- Jan 29, 2020
- 21
- 14
Imagine calling yourself a security enthusiast and not being able to read that the crack puts the file in C:\Windows\System32. As well as actually denying this directory actually exists lol."Win32/sabsik.FLA!ma" is not a location but a name, that's how Windows Defender calls the trojan it detects. It's not inside any "Win32" folder nor any other system folder, "Win32" is part of the name given to the threat. Here's one of the screenshots I shared in the pastebin link a few posts before:
View attachment 1338063
Pressing the "show details" button will reveal a panel with "category", "description", "recommended action" and "items". The actual location of the virus appears under "Items:", prefixed by "file:". In my case, as you can see, it's: "C:\Users\saboro\Desktop\Suzukuri_Dungeon_Karin_in_the_Mountain\Suzukuri Dungeon Karin in the Mountain\meiqNS_crack.exe", that's the exe inside the game folder.
Unfortunately for you, your last reply has shown your blatant lack of knowledge to the point of making me cringe. There wasn't any trojan inside any system folder in the first place, that was your game folder, Mr. IT expert. All the fantasies you've told us afterwards based on that claim are now void. But hey, you can still have fun unmasking me, the dangerous evil hacker and his bot harem. Even better, make an eroge about that and share it here, the title works as is.
I hope everyone enjoyed the drama. Thank you, Microsoft, for designing unintuitive GUIs.
Case closed.
My lord Bansdebar you have got to be a troll. He never said that the directory didn't exist. He also didn't say there was a trojan. As stated previously multiple times the way the game's file was modified is flagged as a Trojan or on some systems (including my Windows Defender) it's flagged as a PuP (Potentially Unwanted Program). Furthermore as previously stated when downloading these kinds of games where the DRM has been removed there is always a potential security risk involved. Get it from a reliable or trusted source and if you're feeling sketched out run it on a Virtual Machine.Imagine calling yourself a security enthusiast and not being able to read that the crack puts the file in C:\Windows\System32. As well as actually denying this directory actually exists lol.
We go from: deny there is a trojan -> there is a trojan but it doesn't put the trojan in C:\Windows\System32.
Here we have uncovered someone with malicious intend trying to spread a trojan to the F95 community. Along with his 2 bot accounts: James Eveleth and mewo17
How to spot a troll lol![]()
Having never used one before, where could I find a good VM?so is other anti-virus. probably a false alarm but be safe and run on VN when in doubtX
I used to useHaving never used one before, where could I find a good VM?
Please provide detailed evidence to back up your claim. Talk is cheap. If you want to convince me there is a problem with these files here is your chance. Show me the evidence.Imagine calling yourself a security enthusiast and not being able to read that the crack puts the file in C:\Windows\System32. As well as actually denying this directory actually exists lol.
We go from: deny there is a trojan -> there is a trojan but it doesn't put the trojan in C:\Windows\System32.
Here we have uncovered someone with malicious intend trying to spread a trojan to the F95 community. Along with his 2 bot accounts: James Eveleth and mewo17
How to spot a troll lol![]()
Go take a look page 3, someone added a ags file to remplace in your game folder, without it it may not work at all. And you don't really need locale japenese for this game, local emulator work well with it don't worry too much.my locale is in japanese ,turned off antivirus, installed the fix , renamed the directory and still no luck, what a sad day for me. Any help ?