Sup guys, im doing a vampire survivor clone, someone want to test?

Deleted member 827972

Game Developer
Aug 17, 2018
Hi guys so i decided on what to do with this, let me share my GD with ya.

Over//born, it will be a one dollar game, bullet haven, with classes to diversify gameplay, colletable friends (pets, and females) female CG, female cg when beat boss or give gift.
Decressing rounds so it will start on round 20 or less idk, i need to tweak that, and decreses till nafiri final boss on 0.
Short game, i will try to put many things that i learn with gamedev and art.

Date, Finish or unfinish 04/14, My bday.
Dont expect a good cg, but i will try to deliver a good game.

I thought about letting free, but the one dolar is more like a symbol, anyways here will be free.
So at least:
- 3 Original songs
- 10 Bosses.
- 3 cg each char, 5 char, 15 cg.
- 10 pets, with 2 evolution, so 20 pets, 5 female companions, 5 male companions (no cg)
- Starting class, slave -> mage, archer, fighter or knight.
-Tile changing ( like an arena change )

Mage -> white mage (heal magics) or black mage (necromancy)
Archer -> Beast hunter
Figther -> x
Knight -> Albatroz (barbarian) or knight master (somewhat ninja)

White mage + figther = monk
White mage + black mage = Satanist (A hemomancer)
White mage + Beast hunter = Summoner
White mage + Albatroz or km = Paladin

black mage + figther = Shadow lord
black mage +Beast hunter = Darkness Trainer (can tame monster)
black mage +Albatroz or km = Purist ( Kinda like a kayle with morgana from lol vibes )

Beast hunter + fighter = Jungle master ( setting traps)
Beast hunter + Albatroz or km = Infantary ( Evolves only with a horse as a pet )

figther + Albatroz = Ying master
figther + Knight master = Yang master

Knight master + Albatroz = Duelist

Skill tree as random evolutions like vampire survival, if it gives time a trackable treeline.
If i finish most of missing system till 04/01 i will implement a evolution for the last class tier, the different ones, so an duelist would be idk, a duel master haha.
Anyways good or not 04/14 overborn here, and on see ya soon
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Deleted member 827972

Game Developer
Aug 17, 2018
Hi guys so today i was going to release a very baren and kinda meme version of the game but life havent being so kind to me and i couldnt stop home to focus on that, maybe we can extend 1st april to 5th?
Sorry i lost the time even to meme it holly cow, well till 5th meme version 14th any shit i could finish till there.
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Deleted member 827972

Game Developer
Aug 17, 2018
Hi guys as i sayed i would release on the state it is but is just a title screen simulator rn so i decided to do a lil video just to rant of what im going to do, why it is just a title screen now, etc...

Sorry for not have something playable, but yeah, lets go.


Active Member
May 27, 2020
Nice background music and creepy giggling.

It’s good that you are looking how other games do what you want. I haven’t played Grand Chase myself, but it sounds like it make sense as inspiration.

Some of your ideas seem to be a bit too far away for your current step of development. I don’t think you need about deployment to Iphone before you have even a prototype. It’s great that you have ideas and plans, but that seems very far in the future.

I hope your personal life will improve. That takes priority, so don’t worry about missing deadlines too much. Getting your life in order should be more important.


Have you considered joining any of the game development communities? I don’t know too much about them today, but it used to be that the forums of Newgrounds/Armorgames and other online game forums contained a lot of discussion and resources for new developers, as well as easy ways to share public builds with the community. probably has similar sections, if you want to discuss the game with fellow developers or ask for help/advice. Or maybe just check out how others work on their game for inspiration.

Deleted member 827972

Game Developer
Aug 17, 2018
Nice background music and creepy giggling.

It’s good that you are looking how other games do what you want. I haven’t played Grand Chase myself, but it sounds like it make sense as inspiration.

Some of your ideas seem to be a bit too far away for your current step of development. I don’t think you need about deployment to Iphone before you have even a prototype. It’s great that you have ideas and plans, but that seems very far in the future.

I hope your personal life will improve. That takes priority, so don’t worry about missing deadlines too much. Getting your life in order should be more important.


Have you considered joining any of the game development communities? I don’t know too much about them today, but it used to be that the forums of Newgrounds/Armorgames and other online game forums contained a lot of discussion and resources for new developers, as well as easy ways to share public builds with the community. probably has similar sections, if you want to discuss the game with fellow developers or ask for help/advice. Or maybe just check out how others work on their game for inspiration.
F95 discord has a dev chat, but i quite dont fit, i barely use discord nowdays tbh, but im into a lot of godot groups on facebook, ppl do amazing stuff with this engine.

