Unity - Taffy Tales [S1 Redux] [UberPie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is excellent for what it is. The story is a little ridiculous, but it allows for plenty of scenarios that wouldn’t happen otherwise. I haven’t played the latest updates, but if you’re worried about NTR or cuckoldry, I haven’t seen any of it apart from very very light NTR. If you get uncontrollably angry when you see a couple holding hands on the street, then yeah, I guess avoid it and enjoy hating life, but otherwise you should be fine. Think Summertime Saga if the MC had an evil alter ego. It’s pretty great so far and has plenty of room for expansion.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Would probably be 4-5 star if the story were even slightly bearable to anyone who doesn't get off to cuckoldry and while it claims NTR is avoidable, it still is filled with NTR undertones.

    In terms of art and general gamplay it was all there. As a template for another story, I think it would be excellent.

    MC is a loathable doormat whose alter ego talks a big game but ultimately preys on those even weaker than him and continues to allow the black bully (whatever his name was) to cuck him in every way but literally. Honestly just closed it out when the MC's sister was leaking just because he mumbled at her and then stripped in public at his command. I'm sorry but what is that besides NTR/cuckoldry?

    If this were just a path you COULD take then I wouldn't have any issue, but as it stands there are some really HEAVY interracial cuckold undertones. If that's not something you enjoy, then skip this game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great, unique art. The genre is right up my alley and it's easy to progress in the story. All the characters have their own unique characteristics whcih makes all of them interesting enough to progress with.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the art style of this game, paired with a story that really interests me, I look forward to seeing what the next updates will bring in. but even so far, I would definitely recommend this game to others. the only lacking aspect that comes to mind when thinking about this game, is the animations, or lack thereof, t could do with some moving animation for the scenes.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    as of version 0.10.5b its excellent, art and story, though it can be a bit confusing on how to progress in some quests, whether its because they dont say where the objective is and the pace its in is obscure and not intuitive (a certain cd) but other than that i look forward to seeing more of the MC's sadist side in future updates
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I love the game, I'm not sure if my review are accurate or not since it's just a beta, so do correct me if I'm wrong.

    -Don't have much choice, that's the major problem, it's get real boring.
    -Lack of content, I don't know what to do during weekend, I can't even make money, sometime I even thought we could steal money from walter's safe lock.
    -I wish I have more choice to be kind with Clara, poor woman.
    -"Landlady" art ... She look not so good in her dialogue art, but [Cont. at Pros]
    -Sometime it make no sense, Ego got the balls of want to fuck everyone but not standing up against the D guy? I'm sorry to be rude but what a little bitch. MC being a whiny little bitch while we know he can be a badass.
    -A lot and inconvenience clicking, I don't want to click a lot just for get to the room or Menu.
    -Character is a bit bland, Danny, Becca, "Landlady I forgot her name", Clara, they all share the same personality: Shy, "Landlady" doesn't really act like a mother, Danny and Becca doesn't really have something special.

    -Mama mia! l'm Absolutely LOVE "Landlady" sleeping art, Lewd part, those art are just Great!
    -What is the story are about again? I don't know, but I think I can see the potential with-
    -Two personality MC, that's interesting, because it can lead to many difference choice, and potentially to be a masterpiece, like... Playing Two Different Genre in One Game.
    -You know in men's code is that "thy shall not touch other's mother, nor their family member", but when it's Clara, which is someone's mother, I got a bit confuse with the code, and the vagueness between "Fuck" and "Respect".

    Overall, it is a good game, but need to fix tons of stuff. I also hope the character personality can be design better for not make them bland, I do enjoy it a lot.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I must say that i got a different experience than expected, This game caters for the lovers of a bit of the darker and rougher genre.

    - Not much choice yet, You basically have to follow the given quests to progress.
    - The start really throws you off with the suggested NTR, But don't be afraid, At least the the current version the NTR is only a choice.
    - Weekends are boring since there aren't much content yet on those days.
    - Little bit of a grind (really not much), Though cheats are available in-game.
    - Most of the content is for 2 or maybe 3 characters at the current version.

    - Great art !
    - The story gets better as it progresses, More and more games become mild with Patreon rules so it`s nice to see a darker story.
    - Interesting sex scenes with different kinks.
    - No NTR if you choose so.

    Conclusion: You have to play past the prologue to decide if the game is to your taste, Personaly i had much fun and i would recommend to everyone to at least try.
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    The 1★ Dude

    I'm also feels like the game is more of a darker approach, so maybe I'm expected a wrong game.

