Fan Art Summertime Saga - Fan Art

3.50 star(s) 2 Votes
May 3, 2024
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Mother's Milk Part 1. A Fanfiction requested by Matt 100. Justhaavingalook and Scorpiov did the pictures.
"Finally, all done". Diane sighed. Diane had been super busy as of late. Milk requests have tripled, and while Daisy has been a big help, she couldn't keep up. They needed help. Since becoming a mom, MC noticed that her milk had gotten creamier and produced more. Daisy's milk production has also increased since giving birth. MC wanted to help but didn't know how to do it. After cleaning up, he went to Tony's for a delivery. Maria greeted him with the baby feeding on her breast and a pump on the other. "Just put it in the fridge, would you? This kid never seems to let go". Maria said. "I don't blame him," MC smirked. "Don't you start! You're starting to sound like Tony," Maria pointed at MC. "Tony keeps trying to take my breast milk out of the fridge when I'm not lookin', the putz!" She shook her head. "You make that much?!" MC asked. "Yeah, and it's overflowing; I don't know what I'm going to do." She sighed. "Would you like to meet with Diane? I bet she could help you solve your problem," MC suggested. "How?" Maria asked. "Just trust me. See you there on Sunday." MC winked. Diane was thrilled to meet Maria, and they immediately hit it off. Maria was surprised to learn that all this time, it was breast milk she was drinking. Daisy was excited to meet the woman who made the veggie pizza she loved so much. Maria was surprised by Daisy's appearance but quickly overcame that due to all the glowing praise. Maria also cleared the air about her baby's parentage and how it came to be. Diane understood and welcomed Maria into the family. Maria was also told about Diane and Daisy's kids, and Maria turned to MC and said she wanted more. Maria agreed to spare what milk she could and work part-time at Diane's on Sundays after church. With that out of the way, they headed home. Debbie greeted them in the living room with Diane's baby in her arms. It looked so natural to MC, making him want to breed her badly. "I have some news," Debbie whispered. She went to put the baby down in another room and came back. "You might want to sit down," She offered. When they were all seated, she handed them a white stick. "I'm pregnant." She smiled. "Well, look at you, stud. A father again." Diane smiled at MC. "I can't believe I'm going to be a mother again at my age," Debbie beamed. To celebrate, they had sex. " Now that we got that out of our system, Debbie, I think it's time you came to the farm and see how the operation is run," Diane said. The next day, Debbie came out to see how it was all done. "It's boob milk!" she gasped. "Yep, I leak excess milk, and for a while, Daisy and I could keep up." Diane smiled. Debbie tilted her head in confusion. "In a moment," Diane waved her hand. "And now I have the pizza lady working here part-time on Sundays. Would you like to join us?" Diane asked. "Well, I have so much to do.." Debbie started. "Mc is an EXCELLENT milker," Diane smiled. "Ok, you convinced me," Debbie chuckled. She became friends with Maria quickly and was not upset about Maria having MC's child because of the circumstances that came with it. And Daisy, whom she treated like a daughter. When she started producing milk, she joined the line. Then came the day she gave birth, and it was a girl. More orders kept coming in, and now people wanted other dairy products like cheese and yogurt. But that required more women and space. Something had to be done, but what? The story will continue. In Mothers Milk Part 2.
May 8, 2021
Ryan is uncertain of the danger that might lie ahead, as he can see the guy in front of him has a knife. But he knew it was the right thing to do, and that strong moral sense of protecting the those who need it overrode any instincts he had to run from this situation.

Nikita: What was that you little shit?

Ryan: I said back the fuck away from them. If you know what is good for you, you will walk away and not bother us ever again.

Nikita: Oh really, Mr. Hero? You and what Army? *He brandishes his knife*

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It was then that Bruce and Mitchel, looking over the corner seeing what the yelling was about, realized there friend was in danger and needed back up.

Mitchel: How about an Army of 4 Against 1. *Mitchel cracks his knuckles before crossing his arms*

Bruce: I don't think it takes a coding degree to know that with those numbers, you are about to make a Cold war go Nuclear hot.

Ryan: One of us is a basketball player, and the rest of us are fueled by Teenage Angst and deep seeded Gaelic Rage. So you want to fuck with us, because I'm daring you to do so.

Nikita: Well I...uh....I...fuck that is a good army. Fine, but don't think this is over, you receding hairline Grunge fail son.

