3.70 star(s) 50 Votes


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
View attachment 4259020
Never Again! It's Over! I'm Done!

I know what you're thinking... Where the fuck has this guy been, and what the fuck is he moaning about now? Well, allow me to elaborate.

First of all, I wish to apologise. I've done and said a lot of things over the years, and most of the time I either forget or just don't do what I'm going to do, and although most can be excused, not all can... Why do I feel like I'm writing some big apology post for something I didn't actually do?... "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!"

I feel like I started off wrong for what this post is actually supposed to be about, so allow me to restart...

Hey guys,
I wanted to jump on and quickly announce a couple of things. As you guys know, I've been working on a sequel to Emi called Emi: Long Road Home, and it's due to be released soon (first half of December).

That being said, that's not why I'm here. I'm not here to tell you that Emi is almost done and it's coming soon. I'm here to tell you that Emi is almost done and it'll be coming soon, but... it'll also be the last game I work on.


That being said... remember above when I said how over the years I've said some things, and most of the time they don't end up happening, so I feel like a liar? Well, Emi being the last game I work on is also a lie, but not really a lie. I should say it's the newest game that'll be the last game I work on...

Are you confused yet? Good, me too. What I'm trying to say while rambling away is that working on Long Road Home has shown me how much I really don't like working on smaller games anymore. Sure, they're good for a quick fap, but it's really hard to fit a decent story with developing characters into such a tiny play time.

Which is why, as I forgo mentioned, Emi will be the last ( new ) game I work on. I will of course still be working on The Cabin, and when I have free time, I'll still be working on and finishing Nordstrums Treasure ( I was working on that a little over this last week, and I'm really happy with how it's developing, dare I say... I think it might be the best game I've ever made ) But I could just be a little bias.

I'm going to sign off here with a little update on Long Road Home and The Cabin.

Long Road Home:
  • As I said above, it's pretty much finished; I'm just waiting for 4 animations to be finished, and then I need to render everything, add music/sfx, and achievements for Steam. I hope to have a release ready by the 15th of December.
The Cabin:
  • Work on the cabin has slowed down a little, but no where near what it has in recent years. The only reason it slowed down is simply because I needed to get animations done for Emi. But in terms of work, I have 5 scenes completed and another 4 left to do, which I plan on smashing out as soon as Emi is finished. I've also finsished the writing and finally thought up an ending to the game thanks to some of you guys :)
That's all I have for you for now, if you read through it all and made it this far, have a cookie if you skipped to the end, leave that cookie alone, it's not for you! Naughty!


Active Member
Dec 2, 2021
Well that was about the second most messy thing I read today.
But why does he never mention that he works on WTHI?


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2017
View attachment 4259020
Never Again! It's Over! I'm Done!

I know what you're thinking... Where the fuck has this guy been, and what the fuck is he moaning about now? Well, allow me to elaborate.

First of all, I wish to apologise. I've done and said a lot of things over the years, and most of the time I either forget or just don't do what I'm going to do, and although most can be excused, not all can... Why do I feel like I'm writing some big apology post for something I didn't actually do?... "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!"

I feel like I started off wrong for what this post is actually supposed to be about, so allow me to restart...

Hey guys,
I wanted to jump on and quickly announce a couple of things. As you guys know, I've been working on a sequel to Emi called Emi: Long Road Home, and it's due to be released soon (first half of December).

That being said, that's not why I'm here. I'm not here to tell you that Emi is almost done and it's coming soon. I'm here to tell you that Emi is almost done and it'll be coming soon, but... it'll also be the last game I work on.


That being said... remember above when I said how over the years I've said some things, and most of the time they don't end up happening, so I feel like a liar? Well, Emi being the last game I work on is also a lie, but not really a lie. I should say it's the newest game that'll be the last game I work on...

Are you confused yet? Good, me too. What I'm trying to say while rambling away is that working on Long Road Home has shown me how much I really don't like working on smaller games anymore. Sure, they're good for a quick fap, but it's really hard to fit a decent story with developing characters into such a tiny play time.

Which is why, as I forgo mentioned, Emi will be the last ( new ) game I work on. I will of course still be working on The Cabin, and when I have free time, I'll still be working on and finishing Nordstrums Treasure ( I was working on that a little over this last week, and I'm really happy with how it's developing, dare I say... I think it might be the best game I've ever made ) But I could just be a little bias.

I'm going to sign off here with a little update on Long Road Home and The Cabin.

Long Road Home:
  • As I said above, it's pretty much finished; I'm just waiting for 4 animations to be finished, and then I need to render everything, add music/sfx, and achievements for Steam. I hope to have a release ready by the 15th of December.
The Cabin:
  • Work on the cabin has slowed down a little, but no where near what it has in recent years. The only reason it slowed down is simply because I needed to get animations done for Emi. But in terms of work, I have 5 scenes completed and another 4 left to do, which I plan on smashing out as soon as Emi is finished. I've also finsished the writing and finally thought up an ending to the game thanks to some of you guys :)
That's all I have for you for now, if you read through it all and made it this far, have a cookie if you skipped to the end, leave that cookie alone, it's not for you! Naughty!
ELI5 Now what happens? o_O
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Apr 19, 2020
anims in game folder shows MC have sex with Hazel but which root? I've tried almost everything!!! somebody knows the walkthrough for that


Dec 7, 2023
I'm doing a replay after I bought it on Steam, but I don't really want to make this comment on those forums.

It seems to me that the unspoken-but-understood relationships are that Lisa is MC's sister, Grace is his mother, her husband his father of course, and Hazel is his aunt (Grace's sister.) Not having the necessary kink installed, I push the relationships out to Lisa being a cousin and Grace an Aunt (and her husband is an Uncle.) However, that makes some of the phrasing weird because Lisa refers to Grace using MC's relationship to Grace instead of her own, because it isn't defined and is assuming Lisa is MC's sister. And actually she does this with Grace's husband as well.

Nothing really has to be changed in the relationship definition stage if we accept that Lisa is Grace's daughter, just some dialogue has to be adjusted that is incorrectly referencing the MC's relationship to Grace. Meaning, anytime Lisa refers to Grace it should just be as "Mom", not whatever the MC's relationship is. Grace's husband (I still can't remember his name) should be just "Dad" to Lisa. And Lisa to Hazel would also be just Aunt.

If that is not supposed to be assumed, then Lisa's relationship with each adult needs to be defined. But this is just a fig leaf to allow for sale on Steam and Patreon and whatnot so I don't expect a ton of work would be put into this, I'm just hoping the easily dialogue fix is considered.
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Feb 17, 2024
Great VN
Great visuals and good story (with some mystery)
MC is quite good and most LIs are beautiful and interesting (Aunt is extremely hot and also love the sister(main li))
i liked the fact that there is no forced paths so we can also do solo path or harem path and we can reject the li
and also loved the fact that the sister is virgin and straight (so no bi or forced lesbian which is something im fed up with most of VNs especially with sisters LIs), so thanks dev for this.
Overall i enjoyed it
ps i hope dev dont forget this VN and we can have a few more chapters and a nice ending
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Reactions: Ara-sH and tmu500
3.70 star(s) 50 Votes