3.70 star(s) 50 Votes


Steam Fanboy
Feb 25, 2024
Here's a bit of the development history and financial problems.

Progress Update #12 - The Waiting Game!
Hey all,

I wanted to jump back on and give a little update on episode 6 and what we're waiting on.

Right now we're in the waiting phase. Just waiting for animations to render, and once those are done, I can drop them in, add audio/achievements, and that'll be episode 6 done. There aren't a lot of animations ( 12 total ) but each one takes about 14 hours to render, and I can only render during the night ( as I'm working on wthi during the day ).

At the moment, 8 are rendered and another 4 need rendering, so that's another 4 nights of rendering, then a couple of days to add audio and achievements, test everything together, and we should be good to go.

I'm not going to give an exact date, but expect a release sometime next week, providing nothing fucks up.

I also don't want you to think I've spent the last month or so sitting on my arse waiting for shit to render ( although... mostly I have... ). The script work for episode 7 is finished ( apart from audio and achievements), and the art for the first 3 scenes is being worked on as we speak. I think a release 2 months from the release of episode 6 is possible... but don't quote me :p

And as I said in previous posts, my financial situation at the moment is no bueno, so I've been working on another mini story with Emi; expect that in a couple months too.

I should note, if you have played Emi - New Beginnings and you also play the cabin, you'll need to play the new Emi game before episode 7 of the cabin, as it all ties in.

Episode 6 - A little update!
Hey all.

I wanted to jump back in and provide another brief update, along with a potential release date for episode 6. The script and art have both been finished for a while, and I just finished rendering all the stills ( although going through them, a few fixes are needed ) and I also need to render the animations too.

I was looking to release this month, but with the changes to previous scenes, I don't think that'll be possible, but I do expect a release within the first 2 weeks of next month.

That being said, by the time episode 6 is released, I expect to have the script for episode 7 finished ( I have 2 scenes left to do ) and also have a good chunk of the art done ( I currently have the art for 1 scene finished for episode 7 ).

Yeah, so certainly starting to make some good progress. That being said though, I'm not working alone as I have someone else helping with the art, and I can't thank them enough; they're really helping me get things moving at a much faster pace. But, due to Emi, The Cabin, and AE having been released on Steam for a long time now, funds over here are really starting to dry up, so I think I'll probably take him off working on art for the cabin and get him to work on another small game like Emi ( a really small game ). I just need to do something since I'm at a point where once everything is paid out, I'm really struggling to pay rent and get through the month. But releasing a small game will fix all of that, and since someone else will be working on the art, I don't think it'll slow me down on the cabin and I understand that not everyone is happy with that and it's fine if you don't want to buy another game but I have to do what's best for me and it's something that'll allow me to continue to work.

One thing I've learned from doing steam is never release a game as early access! Finish the game and then release it! Lesson learned :p

The Plotting of The Cabin - Update
Hey all,

It's been a while since my last report on here, so I had to jump on real quick and let you guys know what's been going on.

As I said last time, I wanted to take March off to plot out the whole game before continuing, and I'm sad to say I failed. I have a decent chunk planned out and am currently plotting out the middle of episode 13. Originally, the game was supposed to be around 10–12 episodes long; it wasn't going to be super long, but since things went so slow between episodes 1–5 with basically no sexual content, I feel I need to keep that pace in order for the sex to make sense. So now, it's looking like the game could be around 20 episodes.

I have slowed down a little with the planning too, just because I got a little burnt out near the end of March, but I'm back at it now and making decent strides again. I hope to have it all finished by the end of the month (or at least have up to 16 done), and once this month's plotting is done, I'm going to start the conversion process for episode 6 next month.

I also tend to get incredibly bored when writing for the same game for a prolonged period of time, and to fix that boredom, I tend to write, which sounds stupid, but I write something that has something to do with what I was writing, soooo I accidentally wrote out another mini game. I know, I know, I'm a bitch, but I wrote it in a weekend; it's about the same size at Adverse Effects, AND it got me back to working on The Cabin and stopped my writers block, so I guess it was a good thing...

