- Apr 30, 2019
- 262
- 309
Yeah it occurred to me that farming the last boss can get you any score.Take your time and you can break any score
Elaria is basically hard mode of this game imo but i keep come back to her because those pets kinda cute c:
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I gave it a shot a few hours ago and farmed 40 monsters there. Got over 52K.
Buttt.... it's grindy and not fun. 100 rounds and I had ENOUGH.
Dusk is seriously OP. both defense and offence. And unless you plan to farm, there is no point to even look at defense (you may as well even dump shadow-step once you stabilize your deck) since all fights end on the 1st round. 2nd if there are undead.
To those who wish to know the strategy -
Kunai x 2
Whip x 1
Apothecary x 1
Alchemist x 1
Shadowstep x 1 (I'm wondering what would be best to replace it with after deck is stable... maybe crowd funding?)
Sneaky Surprise x As many as you can get
Sleight of Hand - Basically a lesser version of sneaky surprise. can't hurt to have this, if you happen to spot it.
Strategy -
Use Sneaky Surprise until you have all your cards out (in case you have an odd number to draw, use Apothecary once before).
After all cards are out do Alchemist + Apothecary combo, up your strength, and pull them again with Sneaky Surprise.
Repeat as long as you can.
If you have plenty of energy remaining after, repeat but replace Sneaky Surprise with Slight of Hand.
If you won't kill everything on the 1st round, leave 2 energy after this whole process, otherwise just 1.
Whip + 2 Kunai.
This should have killed everything, if it didn't, shadow-step.
If there is a 2nd round - Alchemist + Apothecary + Whip + 2 Kunai and *Done*, nothing should remain.
First powerup + Energy, 2nd + Draw.
Try to get whip ASAP, first remove the 2 Slash cards, you can upgrade "Green Thumb" once each if you feel it will make you more stable until the first boss, but remember you're going to replace those with apothecary after the 1st boss.
Upgrading Whip is lowest priority. Upgrading any Sneaky surprises you have is top.
There is no need for any healing since you won't be taking damage. If for some reason you did take damage, you can shrine heal once somewhere. If you have Money always aim to get Sneaky Surprise at the closest shop among your purchases.
Congrats, you're an untouchable powerhouse.