This game is amazing 9/10, but it could easily be 10/10 with some polishing.
1. The translation is obviously not perfect, sometimes it feels like a direct google translation. I understand the meaning that the author was trying to convey (like calling a gym trainer a "coach"), since I'm fluent in both languages, but it still breaks immersion a tiny bit when they're talking in "jagged" English. You just focus on that instead of the flow of the story.
2. The point system and different paths. I think there needs to be a more direct way of saying when you miss some scenes. Like a grayed out option saying "needs X decision + 2 Kenny Relationship points". Or maybe in the corner of the screen like we get, just more direct. Also, why are relationship points are not numerical? It would be so much more intuitive to simply know the number, instead of guessing that bar length. When I was trying to see all the routes, I had to replay from start so many times holding CTRL, just to guess it. The game either needs a competent walkthrough, or UI addition to make it clear on what path you are and what specific things you missed doing to branch out on a different path to see all CGs (without simply looking at gallery, because what would be the point in that). I've seen like 90-95% of CGs and gave up trying to figure out how to get the rest few.
I think both of those are fixable, which would make it a 10/10 masterpiece game, because the game is super hot. All female characters look gorgeous, but especially the sister (and mom too, which is intriguing). I enjoyed all the routes, but my fav is Kenny+Sister NTR one.
Current version: 0.2.3