Just loled at a person giving a game minimal score review because of his love for original heroines, and that they would "never cheat".
How do you know that?
I mean, they wouldn't, yeah, that IS true, if anyone knows the original story at all then they would know their entire portrayal in the game IS BS, but I mean, it's a NTR game, that is true for practically all NTR scenarios based in existing series unless they involve outright raping/drugging the heroines (And even then you can bet most of the time it wouldn't end with them becoming sex addicts forgetting their previous life after one fuck, but that's Hentai logic for you). However, leaving a review like that on a game like this is kinda hilarious, like, WTF did you even play a NTR game of a series you like and then get angry about it, why were they expecting XD?
Was under the impression at the time he had already been in the talks with some american company who was interested in the tech. I remember him saying a line about it.
You know the term "Chronical dumbass"

? That's what Sugou was, essentially (Like, seriously, if he hadn't felt he need to USELESSLY GLOAT to Asuna and had left her as a virtual brain in a jar instead of the whole gilded cage bullshit, he WOULD have won lmao). He indeed had talks with some unspecified random Americans about his tech, but that was based on mostly empty promises and his preliminary research, he couldn't ACTUALLY enter open negotiation with them until he had full control of the company and thus nobody that could discover him when he went all out, which is why he was hurrying shit to 'marry' Asuna even when she was still 'comatose'. However, the funniest thing, and one of those many details the anime completely skipped from the novels, is that later it was found out that his tech WOULDN'T HAVE WORKED in anything but a Nerve Gear, so aside from being slow and quite unreliable, he never would have been able to mass produce it at all like he wanted (As the original plan was based on how almost everyone nowadays had an AmuSphere), because the tech needed the use of a device that had been globally forbidden and destroyed for almost 2 years and at that particular point in time barely over 300 were still around (The ones of the victims he still had trapped and a few SAO survivors who were actually able to keep theirs after getting out instead of destroying the things immediately like most people did...like Kirito did lol).
So even if he HAD somehow won, he would have been lucky if he had been able to secure a dozen helmets or so before they were all destroyed as he would have found this out too late, and the Americans would have served him his ass anyway XD