Unity - Completed - Summer in Heat [v1.01] [Miconisomi]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    peak hentai game. you can smash any of your waifu u desire. the community creations are awesome, i just grab whatever they made. as for the story, some are expecting for it to be a game, but its more of a story telling game. the h scenes are really good, u can customize almost all aspects about it. dont sleep on this game, the hentai dont disappoint u like most ai h games out there.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Perhaps this could be higher to others, but for me, it's just really okay. Especially in comparison with their past work "Insult Order" or even their ancient Love Live games.
    The character design and setting here is just generic, and the game is essentially a visual novel.
    That's about it really. If you like VNs you might like this game more but personally I'm more of a sandbox and simulation type of guy.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly unsure what went into that game in terms of time and resources, the demo showed something to be excited about, and... well it's simply not there at all, none of what they showed as tech demo or anything is present here.

    It's actually so average that it might aswell be an illusion game and you wouldn't tell the difference.
  4. 3.00 star(s)



    - Customization options. You can mold the girl to mostly whatever you prefer
    - Lots of variety
    - The cutscenes, when available, are very well done


    - Weird story progression
    - Story is filled with conveniences, contrivances, and is about as believable as selling a bridge. Typical japanese H game material
    - I know its a japanese trope but the MC is impossible to relate to, and is practically your typical semen covered hobo living near a public toilet.

    Story summary is thus. Youre a janitor in a school, you see girl, you jerk off. Yes that's about it as an intro. From there the story is basically just one sex scene to the next; no drama, no pretensions, no real choices made, not even much context aside from the MC's dirty thoughts. In fact, if you made an attempt at summarizing the story, you'll likely find yourself drawing up some pervert's list of stuff he'd like to do to girl.

    Gameplay is basically just progress when the story tells you to. There's no real choice beyond selecting the girls to progress with. No real dialogue choices, you play this the way its made or you can press exit and never think about it again. Dialogue can grate at times, being far too long talking about the same thing over and over again. Mercifully, its all skippable, even the scenes, and I would indeed recommend just skipping it after the first few lines because none of the dialogue in actual fact matters in terms of world building, characters etc.

    H gameplay is more impressive because theres loads of variety. Each sex scene has about three poses, each of which have some kind of sub pose that changes by time. My only chief complaint is that the UI is needlessly complicated, and it can look like a periodic table at times. If this doesnt tickle your fancy, there are also basic VN sex scenes which in my opinion works better with this type of games. Helps alot that these cutscenes are really well made, and is pretty much the best parts of the game itself to me.

    Characters are not merely one dimensional, they're completely unrelatable. Every single character in this game bar maybe one is basically a sex fiend, or a closet sex fiend, and the MC of this game is the kind of species of chimpanzee that faps 4 times a day with a pair of panties stuck in his gob. The NTR is a joke, because its revealed in a flashback that youve already fucked her long before she had a boyfriend (and her boyfriend is unlikeable as fuck to begin with), and even the corruption is about as lazy as it gets because the girl isnt tempted into it - shes starts one nudge away from an ahegao faced cliff so all youre doing is merely giving her a light push, not even a shove.

    To Summarize...

    There's nothing particularly wrong about this game if all you want is fap material. My boner reacts healthily as it should, but Im left with a sense of quiet disgust because of the way the story is presented, and the progression of the girls. Its one of those weird ones where the game is better off with a vanilla neutral MC because it generates conflict in a way that can be understood. I know japs love these trope somehow, but this weird obsession with ugly horny bastard MCs is unpleasant to watch, and even less pleasant when youre forced into a storyline of which you have zero agency in.

    Speaking of, the way this game progresses the girls is weird. You start off with a choice of two girls, then after 4 scenes it locks you down to that girl and now you're asked to finish it with no possibility of swapping midway. Wouldnt it be better to have both girls' story intertwine so not only is there pacing but also character dynamics? Wishful thinking, is this game's reply.

    Can only recommend to real pervs who havent showered for two days in the summer heat.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Miss Y

    This is a game with fabulous presentation, but very little substance. The graphics, animation, voice acting, and character customization are all top tier, but unfortunately... the story leaves a lot to be desired, so if you are interested in something more than just freeplay gallery of animations, you might be a little disappointed.

