give a bit of a minus to the game's renders for the shifted skin tones.

    3) huge43 stated, in his review of Oct 28, 2023 (v0.30), that the story is basically a "Single Again" clone/copy. I can understand his reaction, as this is pretty much a matter of the Daughters pressing/manipulating the MC to become "corrupted" and have sexual relationships with them. The similarity between the two games is obvious. There are a limited number of plotlines available to VN developers, especially if incest is a major theme. The "Single Again" theme is one of the less frequently used and I don't fault Shaddy for using it for this game. There are, of course, differences between the two stories, especially the presence of the MC's relationship with his colleague and former baby-sitting victim Rose.

    Some complain about the relationship with Rose, a 24 year-old face from the MC's past, as the Player has no choice but to accept her involvement with the MC. I suppose, in the best of all possible worlds, the player should be able to veto any possible relationship between a character and the MC. I find however, that even in sand-box games, the MC is hard-wired to have relationships with certain characters on an almost universal basis. How many times have I tried to avoid having an 18 year-old MC getting it on with their middle-aged Mothers? At least Shaddy tried to explain Rose's obsession with the MC in providing her background information relayed to the Player in v0.04. More surprising is the implication that the MC has been celibate for the past several years since the death of his (redheaded, big surprise!) spouse. In v.0.04, the player begins to grasp the need for the Rose character. Described as being in love with the MC since puberty, she understandably becomes a co-conspirator and mentor to the MC's conniving Daughters. Additionally, it is Rose who provides the impetus for the MC and family road trip "out to Colorado" to visit Rose's parents. It seemed to me that some real effort was made to make the Boulder location believeable. The use and representation Denver's Pearl Street Mall and likely side trips to rock climbing and hot springs destinations were realistic and helped impart some immersion to the VN. Perhaps Shaddy is familiar with the Boulder/Denver area, or perhaps he just managed to perform some research on the area.

    Was it just me, or did others feel the fire that consumed the characters' school seemed likely to be arson? Perhaps this will feature in further releases of the VN. This would add a bit of drama to what is otherwise a fairly bland plot, full of characterization and background but destitute of any conflict. I don't expect our MC to wind up destroying or co-opting the Mafia in this VN, but we will need some sort of story beyond just the MC being manipulated by his Daughters into incestuous relations. I hope the upcoming release of v0.05 (expected in Mid-January) will introduce some sort of improvement on the plot or, at least, bring the heavy characterization/backstory focus to a conclusion.

    4) Shaddy is almost undoubtedly a native speaker of American English. This is a real relief from the "Engrish" or poor English translations found in many VN's. While some grammatical errors and word usage errors (such as the confusion of "too" and "to") exist in the dialogue, it is not too bad were it not for the fact that the Daughters have been raised by a schoolteacher. It would be a nifty little bit of business to have a Daughter say, "It's going good," only to have her MC father correct her to, "It's going well." "That too, Da-ad." (flounce!)

    Overall Grade: 4.5*
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I had high hopes for this VN and ended up disappointed.

    I don't mind red hair, actually I have no real preference except this story emphasizes red a little too much though that wasn't the biggest issue for me.

    Having a relationship with Rose forced on us was the killer. If she had been left optional it would have been fine. In my eyes I see her as more a side girl than a main LI and forcing the issue didn't change that.

    The models and renders look good, it's more a matter of the direction of the story line. Also the reaction of the daughters towards dad becoming involved with Rose felt counterintuitive to their goal concerning dad.