VN - Ren'Py - Tales from the Unending Void [v0.21 Extra] [Perverteer]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of things I really like about this game, and I very much wished it dealt better with some of the problems I'm about to describe, but unfortunately, they're present. I won't waste much time talking about the things the game does right, most of the reviews here already do that. If you're only going to read this one, just know it's a good game, and I'm deliberately only commenting on things that could be improved.

    The game is about a young man who's had his easygoing life completely uprooted when a big prophecy starts to mess with everyone he knows. It's a little overdone, but the sci-fi spin on it freshens things up a bit. From there, the game turns into a bit of a coming of age story as he's forced to step up as leader of his ragtag bunch.

    There are some problems with the plot structure, where the very relaxed flow of the story betrays the very real urgency the plot puts on finding the missing sister and vice versa, but for the first half a dozen chapters or so, this isn't that big of a problem. Relationships develop nicely and the mix of social events with plot beats are done pretty well. But things start getting a little hazy further in.

    As relationships start all culminating into romances the game runs into the all too common problem of spreading itself too thin. Personal scenes, sexual or otherwise need to be compressed down so as to not have them ruin the pre-estabilished pacing. There's something perhaps intentional about this, as it does put the player in the shoes of the MC, who's also having his fair share of problems juggling all his relationships, which leads us to another problem.

    The MC is baaad about keeping things running smoothly. This once again bears some intentionality, I think. The character developments mirror the story in the sense that the MC is learning as he goes, but that doesn't mean it all makes sense. His criteria for who to keep in the dark about his poligamous streak is baffingly random.

    I understand the need to ease people he's already in a relationship with slowly, so as to not fuck everything, but when he continues to develop romances with no preclaimer, that's just stupid. The conflicts that arrive from it are, as a result, perceived as shallow.

    Next is a problem I wouldn't usually comment on because porn is just porn, who cares, but the sheer ubiquity of sex scenes means it bears mentioning: For a game with such a wide variety of partners and circumstences, the sex is incredibly dull. You're presented with the same sex scene with different backgrounds time and time again. To the devs credit, an attempt to change this does seem to be in the plans, with Ziv topping, pregnant Aven and Celine anal all showing up in the most recent chapters.

    My last complaint is that the characters, though they all feel real and grounded in the context of the story, seem to only exist when the MC is around. They all have their own relationships, but almost all of it happens offscreen. Poor Kit seems to live in a pocket dimension for 95% of the game. Characters that should, by all means, constantly be on scenes together without the MC are just implied to have hung out at some point between the last personal scene and the current one, if at all. Raene and Ziv seemingly stop interacting at all, which is strange, Eva and Lilly just talk about hanging out but are seldom seen actually doing it, even Aven and Nadya only have a relationship when the cutscenes are on. Celine and Lilly, alleged best friends only have scenes together when they're fighting about the MC.

    Half of this is the way the game is structured. We very rarely see things that are happening far away from the MC, but there doesn't seem to be any particular reason as to why that is. I think the game would be greately improved if we saw any of the characters pass the Bechdel test once or twice.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Magnificent game it has to be said
    You go into space with a bunch of women some you are related to and you travel to different places and have sex with the people there, some of which you bring with you.

    Its kind of reminiscent of mass effect if instead of talking and shooting you are talking and fucking. REVOLUTIONARY STUFF. Now, the incest is slow burn for majority of game there isnt even sexual innuendos or "omg brother i can see you naked" moments, nada. Only after a certain event that comes quite a long time in does incestual things get going. And it just works its great. Maybe it is a bit disappointing that the time spent on the repression of urges due to the taboo is so short but its fine as is.

    You also get to have sex with sexy aliens every once in a while, you even get to keep a little alien sex slave if you so choose (YES ofc) or you can be a nice person and let her be your friend or some gay shit. Anyways slavery is a good thing.

    In terms of issues, I guess one could mention that it is incredibly linear harem game. You dont pick between person A or B ever. You pick between sex with B or no sex with B and why would you ever pick no sex so the option isnt really an option.

    Also all women are likable from the get go, there is very little character growth other than in their willingness to slobber on your knob. Breaking in a character is fun and in perveteers last game you had the black hair girl for example in that role. In the last game you also had diffrent paths for characters like SUB or love paths that could change the story entirely depending on which you choose. But I guess thats replaced by the SLAVE/LOVE paths but it isnt your sister so it doesnt feel the same.

    Story is some weird star wars fan fic you are luke skywalker but instead of virgin you get to fuck Leia. Not really but close enough. Its a good game one of the best for shizzle
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A genuinely interesting story, really good adult content and believable characters. Best game on here. The biggest criticism would be the title. This never attracted my attention because I assumed it was ESL. Real fun to play.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a high quality game that deserves the praise it receives. Storytelling, render quality, and creativity abound.

    For me, there are a couple things that prevent it from getting 5/5 rating:
    1) The main character. While Camran (or player's name) is generally a stand-up guy, he's also a spoiled brat whose backstory makes it difficult for me to invest in the character. The player has no agency over Camran's past as an immature, lazy, philanderer. Would much prefer to have closer to a blank slate here so that the player's choices shape MC's character.