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*Nikita Runs off leaving the boys all to themselves.*

Bruce: Got to admit, that's a new insult I haven't heard. Though on point too. You do look like a Failed Grunge act.

Ryan: My hair isn't it?

Mitchel: Um....well....I don't think that hair near your temples is going to get better over time, I'll say that.

*Eddie starts wiping their eyes, as Ryan approaches them*

Ryan: Hey, are you okay?

Eddie: Um....yeah. Sorry just....I really feared for my life there.

Ryan: Well you are safe now. Name is Ryan Cummings. *Ryan extends his hand out.*

Eddie:....Eddie....Eddie Rogers.

Ryan: Nice to meet you Eddie. Well We really need to head to school, but we will see you around Eddie.

*Eddie looks up and his eyes open up a bit*

Eddie: Wait? You know where the school is?

Ryan: Yeah. Why?

Eddie:'s....My Mom bought a bar and we moved here last week. My Mom used to live here, and my Aunts and cousins still do, but I'm completely new to Summerville and I just don't know where anything is....can....Could you at least point the way for me?

Ryan: How about you tag along with us.

Eddie: Wait, Really?

Ryan: Sure. I imagine Bruce and Mitchel wouldn't mind.

Eddie:....Um....does it bother you that....I'

Ryan: Why would it bother me if your new?

Eddie: No um....I'

Ryan: Join the club. Not like any of us are exactly considered the most popular at school, but that just means us guys who are weird and different need to stick together.

Eddie: I.....okay...Yeah. We guys need to stick together.

Ryan: Yeah, especially after that psycho tried attacking us. Come on, I'll show you the way.

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*Ryan walks forward, with Eddie, being hesitant, but with a expression like they will cry from happiness before running forward and following after Ryan, leaving Mitchel and Bruce to think about what they just saw*

Mitchel:....I don't think Ryan realizes what Eddie is.

Bruce: I don't think he does either.

Mitchel: Should we tell him?

Bruce:...Does it really matter?

Mitchel:....I guess it really doesn't. I don't have a problem with Eddie.

Bruce: Neither do I. So I guess that's settled then.

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Bruce: Wait you play Over-fortress Rivals?

Eddie: Yeah, I primary Medic.

Bruce: Dude, I've been looking for someone who primaries Medic. Everyone wants to play Sniper, or Heavy, but You and I should play sometime. Here, let's switch tags.

Eddie: That be great. It be nice to have someone I know IRL in the lobby.

Mitchel: So I see you discovered Bruce's weakness.

Ryan: I mean we all play games.

Mitchel: Yeah, but Bruce LIVES videogames.

Bruce: I'm sorry my Pale ass wasn't gifted Melanin like yours, so all my hobbies need to be indoors.

Mitchel: Fair point.

Eddie: It's so nice actually having some guy friends to hang out with.

Ryan: We're pretty cool. Plus you seem to fit in like Cheese on Nachos.

Mitchel: Well we should probably get inside before...



*Everyone looks at each other. with peril as they hear the school bell rings.*



*They all run inside*

Mitchel: If we are lucky we might just miss....

Ursula: Just miss what?

*Principle Ursula Smith is standing there, ruler in her hand, as she looks at the group of boys with strict discipline in her eyes. Next to her was her Hall monitor. She still holds that the best Hall monitor she ever had was Annie Livingstone, but that was a long time ago now. Since then she has seen 20 Grades graduate since then, so she recruits a new Hall Monitor Every few Years or so. This year's Model being Patrick Cronkowski, or "Cronk" as people called him. He is Big, and Strong, but not too bright. However what he lacked in brains, he made up in a Golden Retriever personality of wanting to Impress Principle Smith at any way possible. *

Cronk: See Principal Smith. They were late, just like I said they would be...Did I do good?

Ursula: Yes, Mr. Cronkowski you did good. *Ursula rolls her eyes a bit in having to praise him, but knows he needs that praise to keep wanting to do the job*

Ryan: It was only a minute.

Ursula: That's no excuse. You know when Class starts and.....*Ursula stops as she sees Eddie*....You, I don't recognize you.

Eddie: Um....I'm new. I just moved here.

Ursula: Oh yes, we were expecting a new student. Let me remember. Miss Ember Rog....

Eddie: EDDIE! *Eddie reacts scared.*

Ursula: Pardon?

Eddie: go by Eddie Rogers.