The new game is called Nora - Forest Nights, and while I work on the plotting for The Cabin, I'll be working on the art for that. I already have about 25% of the art finished, so it shouldn't take too long to get it done, and I guess you can expect the sales page to be up soon.

I really appreciate your patience and I know that once we get out of the planning phase and production on episode 6 starts, everything will start flowing much smoother.

Work on The Cabin
The plans for the cabin are changing...
Hey all,

I wanted to jump on and let you guys know what's been occurring and what'll be occurring in the coming months.

I'll start by saying that Wizard and I are no longer working together. I'm not going to go into much detail about why, but work from the both of us over the last 6 months to a year just hasn't been as good as it should have been, and I think it'll be better for the game if I continue on my own. I made promises of speedy releases, and over the last 2 months, we have around 300 lines of code and around 40 renders to show for it, which isn't on at all. Wizaed said he had another 700 lines done, but I never saw it, so I can't honestly vouch for it. I have no reason to disbelieve him, but it never made its way into my hands.

So, what does that mean for The Cabin? Well, the first thing I've done is pause Patreon payments ( which wont effect you guys ), and they'll continue to be paused until I make some progress. The second thing I want to do is go back through episodes 1–5 and make notes of any plot points and track all variables so I know what everything does. The third will be to write out a plot for the entire game, something I've wanted to do for a long time but could never get Wiz to agree on. The process of tracking variables, plotting points, and writing a draft of the whole game should take me around a month ( but could move into 2 ), and I hope to have it finished by the end of March. Once that full draft is done, I'll then convert episode 6 into a renpy playable script and work on the art for it, which I hope will take another month, but that process could be as long as 2 months. Once episode 6 is finished and released, I will then convert every other game episode into renpy format and get the whole of the game finished (in terms of script) before starting on the art for episode 7. I want to do that since that'll make releases past episode 7 so much faster.

I know it sounds like a weird way of doing things, but trust me, it's what I did for Nordstrums Treasure, and I loved the process of doing that. I know this'll make the process at The Cabin faster, and I know it'll make me start enjoying working on The Cabin again.

I know this isn't the news anyone wanted to hear, but I feel like it's something I have to do if I want to have any hope of actually finishing The Cabin. I think in 2023 we will release 2-3 episodes, and that's just not enough at all. I'm not saying it's Wizards fault, not at all; I'm to blame for a lot of it too.

Working on Nordstrums Treasure and Adverse Affects has shown me I am capable of doing it alone, and I look forward to what I can do for The Cabin. I feel like a lot of developers in this position would just abandon the game and start fresh under a new name, but I refuse to be one of those developers. Even if it takes me 20 years, The Cabin WILL see a finish! (although I hope it doesn't take 20 years.... )

I'll try to keep you updated over the next couple months with what's going on and how far I've come, and I hope you guys can understand. I also understand if you feel the need to remove your pledge, but Patreon will be paused, so either way, you won't be charged.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2018
And that's all of it? Holy hell) Dropped this game at episode 4 or smth, due to the plot becoming unbearably stupid with a wandering around the cabin maniac + characters imbecilic behavior. Game is almost 4 yo and judging by your screenshots there is still teenagers level of intimacy with MC's family, without any actual hot incestious family fucking for all this time. And on top of it, if I understood correctly, Dev already started cucking his own old MC and turning his LI into a cheating whore. How can anyone who worked so many years in the adult game industry be so dumb in the question of common sense to make so dumb and obvious mistakes in writing enjoyable and romantic AVN with supposedly great waifus? I have a feeling that Dev just accepted a shady big donation from some NTR lovers to turn the game in this direction, and after, Dev just tries to justify it and feed his bullshit to his fanbase with some utterly braindead explanations)
From past experiences, it was probably a cuck that threw like 20 bucks at him to do it, and like a common whore he complied even if it would be a slap in the face for his log time supporters. It is what it is, just time to blacklist another dev
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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2023
From past experiences, it was probably a cuck that threw like 20 bucks at him to do it, and like a common whore he complied even if it would be a slap in the face for his log time supporters. It is what it is, just time to blacklist another dev
Apparently, the dev was more than happy to drop to his knees. What the hell is the point in bringing Emi in? Don't we have enough lis?


