Unity - Super Punch Boy [v2.02] [excessm]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good. There, I said it. Review over. Nothing else to see here, really.

    That segues into my main problem with this game. There is not enough here to hold my interest long term. A few of the scenes were nice, most were just rinse and repeat past the first. I want to compare this game to something like the very old school NES punch-out!! and I think this game pays homage to that fantastically well.

    Maybe at the end of it all, I am simply conflicted. This was a far above average reskinning of the classic boxing game. On the other hand it felt overly simplistic for what the game could have been.

    In the nes game, opponents get more difficult as you develop and hone skills from one opponent to the next. I can remember the sense of accomplishment when I finally beat soda popinski for the first time since for whatever reason I could not beat him for years. Mind you I was also at the time maybe 8 years old. (yeah im that old.. oof)

    In this game there is seemingly only a self imposed difficulty curve. You either play it straight and the game is extremely easy, or you play with handicaps that make the game extraordinarily hard for either a short time or the whole fight thereafter.

    The graphics are good, the sound is decent, and the story is a thing I guess. If I summed up all the parts, I think I end up with a very lacking composite score. However, I have been looking for a long time for a decent boxing game and I think this is a good replacement for something that I want to play for 5-10 minutes at a time.

    I want more, and what I got was decent enough given that there is almost zero competition in this space. There is definitely room for improvement, as I think there is more to explore here. That said, this offering is certainly passable for how negative I took to the individual parts. The whole game is definitely a far greater offering than the sum of it's individual parts here.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite Excess-m game so far, and I've played all of them. The referees being biased against you and sometimes even attacking you is super hot, I wish he had done more with that, there's only 2 refs in the game.

    Combat is pretty crisp, although as others have pointed out dodging can be spammed and trivialize the game. If you can't stop yourself from abusing it the game will be very easy.

    It's a bit short, I hope he comes back to a smiliar concept in the future (maybe a game set in a fantasy setting, like gladiatorial fights?), and if he does, I hope he brings back the concept of supposedly neutral characters that end up being enemies.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I Played version number 1.20, and I didn't enjoy my time with it at all. The game uses a really bad MTL. You have to wait a few seconds every time dialogue appears for it to translate, and most of the translation is bad. On top of that, the gameplay itself is bad. I was really excited for a Punch Out style game, but I this doesn't work out. Maybe I'm just bad at the game, but it feels extremely sluggish and unresponsive. There is a big delay between when the opponent makes an attack motion and when you actually have to dodge, The dodge buttons are on the screen like a mobile game instead of on the keyboard, and for some reason the second phase of the first opponent has an attack that I can't seem to dodge or guard against.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of version 1.02 full release.

    A lewd boxing game from excessm. That means lots of mostly clothed women beating up a small looking guy.

    A surprising amount of story here that is extremely elevated by the fact that there is a fully understandable fan translation available. You are sent into an all female prison and enter into "prison fights" in hopes of getting out early. This means battling various women who attack with both regular boxing moves and lewd attacks. The story escalates from there to involve some plot points about being the descendant of a legendary fighter and the fights being a complex conspiracy to awaken the fighting spirit... yadda yadda yadda. All the story segments are told via standard VN format with barely any lewd content on the screen. I found the story mildly interesting but felt the length of the VN cutscens difficult to enjoy if you're trying to edge across multiple battles (due to there being nothing lewd visually or in the text). Thankfully a skip option is present. Unfortunately I couldn't find any way to go back and revisit story sections after first viewing them.

    7 female lewd fighters stretched over 10 story missions, 6 extra story missions, and 50 challenges. Each female fighter has a couple fully animated lewd cgs (all either penetrative sex or handjob/titjob/thighjob) that they engage in as well as often attacking with a "seduction" type attack that involves attacking with their chest or hips instead of punching. There is a LOT of reuse of the main 6 female fighters but they are remixed in various ways. Both the flavor text of what's going on changes (which again is elevated by the good fan translation) and changes to the gameplay such as adding multiple referees, having referee interference, or minion enemies. This keeps it feeling mostly fresh but it's still a bit disappointing when you unlock a new mission and it's repeat of a previous character.