Ursula: You're Birth Certificate says otherwise, and our City's laws mandate that I use the name and Sex found on your Birth Certificate.

Ryan: That can't be right. Did your Mom somehow put you under as a girl? *Ryan asks genuinely concerned and confused*

Eddie: No, it's just....

Cronk: Wait, does that mean that I have to be called by my full Name? Because my Middle name is Eugene and frankly it's kind of Embarrassing.

Ursula: No, Cronk, you don't have to be called by your....

Bruce: Hold on, no, Cronk has a point. If Nicknames are allowed in the school, then So is Eddie's Name.

Ursula: I'm not arguing.....*She then pinches the bridge of her nose, as she exhales in frustration.* Fine, you win.

Bruce: What?


Ursula: You win, I can't enforce every person in the school to comply, it's got loopholes, and frankly it's too much of a headache to try to, nor do I even really care to. So whatever. Eddie, is it? Just don't get in further trouble and I'll just look the other direction, got it?

Eddie: Um...Yeah, okay.

Ursula: Eddie, you get a free pass since today is your first day. As for you boys....You know what? Your Punishment is that you are assigned to be Eddie's designated guide for today instead of Cronk.

Cronk: WOO! I got the day off!

*Ursula hands over the Papers for Eddie to him, as the guys look at it.* If you fail to do this task, it's detention.

Ryan: Bruce would you make that deal?

Bruce : I'd make that Deal.

Mitchel: I'd Make that Deal too.

Ryan: I don't blame you, Damn good deal.

Ursula: Now don't let me see you again today.

*Ursula finally says as she walks towards the stairs as Cronk follows behind like a dog*


Mitchel: We got off Lucky.

Bruce: Really Lucky. Principle Smith is usually a Bitch.

Ryan: Maybe she has a headache or something.

Bruce: or maybe she's just having a good day.

*Eddie Finally speaks up*

Eddie: So now you know.....

Ryan: know what?

Bruce: Dude, seriously?

Eddie: That I wasn't born a boy.

Ryan:......Wait...OH! I'm an Idiot.

Mitchel: You think?

Eddie: But I am a boy, just because I wasn't born one. But now you know....if you hate me now, I understand.

Ryan: Why would I hate you?

Eddie: because "I'm a liar" or something like that.

Ryan:....Well when I met you, you called yourself Eddie....I don't really see anything different now then I did 20 minutes ago.


Bruce: Dude, you like all the same stuff we do, you dress like one of us, you talk like one of us. You're one of us.

Mitchel: You are whatever you want to be. It's your life you have to live.

Eddie: I'm...I'm not used to this much acceptance.

Ryan: We misfits need to stick together. So ready for Class Eddie?

Eddie: Yeah. Let's go to class.


*Ursula takes out her Bottle of Dalmore whiskey and pours it into her iced glass, as Cronk stands by*

Cronk: So is there anything else you need me to do Principle Smith?

Ursula: Just watch over the halls to make sure nobody is doing anything disruptive. I could actually use a few minutes alone, so try not to bother me.

Cronk: Got ya. Stop disruptions, and leave you alone...wait, what if someone does something disruptive if I can't send them to you?

Ursula: You know what, you get to choose how to handle it.

Cronk: Ooh! Responsibilities! Okie Dokie Principle Smith, I'll watch the Hall like a Hawk! *He says before practically skipping out of the office


*Principle smith leans back at her desk as she drinks her liquor. studying the painting that hangs behind her seat. It was such a long time ago that painting was painted. A Lifetime ago, and she feels like sometimes she isn't the same person she once was.*


*Maybe as a effect of the Alcohol, but the longer she looks at the painting, the more it seems to come to life, as her younger painted self looks back at her*

Painted Ursula: You've gotten Weak.

Ursuala: I've gotten old.

Painted Ursula: You used to be feared. Respected. Students used to quake in their shoes when you walked by, and now you are simply giving out your own work as punishment? The Ursula Smith that that I knew ruled with an Iron fist, and you are a mere shadow of yourself.


Ursula: And you were Naïve. I am running a School that is working on a gutted budged of 1/10th of what you were working with, and even back then, it was a pitiful amount. Our own prodigy is slashing the budget we need to function. You were just a petty tyrant amongst simple children. What have we even accomplished in all that time? Grades have been falling, and I don't have the resources to whip this school back into shape. So maybe I've gotten soft, but I at least understand now that Punishing every student that looks at me side-eyed isn't worth my time anymore.