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2020
Emi has a LI point, so why did this game turn into an NTR game for me? The biggest drawback of having the same female protagonist across different games is precisely this. I don’t understand why they had to include Emi and give her a route. As someone who has played both games and dislikes NTR, I feel extremely conflicted.
Even worse, I am cucking myself, as I named both guys after myself.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2020
Me too, this is why I don't understand the "problem".
Emi will be fucked by "Nulldev" instead of "Nulldev", oh the horror!
To me, the problem is she is cheating on bamachine with bamachine, behind his back. If they(bamachine and Emi from the side games) discussed and agreed to having an open relationship, that would be fine. They did not, so she is actually cheating, if they(cabin bamachine and Emi) end up doing something.

The only games where I enjoy cheating, is when playing a fmc game and their husband/bf is a loser, worthy of being cheated on.

irl, I hate cheating. If you are not happy with your relationship, either break up/divorce or get your partner to agree to an open relationship.

I was married for 10 years, got divorced(not due to cheating, just a lot of built up frustration on both sides), then was in two different swinging relationships for the next 15 years, until covid did a number on me and pretty much took me out of the game. I am slowly building myself back up but likely will never live a highly sexual life again. In the lifestyle, cheating is frowned on and not allowed at the parties.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2020
Straight up Emi character assassination and I genuinely can't believe the dev didn't back out of this, especially after seeing the general player base's feelings on the matter. Hope that big donation was worth it Cell as you've proven you can't be trusted
I guess, from the images I have seen posted, the dev thought he was giving an out by allowing the cabin mc to say he was not interested in her but it is still lingering, there in the code, that if he shows interest, so does she, which means she is considering cheating. The only way out of that would be her holding off until she discusses it with her brother but still, even if that happens, it really cheapens the "romance" between Emi and her brother.

In my playthrough of the Emi game, as the brother, I turned down any other females and went pure Emi route. If it was written as a harem game or they discussed her liking to see him with other women, then I might have messed with the other lasses.
Dec 22, 2024
Question for all who are against Emi as LI in this game. Was your MC loyal or did he fucked around in the Emi games?
I'll get ahead of you and intelligibly explain "what and why". The answer to QuEsTiOn is that I, like any other sane person, won't take seriously attempt of being lectured (Yep, its clear what you tried to pull right here to anyone who answers with expected by you answer) by some random from the internet on account of MC being a fuckboy and having a lot of girls, as a decent reason for those same girls to fuck around too, lol) I'm not ashamed (nor should I be) for liking power fantasies about harems with great loyal waifus or smth like that. What a dumb thing you tried to pull out here in hopes of shaming or proving wrong people for disliking Dev's dumb and displeasing game decisions, by making one of the characters from another his game a cheating, deceiving whore. Don't forget, if you, personally eat just anything on the plate, it doesn't change the fact that other people actually have preferences, tastes, and strong opinions about things :WeSmart: No wonder you like and eat everything he makes without any questions :KEK:

My ex herself played on the phone in a lot of dumb dating sims for girls about harems full of tall, six-pack, mysterious vampires who loved and worshipped female player without any reason and with absolute loyalty) And I didn't mind or lectured her about liking such games with these fantasies as long as they were only fantasies for self-enjoyment and didn't influence her perception of reality. I'm pretty sure that she'd understandably be frustrated/disappointed too if, for example, in the new update in one of her games, out of nowhere, one of her "boys" cheated on her character with some other female just because)

P.S. I don't care about exactly this game, its characters, etc. I just answered in general to your question about why exactly people don't like the bullshit decision that Dev made with the character.
3.70 star(s) 50 Votes