    -Interesting protagonist, split personality, this is what make the potential of the game, it almost work like a Karma meter.
    -I like Mary's art when she's sleep, it's very good. (I do hope her design change a bit, because when she wear eyeglasses, it look pretty meh, her sleeping, looking at object art is perfection).
    -Clara is quite interesting.
    -Sera is... yeah. nice.
    -Becca? very nice, could add more charm in the future.

    -I thought I had choices, but I have to sit through a bunch of dialogue that I start to not care about, so far, I've only make One Choice, which is choose to help or not.
    -I had trouble with the protagonist, his true self is too whiny, while his Ego is too aggressive, you got to strike a balance man, not too good and not too bad. I also do not appreciate how he treat certain people, getting upset of a woman because she praise you as Good Kid? I wish I could do better than just that.
    -I feel like Ego is just a despicable coward, taking advantages only at the weak but not so tough with that D guy I forgot his name, excuse me for being rude, what a little bitch.
    -Some stuff is quite inconvenience, the whole clicking, and User Experience, clicking too many time can be really frustrating.
    -Character is quite bland, Mary, Clara, Becca, Danny, they're all sharing similar personality: Shy. I know they're not exactly live in a happy life, I hope in the future we can do things that add more depth to their character.
    -Fap for cash is easy money, but have other job would also be fun too if done right.

    On a little sensitive note: I'm quite uncomfortable about the villain, he seems like the steal your girl hentai villain that you can't do anything about it and being a cuckold, that I do not enjoy, hope the MC can do something in the future.

    I think that's pretty much it, seriously, I love the game, but certain features is quite frustrating to play, it's not really fun if I'm just read a Whole Bunch of texts and couldn't do anything even just making choices. again, I feel like this game is more dark approach, at the early stage I'm so frustrate to find money to the point that I think the game features is to let the player steal money. there's just so many thing I can't do, Clicking dialogue, fap for money, plan a head. so Taffy Tales probably end up not a game I was expected, so what do you guys think?
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    So this game had some rough time early updates due to lack of content but, all changed with this last update with this update we can see how committed they are to produce a great game. Some people dont like NTR but i dont care about that but u cant hate a game in overall just cause it has NTR content.

    Art: 4/5, why? u ask, is unique art design, the cgs from scenes are very good visualy and they started to add some animations on the scenes which is a good touch, the reason i dont give 5/5 cause the map feels a bit too cartoon vibe but which is very good and the background like the mall it feels like it was taken from google and filtered but taking those the art is great.

    Game mechanics: 4/5 due to the fact there is some stuff that need to be worked like adding day progression button cause i need to fap or gym to move the day progression, there is a issue that u can overlap action like u open the jornal(quest note) and click on inventory it is needed to fix this to block more actions cause it might one day start doing crashes beside these the rest of the mechanics are soft no problems for me so far.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    When you meet the MC of this game you will think "Wow. Peter is such a bitch and dense as an anime protag." and "Damn chad. Calm the fuck down. I know he is a bitch but you are literally talking about raping people in public."

    This is a real hit or miss game. Either you like it or you hate it. The conversations between Peter and "Peter" is the best part of this because you learn that Peter
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    Likes: JhOon
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    IMO this is either a hit or a miss. either you love it or you absolutly hate it. maybe it was just the choices i made, but there seemed to not really be a way not to be a blackmailing dominant and downright horrible person, fortunatly this is a game of fantasy and all your horrible actions just helps to unlock the inner subslut of your "victims" making them crave your "abuse"
    so if your not into that sort of thing, i dont think you will enjoy this game. but if you do, holy hell this game is fun and have quite alot of content to.

    the only negative thing i have to say is that the art is downright horrible at times, so i cant give it the 5 stars it deserves for this reason.