Painted Ursula: You will have a dysfunctional school. Students running rampant, acting like they own the place.

Ursula: Telling some kids to guide a new student isn't going to burn the school down.

Painted Ursula: You are soft! A disgrace to the Smith Name.

Ursula: How about you shut up before I find that tarp and cover you up, you oil painted Bimbo.

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May 3, 2024
Bruce: Wait you play Over-fortress Rivals?

Eddie: Yeah, I primary Medic.

Bruce: Dude, I've been looking for someone who primaries Medic. Everyone wants to play Sniper, or Heavy, but You and I should play sometime. Here, let's switch tags.

Eddie: That be great. It be nice to have someone I know IRL in the lobby.

Mitchel: So I see you discovered Bruce's weakness.

Ryan: I mean we all play games.

Mitchel: Yeah, but Bruce LIVES videogames.

Mitchel: I'm sorry my Pale ass wasn't gifted Melanin like yours, so all my hobbies need to be indoors.

Mitchel: Fair point.

Eddie: It's so nice actually having some guy friends to hang out with.

Ryan: We're pretty cool. Plus you seem to fit in like Cheese on Nachos.

Mitchel: Well we should probably get inside before...

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*Everyone looks at each other. with peril as they hear the school bell rings.*


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*They all run inside*

Mitchel: If we are lucky we might just miss....

Ursula: Just miss what?

*Principle Ursula Smith is standing there, ruler in her hand, as she looks at the group of boys with strict discipline in her eyes. Next to her was her Hall monitor. She still holds that the best Hall monitor she ever had was Annie Livingstone, but that was a long time ago now. Since then she has seen 20 Grades graduate since then, so she recruits a new Hall Monitor Every few Years or so. This year's Model being Patrick Cronkowski, or "Cronk" as people called him. He is Big, and Strong, but not too bright. However what he lacked in brains, he made up in a Golden Retriever personality of wanting to Impress Principle Smith at any way possible. *

Cronk: See Principal Smith. They were late, just like I said they would be...Did I do good?

Ursula: Yes, Mr. Cronkowski you did good. *Ursula rolls her eyes a bit in having to praise him, but knows he needs that praise to keep wanting to do the job*

Ryan: It was only a minute.

Ursula: That's no excuse. You know when Class starts and.....*Ursula stops as she sees Eddie*....You, I don't recognize you.

Eddie: Um....I'm new. I just moved here.

Ursula: Oh yes, we were expecting a new student. Let me remember. Miss Ember Rog....

Eddie: EDDIE! *Eddie reacts scared.*

Ursula: Pardon?

Eddie: go by Eddie Rogers.

Ursula: You're Birth Certificate says otherwise, and our City's laws mandate that I use the name and Sex found on your Birth Certificate.

Ryan: That can't be right. Did your Mom somehow put you under as a girl? *Ryan asks genuinely concerned and confused*

Eddie: No, it's just....

Cronk: Wait, does that mean that I have to be called by my full Name? Because my Middle name is Eugene and frankly it's kind of Embarrassing.

Ursula: No, Cronk, you don't have to be called by your....

Bruce: Hold on, no, Cronk has a point. If Nicknames are allowed in the school, then So is Eddie's Name.

Ursula: I'm not arguing.....*She then pinches the bridge of her nose, as she exhales in frustration.* Fine, you win.

Bruce: What?

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Ursula: You win, I can't enforce every person in the school to comply, it's got loopholes, and frankly it's too much of a headache to try to, nor do I even really care to. So whatever. Eddie, is it? Just don't get in further trouble and I'll just look the other direction, got it?

Eddie: Um...Yeah, okay.

Ursula: Eddie, you get a free pass since today is your first day. As for you boys....You know what? Your Punishment is that you are assigned to be Eddie's designated guide for today instead of Cronk.

Cronk: WOO! I got the day off!

*Ursula hands over the Papers for Eddie to him, as the guys look at it.* If you fail to do this task, it's detention.

Ryan: Bruce would you make that deal?

Bruce : I'd make that Deal.

Mitchel: I'd Make that Deal too.

Ryan: I don't blame you, Damn good deal.

Ursula: Now don't let me see you again today.

*Ursula finally says as she walks towards the stairs as Cronk follows behind like a dog*

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Mitchel: We got off Lucky.

Bruce: Really Lucky. Principle Smith is usually a Bitch.

