Hmm, Sun Breed I like the name, It hints at impregnation, it has incest. Hmm, A full vampire, the main character's father, could impregnate his human mother. Will the main character have the option of impregnating of the sisters too? Oh wait this is by Superwriter who doesn't like impregnating multiple characters... I guess I can keep an eye on this and see where it goes.
You've complained a lot on my threads about only making one character in my game pregnant. So should I force myself to make them all pregnantwhen I have no idea how I would write that story or should I stick to my vision? I don't think it would be very smart to write a story I have no clue how. That's the reason every character is not pregnant.
If there is a story where it makes sense every character is pregnant, then I will write it.
This man ought to finish his other projects before taking on new ones. Still waiting on some sexual content in Secret Summer.
I just updated secret summer like two weeks ago. It is more of a slow burn, so don't expect any sex right off the bat. It is not that type of game.
will sharing the girls with each other be a thing, because if i remember correctly you said this would be more kinetic
Definitely. This is a full harem game =]
Just No...
You wanna i belive Game have Future, when Dev have Not Finished 3(!!!) another Project? 0_____0
Is the dev a single person or a team? Cause I've played his other games, and it doesn't look like any of his/their games are close to finishing, and now there's a 4th one? Looks to me like one of it is going to get abandoned.
Vampires, nice.
Like the models.
Author writes good stuff, mostly, too.
But man... the games this guy is making now... gonna be finished in 10 years, maybe 15.
Updates were already crawling, and now, bam, one more.
Shiny New Project syndrome.
I'm confused

hahaha is this game new or did they change the story? because a few months ago I played one that had the same images (2,3,4,5 and 9) but did not have vampires, it was about 1 brother and 2 sisters who inherited a (bar, cafe or restaurant,can't remember) but anaway this look good so let see.
Good luck for dev
Just sitting here waiting for his 4th, 5h and 6th game, wondering if his earlier stuff will ever be finished.

He has already abandoned/scrapped/reworked like 4-5+ of his other projects within the last year and a half, doubt this one will even get to v0.3 before he drops it.
dont think hes abandoned any game but cant deny there were plenty of reworks but hey the guys making bank so clearly ppl dont care as long as it gets done in the end?
me personally i liked the original Hunger for chaos but eh oh well....actually thats not fair ima just miss the asian chick
Ginger girl looks like she was ripped from 'Just Another Bubble' (think that's what it was called)... Which was another "game" started from this "dev", only to be released, renamed & re-worked, and then ultimately abandoned.
We're seeing a clear and frankly disgusting cycle of behavior from this dev here. Throw together a generic (sometimes revamped) incest concept, release a 0.1 as proof of "concept", it then either get's reworked / renamed, and ultimately abandoned. Meanwhile it's an excuse to drag his feet on the other projects so he can keep his patrons on the hook.
I think the guy's worried he's gonna lose a lot of the patrons he got from PTOLEMY if he finishes Picture Perfect. Eventually he'll come up with a reason to drag his feet even more on that game, like maybe go back and try his hand at animations.
Worse kind of dev to be honest. But four tiny little updates every two months, and that's if you're lucky. Secret Summer fans waited four months for a single update that was laughably bad. Such good value here though! I mean, how could it not be. Four games is better than one right? Who cares if none of them ever get finished and they're the definition of lazy garbage.
Incest but no patch? Or are they actually his "childhood friends?"
Yeah, it's a little weird.
Originally he had a third game called Hunger for Chaos...but he decided it was too dark and re-worked it into another game called Just Another Bubble. But then he decided that he wanted to go back to doing Hunger For Chaos and was going to keep Just Another Bubble and just re-work it slightly. Now it seems he has scrapped JAB...but he's re-using a lot of the renders he already made and putting them into this game.
Also, he was apparently working on a futuristic Superhero game...but that's disappeared entirely from his Patreon (still on his website though)
Superwriter needs to figure out what he wants to focus on...because he's going to end up driving patrons away if he keeps scrubbing new games out after 2 releases.
What I would suggest is to focus on your two main games. Work on your other ideas on the side...but don't release anything until you are confident that you want to continue on those stories. That way you want get 2 or 3 releases into a game and decided you don't like where it's headed.
yeah sure... but maybe if he'd pass more time polishing his renders instead of doing countless games ? Also in the preview pic #4, is she removing her invisible top ?
so this dev now have 3 active games at once?
Except he has.
Hunger For Chaos was abandoned because he thought the story was too he kind of reworked his idea into Just Another Bubble. Then he decided he didn't mind that HfC was dark (because SS and PP are of lighter fare) so he said he was going to reboot that and abandoned JAB. Now he's taken a lot of the art and assets from JAB and reworked them into this.
And there's also the "Number One Zero" game which has been removed from his Patreon but you can still see it on his website.
I thought the beginning of this one was familiar. Then I realized it was a previous project he had done and abandoned.
Renders look good, and I liked photohunt (even if I never finished it because of how complicated it was) so I'll put this on my list. Best of luck!
PS: "Vampire caretaker" sounds a bit strange. We are a half-vampire, so are they our father and vampires can have children normally? was our mother bitten by him while we were in-utero? Or is he actually just some random vampire who acts as our father figure? I ask because then just calling him our father or sire would be fine if it's one of the first two.
To all of you complaining about me doing multiple games,
-- I have released 10 updates of Picture Perfect
-- 5 updates of Secret Summer
-- 1 here of Sun Breed
16 updates in less than a year and a half I've been developing. Hunger for Chaos is on hold because I'm having trouble deciding which direction to go with it. But it is in no way abandoned.
There are many developers who take months to update one game and there are about 50% of games that get abandoned on this site. and you complain about a developer giving you multiple games and a lot of updates?
Picture Perfect was updated a month ago, Secret Summer 2 weeks ago. And now Sun Breed.
I understand if you don't like the games, but you're complaining when I'm working so hard to give you games? It's so deflating when I am busting my ass and it seems like a bunch of you don't appreciate it, but I know that there are people do enjoy my hard work.
If I'm guilty of anything, it is the reworking and rebooting, absolutely. But you have to understand I am a total newbie at this and just started being a developer with absolutely no background, so I have learned a lot and have fucked up a lot, but I am trying my absolute best to make games people like. That's all.
So I'm going to continue working hard and release an update every two weeks. I'm sorry if that's not good enough for you, but that's what I'm going to do. And I appreciate everyone giving me a chance and supporting me.