    Also the MC struggles with his "bad" side for control troughout the game and that leads to some really funny comments between them, if you like dark and twisted humor you will be sure to like the chatter between the "good" and "bad" side.
    Likes: Jubz
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    TG Jad

    Humor, puzzle solving, and nudity! Great game and lots of things to do in it. A bit of grinding, but, IMHO, this one combines some of the best elements of "normal" computer games with adult oriented games.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I've held off on rating this game to give it time to develop, but it really hasn't. The MC is still dealing with his split personality and half the time he's a major beta cuck, while the rest of the time the kid is a raging psychopath. There really is no middle ground. You either cringe as everyone pushes the kid around, or cringe at his idea to exert himself which is little more than blackmail and rape. That extreme expands to almost every character beside the MC too. Half the people are pitiful wall flowers that would jump in front of a bus if told to, while the other half are alpha extreme assholes that do anything they want to anyone they want no matter at school or in a crowd. The only redeeming quality is the art, but even that is hit and miss.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game art is frekin mind blowing and i love the plot, even though its in its early stages cant wait for the ntr content to increase and h-scenes as well and you gotta love the fact the mc isnt like every other mc .
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Update (2024): Three anuses. The AI art being used now is so bad and so lazily unedited, one of the girls spontaneously gained two extra butt holes between images. Wish that wasn't a metaphor for how crappy this game has become and how far it's fallen but it IS actually the perfect metaphor for how a game previously rated 5 stars and 4 stars becomes a joke of itself and the adult game market.
    I'll give it 2 stars now because
    -It Is A 1 Star Game Now (almost zero stars if that was allowed)
    +The older quality content ("Season 1-4") from before it's plummet still makes up about 60% the content, though that is a dwindling percentage each release.

    Update (2022): On the heels of another update that was only "ok", 0.82.4 dropped and was a huge disappointment. The content changes were lackluster for the time spent on them, many bordering on pointless. Virtually no new content was added, a few minor scenes doing less than you'd done before with the characters. It was also arguably the buggiest mess of a release. Don't get me wrong this game is still solid but 5 stars? I'd have to see an improvement in the next update or two before I'd call it the top 5 star tier again.

    Original Review (2019) Five of Five. One of the best games on this site, certainly of any currently in development. The art is gorgeous, unique, plentiful in a play through at this point, and the game includes an updated gallery feature so you don't need to replay unless you want to. The game play is enjoyable, decently intuitive, and hints exist in game so it never felt like a grind. The development is a little slow but tempered by active developer involvement and the pace is at least producing quality work so does not feel like a money grab. Just an excellent work of adult gaming. Seriously, that damn art style is just stunning...
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    So, a new player here, using the android version 0.8.1. 31% scene seen, and here's my first impression review...


    At 31% and the protag is still tugging back and forth with his second personality. Nothing interesting happened. Protag still stuck in his very own delusion. I can't help but wondering, "What's this ? A typical, C-Rated NTR hentai fantasy early
    plot decelopment ? Dumb and spineless MC ? Check. Standard stereotype rapist black guy ? Check. Girls who got raped and don't bother to defend themselves ? Check.

    Will the title someday changed to Rape Tales ? Cuckold Tales ?

    I know it sounds harsh, but please do notice that I'm part of those generic players, who rely heavily on first impression thay was drawn from the beginning part of the game, to decide whether to check or fold. Please do something about the early part of the plot.

    And the fact that you need to end an event to access menu is a horrible choice in term of replayability values. Coupled with the fact player can accidentally interact with the zone during choice selection might end badly. Especially interactables, I can't tell which things that can be interacted with, and which were can't, bringing confusion among new players. The very fact that there are no hints in game on how to proceed within its very linear storyline is frustrating. Please improve the UI.

    Overall, it's a, "WelI, I don't know". Still undecided whether it's my cup of tea or not. It all depends on its future development.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Wide variety of models(and in the future, of kinks); no grinding; clean, simple interface; best artwork i've ever seen, paired with an equally uncredible, immersive dialog that just, as a succubus dragging her victimis into their own, humid, bottomless pit of vicious lust and burning desire, gets in you.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Taffy Tales is undoubtedly one of the best games. I can see a lot of people criticizing it for the artwork, which is quite subjective, I enjoyed it on the other hand. I think it was unique and refreshing though it definitely lacks in consistency at various points still I think we should appreciate the devs for all the hard work they put into it.

    Story: as of v0.9.2c (8/10)
    Mechanics: 6/10 (Also, Day & night cycle button only works fine in maps view till now)
    Lewd Stuff: 9.8/10

    Note: Too much text makes some part annoying and also some typos ruin the gameplay, needs to be fixed.

    I think the popularity of this game is for its maledom content. Which is quite greatly captured in the game, I enjoyed BDSM content involving the storyline of a few female NPCs. The dev has hopes and ideas for NTR content, which in my opinion is something totally opposite and against the idea of the whole game and current plot and it's already existing fanbase. It's supposed to be optional but is definitely going to interfere with the storyline and update time period for future builds.