Ryan: Maybe she has a headache or something.

Bruce: or maybe she's just having a good day.

*Eddie Finally speaks up*

Eddie: So now you know.....

Ryan: know what?

Bruce: Dude, seriously?

Eddie: That I wasn't born a boy.

Ryan:......Wait...OH! I'm an Idiot.

Mitchel: You think?

Eddie: But I am a boy, just because I wasn't born one. But now you know....if you hate me now, I understand.

Ryan: Why would I hate you?

Eddie: because "I'm a liar" or something like that.

Ryan:....Well when I met you, you called yourself Eddie....I don't really see anything different now then I did 20 minutes ago.


Bruce: Dude, you like all the same stuff we do, you dress like one of us, you talk like one of us. You're one of us.

Mitchel: You are whatever you want to be. It's your life you have to live.

Eddie: I'm...I'm not used to this much acceptance.

Ryan: We misfits need to stick together. So ready for Class Eddie?

Eddie: Yeah. Let's go to class.

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*Ursula takes out her Bottle of Dalmore whiskey and pours it into her iced glass, as Cronk stands by*

Cronk: So is there anything else you need me to do Principle Smith?

Ursula: Just watch over the halls to make sure nobody is doing anything disruptive. I could actually use a few minutes alone, so try not to bother me.

Cronk: Got ya. Stop disruptions, and leave you alone...wait, what if someone does something disruptive if I can't send them to you?

Ursula: You know what, you get to choose how to handle it.

Cronk: Ooh! Responsibilities! Okie Dokie Principle Smith, I'll watch the Hall like a Hawk! *He says before practically skipping out of the office

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*Principle smith leans back at her desk as she drinks her liquor. studying the painting that hangs behind her seat. It was such a long time ago that painting was painted. A Lifetime ago, and she feels like sometimes she isn't the same person she once was.*

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*Maybe as a effect of the Alcohol, but the longer she looks at the painting, the more it seems to come to life, as her younger painted self looks back at her*

Painted Ursula: You've gotten Weak.

Ursuala: I've gotten old.

Painted Ursula: You used to be feared. Respected. Students used to quake in their shoes when you walked by, and now you are simply giving out your own work as punishment? The Ursula Smith that that I knew ruled with an Iron fist, and you are a mere shadow of yourself.

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Ursula: And you were Naïve. I am running a School that is working on a gutted budged of 1/10th of what you were working with, and even back then, it was a pitiful amount. Our own prodigy is slashing the budget we need to function. You were just a petty tyrant amongst simple children. What have we even accomplished in all that time? Grades have been falling, and I don't have the resources to whip this school back into shape. So maybe I've gotten soft, but I at least understand now that Punishing every student that looks at me side-eyed isn't worth my time anymore.

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Painted Ursula: You will have a dysfunctional school. Students running rampant, acting like they own the place.

Ursula: Telling some kids to guide a new student isn't going to burn the school down.

Painted Ursula: You are soft! A disgrace to the Smith Name.

Ursula: How about you shut up before I find that tarp and cover you up, you oil painted Bimbo.

View attachment 4627497
I love it! So Eddie's real name is Ember. I love that name. I can't wait for Anon to meet Eddie, its going to be epic.

I also love the Ursula bit where she has a conversation with her younger self. I'm wondering if Annie still respects her former mentor or she's just being cruel.

And cronk, is that a reference to guy on emperor's new groove?
May 8, 2021
I love it! So Eddie's real name is Ember. I love that name. I can't wait for Anon to meet Eddie, its going to be epic.

I also love the Ursula bit where she has a conversation with her younger self. I'm wondering if Annie still respects her former mentor or she's just being cruel.

And cronk, is that a reference to guy on emperor's new groove?
It's his dead Name. He goes by Eddie now, but is probably used to people using it around him. But that was the name Eve chose when they were born.

I feel that Annie still holds a lot of respect for Ursula, as Ursula was her Mentor. But I feel the relationship has changed a lot now that Annie works in Government that controls the rules and budget the school has to work with. Meanwhile I feel that Ursula's relationship with Annie, while she still sees it as mostly positive, has soured a bit over the years.

As for Cronk....

01a .gif
May 3, 2024
It's his dead Name. He goes by Eddie now, but is probably used to people using it around him. But that was the name Eve chose when they were born.

