First release with Version 1.0.... someone don't understand Versioning Systems

I will check back when it has a few more Updates under its Belt...
I think you are the one who doesn't understand the version numbering.
The dev is correct with his schema. You should do your research before making a comment.
A semantic version number is made up of the following parts:
Major release number
(major release) usually indicates extremely significant changes to the programme - for example, if the programme has been completely rewritten (e.g. GIMP 2.x after version 1.x) or if interface compatibility cannot be maintained for libraries.
Minor release number
(minor release) usually refers to the functional extension of the programme.
Revision number
(patch level or micro release) usually contains bug fixes.
Build number
(The build number usually indicates the progress of the development work in individual steps, i.e. it is increased by one with each compilation of the code, starting at 0001, for example. Version 5.0.0-3242 would therefore stand for the 3242nd compilation product of a software. If version control systems are used, a number is often used instead of the build number that uniquely identifies the sources for the compilation within the version control system. This makes it easier to find the corresponding sources in the event of an error.
Example for the 2nd version of a programme, in the 3rd minor version and in the 5th error correction, build 0041:
│ │ │ └────── Build number
│ │ └───────── Revision number
│ └─────────── Minor version number
└───────────── Main version number