    As is standard for excessm games there aren't really any fetishes touched on here other than reverse ryona (girl beating up guy) and vanilla femdom where the female enemies forcibly try to get the protag to orgasm. They all end up feeling a bit samey in terms of the content they deliver despite being extremely varied in their character designs.

    One big plus is that the lewd content feels very closely related to the gameplay. Do well and you don't see any H content. Struggle and you are treated to multiple scenes before the match is over. In my mind that's how most H games should operate so it's great to see. Plus if you lose you get a fully scripted "defeat scene" you can view (though these have no new CGs compared to the match).

    Standard Punch Out/boxing style gameplay is here with dodging, guarding, light and heavy attacks. It all works well and is fully mouse controllable with one hand. The help indicator of which direction to dodge to activates about 80% of the time even on higher difficulties making it a fairly easy play through. Overall I enjoyed the game play more than some of the other styles excessm has put out. It felt engaging and fairly rewarding when I completely broke it by stacking +critical chance skills. The are multiple skills to unlock and try out making the 50 challenge fights somewhat compelling.

    10/10 for fans of the studio. One of their better offerings gameplay-wise. The amount of content feels lacking compared to previous entries. A big missed opportunity to make the female fighters more varied in what kind of lewd content they deliver but overall still pretty good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A very promising punch-out style game.Short but sweet demo that leaves you wanting more.Having to deal with not only your opponent but also with the referee gives a lot more variety.Translation is not the best(MTL), but,thankfully, the game is more about action and interacting with the mechanics.Impatiently waiting for the full release!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Review of the Demo.

    What a poor version of a punch out game. Maybe it will become better since its only a demo, but knowing Excessm gameplay I don't think it will be reworked, just stuffed with more content.

    -Gallery does not work. I only get a black screen and lip stick kisses.
    -The difficulty spikes way to heavy if you want to get lusty. The first and only fight is super easy if you dont try to go for sexy in this sexy game. First round is always easy. If you decide to take the fight normally you beat her easily, but if you look at the downed fighter or the refeferee the dificulty gets cranked up to a million with so many new moves and mechanics (that the tutorial did NOT explain) that you feel overwhelmed in a very cheap and poor way. So if you want to have some sexy sex in your sex game, than the game punishes you hard for it. I closed the game after trying to beat her on normal with the lusty road. You get so frustrated by the fact, that you dont know how to defend against these new attacks. Blocking does not work. Swaying in the pointed direction does not work in any timimg. Just really bad game design in my eyes. Normally those games introduce 1-2 very hard moves or implement one new mechanic per fighter not pushing everything into the second round.
    -And its not even worth the work. The sex scenes I can see in the fight itself are just bad. The penetration cowgirl position what should be the pinnacle of foreplay was so disappointing. So I dont even feel motivated to TRY to beat.

    +It works. The last excessm game did not work properly and Yume-Samas gallery and defeat screens are still bugged for me even after getting a new PC and the forum could not help me.
    +The idea behind it is very interesting and fitting for excessms love of getting punched while fucking.
    +The art work is good.

    A really REALLY rough demo. If the game will be excatly like this than this will be a hard pass for me.

    The machine translation was funny though.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Played at least an hour of the demo and 100% the gallery.

    This title offers a refreshing twist to the ongoing story excessm offers.

    In this Punch Out inspired bout, both the referee and your opponent will tempt you. Despite the game prompting you where to dodge an attack, you still need to familiarize yourself with the timing of each attack, as well as learning new patterns after each knockdown. There are also side quests where you complete the same fight under different conditions to unlock new skills.

    Despite the demo being only one fight, there is plenty of ecchi scenes and lose events that had me exploring for all the ways to lose a fight. If you don't feel like finding all the events yourself, there are plenty of gallery options explore content at your pleasure.