    Physically, while there are worse MC models out there (including in Perverteer's previous title Sisterly Lust), there is still more to be desired. Particularly, MC's hairstyle is off-putting, and his 'package' is underwhelming (certainly nothing that the LI's would fight over).

    2) Forced non-human sex. An option at the start to disable any possible sex scenes with non-humans (either with or without MC's involvement) would be much appreciated. One of the first renders in the game involves the MC reminiscing about having sex with three non-humanoids prior to the events of the game. Not my thing, huge turnoff. A similar button to disable any trans content would also be greatly appreciated.

    Other than these points, the game is generally enjoyable, although heavy fetish elements put me off-mood during various points.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Miss Moonlight

    Peverteer has improved a lot like 100x more since sisterly lust. this is a masterpiece. Amazing music choose, Excellent story, It was an amzing experience from sttarill end of chapter 1 there was not a single moment where i felt bored or cringe. once i started i never wanted to stop. I hope this Visual novel gets more and more interesting by each update.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I am thoroughly enjoying this game. It has just the right amount of lewd scenes to go along with the pace of the story. And one doesn't overshadow the other. I am on episode 7 of the first season right now, and can't wait to see what's next. Hope this Dev keeps at it! 4 stars all the way!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Very impressed with the game, renders are a top notch, beautiful female characters, story is quite confusing but its understandable since it's just a prologue a very short one but seem interesting, Need more updates so i can give full support from this game...Good luck dev.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    [Review concerns 1-12 Steam version]

    I wish to fuck I had played the f95 copy before impulse-buying on Steam. I have Sisterly Lust over there sitting on almost 40 hours and five playthroughs so I thought I could trust this dev, and again fifteen bucks isn't enough money to give a crap about. Even so, after enduring this eight hour ordeal it seems like fifteen reasons to never spend another dime on an AVN.

    First, the glaring issue is that is set up as a wacky space romp with a huge cast of characters and tons of love interests. It feels like it will be a real "og Star Wars trilogy with tits," or even something like "Conan but in space." This directly evolves into the second massive problem here: it's too fucking long and boring. The pacing is terrible, and from several instances of British English making it through the "editing process" (LMAO) along with clearly at least two and perhaps up to five different people's writing styles I'm pretty sure the entire development process lost the plot somewhere. Literally.

    I can't believe I'm saying this is a negative, but yeah it is: there are way too many women to fuck and too many sex scenes. They lose ALL meaning by episode seven-ish, and by episode ten and reading "ribbed tunnel" for the seventieth time I just kept clicking through them all. The entire "Conan in space, but now also just regular Conan" arc is like thirty (no joke) sex scenes with some booooooring shit happening in between. Countless threesomes, foursomes, orgies, saying the phrase "ribbed tunnel," and almost copy-pasted descriptions turned my boredom into actual, physical anger.

    And I lost the will to live during episode 12 "a" and "b." Had I been intelligent and played here on f95 I would have shift-deleted the whole folder and forced a few nails into my spine in order to forget. But nah: I bought it with real money, I had to finish the thing. I even reloaded a couple saves to see if any major plot points change, but that would actually require the creativity so utterly lacking in the last 3-4 episodes--the dev/s clearly didn't give a shit anymore and just rushed it all out.

    So many things also make zero sense. The game repeatedly mentions there's body modification and yet wanted posters are still a thing? Like dude, just get sculpting. Or, you know, cut that disgusting zoomer pube bush from your head. Makeup maybe? A wig? Anything? It's the same reason I guess all the women have the same pube setup all the way through: making even remote alterations to the body models is effort better spent writing boring dialogue, dull, idiotic characters, and endless orgy scenes with "ribbed tunnels" and where half of all women squirt (which is, of course as we all know, NOT pee).

    Of course all that would be fine in a wacky space adventure, but Tales takes itself incredibly seriously 99% of the time. Humor, even lame generic humor, would have made all of my irritations go away. Take away the heavy-handedness and replace it with wit, clever turnarounds, jokes, I mean I'd even take farts. Anything is better than this mess.

    I cannot actually believe they're going to make this whole thing three seasons and 36 episodes. Are you fucking serious? You could use this game to euthanize people. If not from boredom then from anger, and if not from that then just from people dying rather than playing this horrid piece of trash any longer.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Perverteer has done it again, this masterpiece is one every person should play on this site.
    Breathtaking visuals , amazing story, and great character personalities.
    No blue ballin and all fetishes are covered.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A very unique and interesting game thats mixed up with an adventurous story in Space. Story progression is slow and complex but it gets better with the pace and as you go. Trust me I'm not doing justice to the game on how good the story get along with its plot twists.

    Amazing Visuals, absolutely loving the Aesthetic Enviornment and Vibe/Music overall.
    Amazing Character models.
    Amazing Animations.
    And if it weren't for those silly and goofy dialogues then I don't think I would have been addicted to the game as I am now.