    The protagonist has a split personality with an intriguing Evil Side that every player has definitely enjoyed. I hope the story progresses in the same way.

    If you are a fan of corruption, blackmail, Maledom (BDSM), harem games then you should definitely try this.

    Ideas for the devs, More BDSM toys and torture devices for NPCs would be great and with some more corruption and Slave roleplay for Mary in future.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a game about your 'evil-side' using anything possible to manipulate everyone in town. And then after you've manipulated them enough, you enforce Stockholm Syndrome until they 'like it' because 'deep down they wanted this'. Fuck off.

    In one particular case you stop just short of raping a character who is already having a shitty life....and then you blackmail them. And once again your evil-side tries to justify it in the most shitty way possible. I find it funny that the game warns about future cuckold content being optional but not rape/blackmail. What the fuck?

    Characters. Difficult to like anyone as you progress. Everyone is a weakling or an asshole.

    Art. Where the hell is the consistency? The character portraits are sometimes good. Other times it's this Frankenstein combination of different images stitched together. The environments are even worse. Sometimes it's literally just a real-life image with a quick image-filter on it.

    Too much text. 'Visual novel' indeed.

    Bugs? Sometimes you can skip to the next time of day, other times you can't. For no apparent reason. This means that some day you literally can't do anything. Go straight to bed immediately.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Story: 1 Star
    The writing's pretty subpar. It's like a hybrid between "I'm 12 years old and I have no idea what high school's like" and "I'm a cynic and this is obviously satire." It's hard to enjoy the scenes because no one's likable. Everyone's who's we're supposed to be sympathetic to is a woobie downer and literally everyone else is a piece of shit or a total bot. There's no such thing as a well adjusted human being in this game.
    The plot itself is extremely contrived. Like who fucking cares if you have a big dick, dude? Or like who the hell laughs off a creepy sexual advance after almost getting raped less than 20 hours ago? Who the fuck pays for spooge scraped off of the bathroom walls and floor? I'd ignore it if it were minor, but sadly, this is the MC's #1 angst, first love interest, and the only reason MC's able to earn money in the game, respectively.
    There are also numerous relics from when incest was apparently a part of the game. In some scenes, the kids refer to their parents by their first name, other times it's just "mom". If you try to access your alleged caretaker's room or interact with her there, you'll call her mom. Her room's literally "Mom's Room." And the situation with the alleged childhood friend is just so poorly though out. Under this pretense, she would be living with a guy whose only other occupant's a submissive caretaker and the sleezy school she's attending has a problem with guys jacking off in/onto public spaces, women being sexually harassed and raped in broad daylight, and an apparent hard drugs operation. Is the concept of tenants sharing a house so foreign?

    Gameplay: 2 Stars
    It's all over the place. Characters are in multiple places simultaneously, certain quests don't make sense in when or where they should be progressible, how Saturday is only sometimes counted as the weekend, etc. There's a shit ton of placeholders and a shit load of clickable items that don't do anything or give any meaningful text. Gods help you if you need to ever need to search for something in the many drawers and containers of your house. Its only redeeming quality is a quest log, and even then it's far from perfect. If you don't care to wade through bad writing and fluff, it will help you progress more quickly. However, I don't like how the game requires you to sleep, wake up monologuing/dialoguing yourself before the game decides to update its quest log. The "Buy X from the store" quests are especially tedious in that you have to initiate a new dialogue after every item purchase and that you can't purchase items ahead of time.

    Art: 1 Stars
    The portrait artstyle is consistent for the most part, that's about it. Everything else looks traced or straight up stolen and crudely meshed together. The kitchen scene with Mary/Mom is one of the most obvious. You have a face that doesn't match her portrait and a hand from a real person superimposed onto sleeves. You'll probably later notice that there's not a single consistency in art in the other sex scenes either.
    The portraits themselves are problematic on closer inspection. Mary normal portrait seems to have some odd blur on the ponytail end, like as if someone scrawled over two different pieces of art in an attempt to hide the fact. If you look closely at Tiffany's hair, the "long hair" looks as if someone drew up a "background" length of hair and photoshopped a separate hairstyle on top of it. There's a visible V-shape formed from the colors not even being the same. And if you look closely enough, even the arms don't align right in most of the cutscenes either. The shoulder and elbow visibly dislocate from the socket and "eat" into the next joint, making weird creases and outlines you can see the background through. This guy is supposed to be a digital artist?

    tl;dr Story is shit and most if the art's stolen. Why people are funding this dude, I have no god damn clue.