    The story starts out very strong, but soon runs into an issue once you realize that you aren't being given any real choices. You are essentially just choosing whether you want to play Route A or Route B, with a couple of scenes for each character that you can "sample" before fully committing to one. But once you have finished 3 or 4 scenes for one of the two main characters, the other route completely vanishes... leaving the game in a very odd place where a scene will finish, and it sends you back to the map/menu where you only have a single option to choose over and over again until the end of the game, begging the question of why it doesn't just automatically put you into the next scene when your only choices are to click the one button on the map or quit the game entirely. Whichever route you choose, the game limps across the finish line with no real climax and just encourages you to start over from the beginning, so that you can see the other girl's route... and then arbitrarily unlocks the two "side story" routes as part of the main menu, without having them integrated with the main story at all.

    And this is very subjective, but I think this game suffers from a lot of repetition as you get closer to the end, because all of the scenes involve the same characters doing slightly different sex acts (with none of them really being a major escalation aside from the handful of NTR scenes, which drag on for waaaaaaaay too long.) Despite the extended length of its time in development, it feels like a step down from the story in After Service Gangbang Addicts. A Miconisomi game without any gangbang content just feels off to me, and this game doesn't offer anything to fill that void.

    On top of that, I found myself heavily disappointed by how short Reiko's side story was, especially after the prologue did such a wonderful job of setting up the sibling rivalry between her and the protagonist. From following the previews, she was the character who most interested me, so having her story essentially be resolved with one minor voyeurism scene and one blackmail scene felt so underwhelming.

    Giving this game only 3 stars feels a little harsh, but I really just can't justify giving it 4 when they've already made two much better games before this one. It's well made in a technical sense and very pretty to look at, but very demanding on your PC for what is essentially a 3D visual novel with no active gameplay and absolutely doesn't feel like it was worth the six-ish years that it took to create compared to the leap from Gangbang Addicts in early 2017 to Insult Order coming out in late 2018.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I give it 5 stars because as every Miconisomi games are good Visual Novels, but this is all.
    If you expect more gameplay than dialogue may not be yout game, this is a 3D VN with customizable characters and interactive sex scenes, that´s all.

    Only cons I found are that there are not enough sex scenes with the two secondary characters and their stories are dumb and short af.

    The other con is I like straight shota and this don´t have any content like this, there is a shota character but nothin really interesting.

    And, the demo offered some scenes with orgies and there is a lack of them.

    Is a excellent VN though.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    • Four fully voiced heroines, two main and two sub characters, characters also have some relation to each other in the main story, rather than four independent characters crammed together.
    • Improved UI and QoL features compared to past titles, easa of character customizing, export/import, free mode gallery, camera control presets, pov angles, body fluid customization, scene cycling loadouts etc.
    • Chat/Thought bubble interaction during H scenes, their personality and dialogue will change depending on the 3 levels of lewdness/depravity they are currently at.
    • Not every character has access to every H positions, some are restricted behind their main story scenes, while you can customize the appearances that means you can't have the character voice you favor be in the exclusive scenes that aren't theirs.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A REALLY good game. The character creation is the best in a Miconisomi game yet, and so are the animations, and there are a lot of them in this game. I'll straight up say I enjoyed this game way more than Koikatsu, or anything Illusion has put out past Playhome. While the character creation is not as extensive, Miconisomi just smokes Illusion in terms of effort put into their games, especially the animation and story. If you can, buy this game from official stores to support them.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is great with how the main girls start to fall in love with sex and just being a simple nukige story. Some problems that I had with the game was the lack of customization in the game at the moment and not being able to move the characters around the scene in the free mode.

    Otoha: I love how Otoha went from being a innocent girl to a total slut but I would've love a more wholesome story with Otoha. However this has it own taste of corruption which is pretty good.

    Rino: Basic NTR plot of main girl resisting sex from the main character then giving into his big dick. Great if you like NTR with how she start begging for more dick at the end of her story.

    Overall a 5/5 Nukige story.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    There’s no player agency other than choosing between one of two main routes, so the game is basically a fully voiced and animated 3D visual novel with character customization. And I like it.