I feel that Annie still holds a lot of respect for Ursula, as Ursula was her Mentor. But I feel the relationship has changed a lot now that Annie works in Government that controls the rules and budget the school has to work with. Meanwhile I feel that Ursula's relationship with Annie, while she still sees it as mostly positive, has soured a bit over the years.

As for Cronk....

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I have one more question about Cronk. Is he the son of any character in your story?

And I am surprised that Grace and Odette's kids (assuming that they had any) did not show Eddie around the school when he showed up
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May 8, 2021
I have one more question about Cronk. Is he the son of any character in your story?

And I am surprised that Grace and Odette's kids (assuming that they had any) did not show Eddie around the school when he showed up
As of Right now, I don't know who Cronk would be the son of, so we will leave that in the "Maybe" category"

Eddie does have cousins, but they aren't in school because they already graduated.
May 8, 2021
can you make female mc and erick?
*Somewhere in Multiverse*

Anonette: Seriously?

Erik: I can't hep it.

Anonette: I've had tits for how many years now, and you still can't look at me without getting a boner? I'm not even showing any cleavage.

Erik: Look, you are my childhood best friend, but I'm just at that age where everything stimulates me.

Anonette: Erik, that's been the case for 6 years now. Can you just put it away, we were playing games.

Erik: It doesn't just "go away" on command.

Anonette:...Fine, I'll take care of it for you then.

Erik: No I got....wait what?

Anonette: Just don't ever speak of this, and we go back to playing games like nothing ever happened.

Erik: Um...Sure.


*10 minutes later*

Tammy: Erik, are you okay sweety? I heard something get knocked over....

Erik: MOM!

Anonette: Um....hi Mrs. Johnson....Please don't tell my Mom about this.

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May 3, 2024
*Somewhere in Multiverse*

Anonette: Seriously?

Erik: I can't hep it.

Anonette: I've had tits for how many years now, and you still can't look at me without getting a boner? I'm not even showing any cleavage.

Erik: Look, you are my childhood best friend, but I'm just at that age where everything stimulates me.

Anonette: Erik, that's been the case for 6 years now. Can you just put it away, we were playing games.

Erik: It doesn't just "go away" on command.

Anonette:...Fine, I'll take care of it for you then.

Erik: No I got....wait what?

Anonette: Just don't ever speak of this, and we go back to playing games like nothing ever happened.

Erik: Um...Sure.

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*10 minutes later*

Tammy: Erik, are you okay sweety? I heard something get knocked over....

Erik: MOM!

Anonette: Um....hi Mrs. Johnson....Please don't tell my Mom about this.

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I can see this as a fun spin-off.
Nov 14, 2018
*Somewhere in Multiverse*

Anonette: Seriously?

Erik: I can't hep it.

Anonette: I've had tits for how many years now, and you still can't look at me without getting a boner? I'm not even showing any cleavage.

Erik: Look, you are my childhood best friend, but I'm just at that age where everything stimulates me.

Anonette: Erik, that's been the case for 6 years now. Can you just put it away, we were playing games.

Erik: It doesn't just "go away" on command.

Anonette:...Fine, I'll take care of it for you then.

Erik: No I got....wait what?

Anonette: Just don't ever speak of this, and we go back to playing games like nothing ever happened.

Erik: Um...Sure.

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*10 minutes later*

Tammy: Erik, are you okay sweety? I heard something get knocked over....

Erik: MOM!

Anonette: Um....hi Mrs. Johnson....Please don't tell my Mom about this.

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*Somewhere in Multiverse*

Anonette: Seriously?

Erik: I can't hep it.

Anonette: I've had tits for how many years now, and you still can't look at me without getting a boner? I'm not even showing any cleavage.

Erik: Look, you are my childhood best friend, but I'm just at that age where everything stimulates me.

Anonette: Erik, that's been the case for 6 years now. Can you just put it away, we were playing games.

Erik: It doesn't just "go away" on command.

Anonette:...Fine, I'll take care of it for you then.

Erik: No I got....wait what?

Anonette: Just don't ever speak of this, and we go back to playing games like nothing ever happened.

Erik: Um...Sure.

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*10 minutes later*

Tammy: Erik, are you okay sweety? I heard something get knocked over....

Erik: MOM!

Anonette: Um....hi Mrs. Johnson....Please don't tell my Mom about this.

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Also, somewhere in Multiverse too. On how MC is vanish.
3.50 star(s) 2 Votes