    I would really love to see how story folds and blow my mind with each new update to it's story and how it's gonna end at last.
    Thank you creating Tales From The Unending Void Perverteer.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic character modelling and background music. I hope Perverteer will work with the talented Bethesda modders to bring this saga to Starfield. (if it indeed comes out in 2023 , without a smorgasbord of bugs) You only have thousands of planets and races to choose from lol.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    George Gamalobo

    Really like the story thus far, pretty good writing, diverse and beautiful cast of characters for the players viewing pleasure, plus a variety of titillating scenarios combined with a girthy amount content, what's not to like?
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ Tales from the Unending Void 2 v0.13.1]

    Good stuff~

    I like the art. Some of the faces get potatoed but it's markedly less bad than many games.

    Writing is enjoyable. Scenario's novel enough, voice is easily readable and characters don't immediately piss me off.

    Like the kinkset, but wish there was more interplay between girls. Also more pregnancy. You know, the same gripes I have with every game in existance ever. Not a fan of the urination scenes but most are avoidable and none come across as insufferable.

    Didn't have any gripes with gameplay. It's a branching VN so hard to fuck up. No obtuse minigames was a bonus.

    TLDR: Solid~ watched~
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Dave Heiser

    Just finished TFTUV season 1, after 2 long days reading (from a fresh start). This AVN brings a good and intriguing story, interesting characters and unique settings. There's still many loose ends in the story, which I hope will be revealed in season 2.

    Graphics and animations: 5/5
    Scenes: 4/5
    Story 5/5
    Kinks: 4/5

    Choices in the storyline don't seem to have any lasting impact for most of the game, so I stopped making multiple saves for some of the (seemingly) critical paths.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    human deviant

    Incest, sci-fi, orgies, explosions. This game is like someone took all of my favorite things (in fiction, of course) and mashed them together. The art and animation style is perfect too, but I suppose that's subjective, but who doesn't like incest, right? That was rhetorical. If you like sci-fi, you'll like this. The Luke/Leia happy ending we all deserved.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is the first game I've played where I've impatiently skipped past the sex to get back to the story.

    No, not that there's anything wrong with those scenes, they were actually pretty good. It's just that the story was that compelling.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Real Kreten

    I normally don't play games, which give too much emphasis on lewd content at this days, and TFTUV is game, which are filled to the brim with such content. I got used to games with stories so although I enjoyed playing SL, Perverteer's previous game then, I wouldn't enjoyed it now.
    It is not, that I don't like sex in AVN, it would be weird. But to much sex often means stupid or no story, inconsistent or shallow characters.
    But here I am getting too strong suit of TFTUV. It has plenty of sexual intercourse of different type and still it is all connected with meaningful story. All thanks to the appropriately chosen concept of the game.

    After interlude and introduction, player character become captain of star ship. Your star ship isn't anything as grandiose as Enterprise or other modern ships of the mankind fleet, but it is yours.
    It gets you from planet to planet, from adventure to adventure on the hunt for your goal. And instead some blabbering or fighting (both are present as well) the main content of planetary missions is .... so what when this is AVN :). Important thing is, that your goal, your crew, game story are present whole time without suffering from various kink you met on surface of explored planets.

    When I speak about kink, lewd content of this game can be divided in 3 group. 1. family friendly we know from SL, 2. is mostly vanilla with crew and last are more or less strange kinks from various planets.
    It is all I can write without actual spoiling of the story for which I play this game. Ooo, one last thing, Scott Buckley's music are awesome. Thanks for introducing it to me.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best stories on this site. Perverteer is a seriously talented writer. Stop reading this, download the game already!

    Alright fine, apparently the site won't let me just say that, so let me say some more stuff. The plot is genuinely engaging and filled with surprising twists that you'll enjoy. There are some plot points that feel a bit contrived, especially toward the end of the story.

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    All that said, I understand that sometimes things have to line up the way they line up and I can quibble with the best of them, but if you're looking for hours of naughty entertainment, look no further!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. The story gives you a mass effect vibe. Great story btw as of 0.12b. The background music is incredibly refreshing.
    Also the sex scenes are wonderful with smooth and fluid animation. Character and models looks beautiful. If you have not played this make sure to give it a try wont regret it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    If you haven't played this game yet, play it. It's extremely fucking good. There's a really cool and diverse cast of LIs, it's well written and looks great, the animations are spectacular. Decent amount of kinks, all optional. The story is actually pretty cool too, hardly a given in AVNs. Perverteer updates consistently too, and the updates are substantial. So far, pursuing multiple LIs hasn't led to any real conflicts or anything, which is nice as well. I almost feel like I'm underselling how good it is right now. A well written space adventure with a cool and sexy cast and excellent visuals. Haven't encountered anything quite like it. As a sister lover, it's refreshing to find a game with sister loving that isn't the typical family home sandbox fuckfest too. MC's desire to fuck his family members isn't the only thing driving the story forward or indeed the focus of the story. There's an actual plot, MC's sisters are involved, and they can become romantically entangled along the way. If I had to find one fault or list one complaint, it's that the game is starting to drag on a bit. It's long already, there's a lot of great content to enjoy, but I feel like an end should maybe be in sight by now. That might just be me though. Overall, I love this game and can't recommend it enough!