
Jan 11, 2019
"Win32/sabsik.FLA!ma" is not a location but a name, that's how Windows Defender calls the trojan it detects. It's not inside any "Win32" folder nor any other system folder, "Win32" is part of the name given to the threat. Here's one of the screenshots I shared in the pastebin link a few posts before:

View attachment 1338063

Pressing the "show details" button will reveal a panel with "category", "description", "recommended action" and "items". The actual location of the virus appears under "Items:", prefixed by "file:". In my case, as you can see, it's: "C:\Users\saboro\Desktop\Suzukuri_Dungeon_Karin_in_the_Mountain\Suzukuri Dungeon Karin in the Mountain\meiqNS_crack.exe", that's the exe inside the game folder.

Unfortunately for you, your last reply has shown your blatant lack of knowledge to the point of making me cringe. There wasn't any trojan inside any system folder in the first place, that was your game folder, Mr. IT expert. All the fantasies you've told us afterwards based on that claim are now void. But hey, you can still have fun unmasking me, the dangerous evil hacker and his bot harem. Even better, make an eroge about that and share it here, the title works as is.

I hope everyone enjoyed the drama. Thank you, Microsoft, for designing unintuitive GUIs.

Case closed.
Imagine calling yourself a security enthusiast and not being able to read that the crack puts the file in C:\Windows\System32. As well as actually denying this directory actually exists lol.

We go from: deny there is a trojan -> there is a trojan but it doesn't put the trojan in C:\Windows\System32.

Here we have uncovered someone with malicious intend trying to spread a trojan to the F95 community. Along with his 2 bot accounts: James Eveleth and mewo17

How to spot a troll lol:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Active Member
Nov 30, 2017
okay. if there is a file that puts somewhere in the C:\Windows\system32 after eXtracting the rar/Zip, is there an eXample of that file?? that is very easy to replicate if you have a virtual machine with i cant run.
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Jul 9, 2018
Does anyone have a full save for the remake? Suzukuri Karin-chan -Hoshiyomi no Shintaku- | 巣作りカリンちゃん -星詠みの神託- ダウンロード版 I can't get Touka's scenes no matter what and don't understand enough japanese to interpret how.


New Member
Apr 3, 2018
Imagine calling yourself a security enthusiast and not being able to read that the crack puts the file in C:\Windows\System32. As well as actually denying this directory actually exists lol.

We go from: deny there is a trojan -> there is a trojan but it doesn't put the trojan in C:\Windows\System32.

Here we have uncovered someone with malicious intend trying to spread a trojan to the F95 community. Along with his 2 bot accounts: James Eveleth and mewo17

How to spot a troll lol:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
My lord Bansdebar you have got to be a troll. He never said that the directory didn't exist. He also didn't say there was a trojan. As stated previously multiple times the way the game's file was modified is flagged as a Trojan or on some systems (including my Windows Defender) it's flagged as a PuP (Potentially Unwanted Program). Furthermore as previously stated when downloading these kinds of games where the DRM has been removed there is always a potential security risk involved. Get it from a reliable or trusted source and if you're feeling sketched out run it on a Virtual Machine.

Now onto the flagging for the flag in Windows Defender since that's what I use:
threat.png Edit: Hid outside link and personal information from file location.
As can be seen - The affected item is meiqNS_crack.exe
This file was ran on a D:/ drive that has no access to the primary C:/ drive for security reasons. As such it would have no way of accessing the files on C:/ drive unless it's granted access, but it never is. Upon investigation of the threat and looking into the C:\Windows\System32 which I assume you are dumb enough to actually think is the Win32 directory... there are no additional files. This includes after restoring the affected file meiqNS_crack.exe.

Now to get through your head what I just said - Win32 is not even a directory you baboon. Win32 is a type of Trojan identification that was originally found as a MSN Messenger Virus. Doubt your even old enough to have used that though. Moving on. Since then most Trojans are identified with the prefix Trojan:Win32 as the type of identification. The following Sabsik.FL.A!ml is a more precise identification. Microsoft has not provided any exact information as to what this precise identification entails, but they have the generic information of:
" This threat can perform a number of actions of a malicious hacker's choice on your PC. "

False identification of malicious code. Aka - a false positive. Depending on what the code could be doing - including bypassing certain DRMs can produce false positives. While I'm not saying this file is 100% safe the kind of information you're spreading is just completely false. Caution should be taken, but you're just causing drama and acting like an idiot mislabeling people by trying to shine them in a negative light. Before you talk about something you don't even know about perhaps try asking about it instead of causing chaos.


New Member
Apr 23, 2018
Anyone know how to unlock Touka Capture Event
I passed the Aisha event but I still can't find Touka event.


Jul 9, 2018
Anyone know how to progress with Touka's route? After finishing Aisha's I can't progress further.
Same goes for Shion&Sui's routes, I can't progress now matter what. Do I have to grind other maps first or fulfill some other requirement?


Quiet Eldritch Horror
Jan 2, 2018
Imagine calling yourself a security enthusiast and not being able to read that the crack puts the file in C:\Windows\System32. As well as actually denying this directory actually exists lol.

We go from: deny there is a trojan -> there is a trojan but it doesn't put the trojan in C:\Windows\System32.

Here we have uncovered someone with malicious intend trying to spread a trojan to the F95 community. Along with his 2 bot accounts: James Eveleth and mewo17

How to spot a troll lol:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Please provide detailed evidence to back up your claim. Talk is cheap. If you want to convince me there is a problem with these files here is your chance. Show me the evidence.


Apr 17, 2018
Can't go past turn 20 ? I don't understand shit... Welp that's it for me.

EDIT : Gave it a second chance and well overall a good game, be ready to grind like a retard. No i didn't use cheat engine and my full team 70/80 (90 for some)
And well it took me 15hours or so
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Jul 9, 2018
Has anyone beat or have the full save of the remake that has Touka, Aisha etc?

I can't seem to unlock further scenes with Touka after finishing Aisha's scenes.

For Shion&Sui's scenes too, I can't unlock the last scenes for Sui and further scenes for Shion.
Nov 23, 2020
my locale is in japanese ,turned off antivirus, installed the fix , renamed the directory and still no luck, what a sad day for me. Any help ?


Apr 17, 2018
my locale is in japanese ,turned off antivirus, installed the fix , renamed the directory and still no luck, what a sad day for me. Any help ?
Go take a look page 3, someone added a ags file to remplace in your game folder, without it it may not work at all. And you don't really need locale japenese for this game, local emulator work well with it don't worry too much.
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