Let's talk about what's being moral when you pirate the game for free.
I pirate because I'm sick of fucking death of developers taking money and not delivering. I'm sick of paying full price in most cases for a title only to find it's shite. And because for some reason digital media has less rights than say physical items, I am expected to be stuck to the purchase.
But does that mean I pirate and not support the developer? No. Absolutely not. I pirate, sure. And if I find a game is something I find I like or enjoy, I support the developer. I am currently supporting 21 developers on Patreon right now. And 2 on another platform. Those developers I find are deserving of their cost, the rest? Absolutely not.
If you wish to play the "F95 is for piracy" game, then sure - you'll find that the most here are happy to pirate and a good portion are happy to go on and support development. If you think piracy is harmful to a developer (I am a developer myself) then you're living in the 90's and have no clue how valuable an asset it can actually be.
Edit - fact is - large companies like EA, Ubisoft, EPIC etc all claim that piracy harms sales. It doesn't. I work in 3D industry and, I find a lot of our paying customers actually come from piracy channels, groups etc. They come over because they see the benefit in paying for something. When it comes to triple A titles, etc - in my case, I'm going to steal before I buy. My now 800 game library in steam proves that. I often "try before I buy" and, I think that's fine.
I'm tired of developers hiding behind the "I'm an indie developer" argument and not delivering. Fact is, if you want to create something for the open marketplace of ideas, you best be satisfied when that same marketplace decides your products fate.