Isnt prototyping the iphone is more like have a clear view of expansion, as a seller you need to see how/ and if you can at all, expand some product.
Im trying to treat this as serious i can but unfortunally i dont have the skills to do so yet, im sorry for make you wait roughy, but when im able to do this, i will tell you it will be hype af.
Taking inspiration from Grand chase + isaac it will be a banger, maybe the porn side of it halt the development of a community but it will rocks none at less
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Deleted member 827972

Game Developer
Aug 17, 2018
Hi guys, so yesterday i had this idea to do a changelog of progress, today i will put everyday images of porcents like what a legend does.
i think this will motivates me to do at least 1% of something everyday, as i sayed i had no 0 days till now, but im not advancing as i should, bc i have fulltime on this.

So, just saying about the 3 paths, i want to have a proper ending for everyclass in every end, but this isnt for now.
But it will be a fun way of changing the playstyle and give you a chance to win despite your gadgets ( the power ups ) dont be good enough.

Pacifist - You literally needs to dont kill anyone, the autos will be semi automatic, you need to click on the skill to cast or auto cast. (The game was a time of a wave, and a kill score, you can end a wave in both things) Pro/Con: - Dont need to be strong to win, but need to have skills to flee - Can fuck nafiri + everyone.
- Every plant will be friendly even without being a monk or a summoner.
- Shop gives discount every wave (yes it can get 100%)
- Last battle is the human king.

Genocide - Kill everybody in the world, so to make this as harder as the pacifist, there will be a meter, everytime you kill a monster this meter increaces, this meter will be called Nafiri notority and it has levels, level up this will increace the time of a wave, the monsters and the monster strenght, but will give you xp/souls (gold) as well.
Bosses will get harder with that.
Pro/con, before i mesuare this, i want to give you my view on this, in undertale genocide means bad, means that you must to play a very boring path just because the dev loved his characters, i like what i have done story wise, but i wont let it interfere, to be a genocide into this world is to be somewhat of an avenger, you was slaved by the humans, and the monsters tryed to kill you, so this is my take on this: - You get absurdly strong, you get acess to hidden dark magics (By a second type of shop)
- Normal shop is 100% free in wave 2, but it dont appers anymore.
- You cant fuck anyone.
- You cant have followers (only summonings).
- Restrain ascensions, as an avenger, you can only get void dweller or void toxic. (I havent talked about the ascension sys, i will let it for when i finish its code, but will be a buff beyond the last class choice)
- Last battle is a god.

Neutral - If you spare the monster bosses you can ally with nafiri ( she will follow you ) and fight the human king, or just kill the bosses, and her.
So actually theres 2 endings here, "dancing with the devil" (siding with nafiri), "Survivor of the fittest" (kill her), in the future there will be more because i want to expand beyond the void we will play.
Pro/Con: - You can fuck everyone ( except nafiri ), - You have a somewhat normal dificult playthrought, - You can shape the desire outcome without following a straight (and hard) line.
- A major con is that you cant be stronger than genoide, the "dark store" will never appear, and you proabably wont ascend as well.
- Last battle is nafiri/human king.

Rumbling about the plant sys very quick, so i want to put a gardening sort of thing since the beginning so i had a fucking cool idea for it, it will be a plaform, some bosses will summon more places to stay, and you can cast magic to create terrain, in the gap of the 3 first plataforms will be some purple dirt, and it will spawn a seed, every wave it will grow, it have 3 stages, some will be hostile in 1 and 2 neutral and 3 friend, or opposite, and every plant will somewhat unique, you can remove thoses plants and by seeds in the shop.
Some monk is friendly to some hostile, and summoners to anothers, as sayed in pacifist all will be friendly.
It will start to track your route on wave 2, if you killed everyone as sayed you are in genocide, if you spare everyone you are in pacifist, if you deviate or you kill just a single one, you will be neutral.
Every wave will track your progress, if you was a genocide and decided to stop, you going to lose the normal shop anyways, and after 2 waves you going to lose the dark shop too.

Yes genocide is a run against time, same with pacifist but one for others lifes, and other for his life.
In the night i will update with some assets and progress bar. See ya.
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Deleted member 827972

Game Developer
Aug 17, 2018
Hi guys, so why i havent update this?
Well IRL stuff, but i actually will split the stage idea.

So im starting another project rn, i will call it Star*eater, it will be basiclly the over//born prototype as brotato FOV.
And the Over//born will be the grand-chase style game.

Theres one difference tho, as i dont want to it be the exact same, i switched the class sys to a character based, 4 chars, 2 male 2 female, with 2 unique powers and one exclusive ultimate.
Yeah and the story will be somewhat diferent too, i wont say a word further, i will release it here as soon i finish the first build.

And adding on this, im planning to do comic to over//born.
I thought if it was a good thing to do for this prototype too, and it is, some of the characters i want to use on a future MOBA im planning, so it will be different but i will do a comic to it too, telling the origin of the characters, a small story that intagrates content.
I need to test if ppl will like this or not, well i need to test plenty of stuff haha, well lets try, it wont hurt to do a shot
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