    If you enjoyed Insult Order, this offers more of the same but with a focus on more vanilla fetishes—mostly mindbreak and hidden sex.

    If you liked Koikatsu, this is a similar experience but without the grinding and open-world elements.

    Now that you know what you’re getting into, the one thing that really feels lacking is the amount of character customization. Other than that, it’s great.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This game might not be perfect. But its a hell of a lot better than 90 percent of games on this website. Animation Wise. Graphics wise. Character wise. Functionalities wise.

    I rest my case.
    Please support the dev and other solo devs who make our lives a bit better.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game and return to form. For too long has the H game scene been plagued with complete rubbish with only Illusion or "ILLGames" making anything of worth. Though they have completely lost the plot.

    In comes this dev. Great graphics, solid gameplay options and plenty of moves/poses and the ability to "caress". Customization is quite light at the moment but the dev has much more planned. Personally the only thing missing is more character customization/clothing (I hope you modders come over to fix this!) and some more hardcore BDSM stuff.

    On a final note, not sure about the review bombing by a few on here. I suspect they are the usual suspects that play terrible games but think they're great.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is huge file-wise with no payoff. The character dialogue is boring and far too wordy, the characters don't make a ton of sense, and the prologue is miles long and the single most boring introduction to a game I have played.

    The prologue information serves close to no gameplay purpose, and after close to twenty minutes of clicking through pointless and expository dialogue I got to a screen which was not explained in any capacity, and ended up have to choose between clicking on two girl icons.
    I clicked on each of them and followed through to find only more boring dialogue, and pointless exposition.

    I'm sure this game is fine for someone who enjoys walls of text, but I just want to jerk off, not read a convoluted story.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately for me the great scenes are largely ruined by everything surrounding it being very lacking.

    This is essentially just a short visual novel with interactive scenes in between reading sessions. There are no decisions that you need to make or branching routes. There's also not really any development to the relations with the characters and you start having sex with them almost immediately. I eventually stopped caring about the "plot" and just skipped to see the scenes.

    If you just want to jerk off to some solid 3D interactive scenes this is great, if you wanted anything more than that it's a disappointment.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    if it ain't broke don't fix it says miconisomi once again . Lot of years in the making and It's pretty much the same as previous games, which is not a bad thing considering those games were really really good.

    So yeah, once again, a VN with character maker, good scenes, and overall really good presentation, It still is a exceptional game and probably one of the best games you can find in this site, but since we were waiting this one for so long, I was expecting this game having a little bit more of gameplay, customization, anything really.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I've seen countless people complain about this so i'll start the review off with a warning: Miconisomi's games are basically just VNs. If you hate Visual Novels don't play any of them. (Except for their first game)

    Anyways this game is a big improvement over their last project, the character models, animations, and the customization are all amazing even the character's personalities are great but i have some complaints.

    1. The game has no gangbang /3P scenes aside from one, Which is just... baffling. if you know Miconisomi 3P scenes are their bread and butter. their first game was literally centered around gang bangs. And their second game had a secondary protagonist named Tomoe who's entire route was centered around 3P scenes. So it's just odd not to have them especially since the cover of the game on DL site is a 3P scene with Rino and Otoha.

    2. It's odd how the game was in development for over 6 years and Cocoa and Reiko don't have full or even longer routes. Very disappointing since they have great VA's. Hell there are even some scenes in free play that don't appear at all in the main story and could have been used in their routes.
    They could have given Cocoa's route a whole bunch of 3P scenes since her whole thing is that she's very open that she'll bang anyone for money. And Reiko is supposed to be the protagonist bitchy pricky older sister. She could have had a route about the protagonist fucking her into submission. Just a shame both of their "Routes" are just a single scene. Really hope this game gets DLC to add more content because it does feel incomplete in that respect. Despite all of this i can't give the game anything lower than a 4/5. all of Miconisomi's games are high quality for such a small team and i'm glad they don't pump out slop with the same reused animations so they can slap a 60$ price tag on it Cough Illusion a really good game if you don't mind visual novels and don't care about Miconisomi not including their usual 3P content
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Shambling through down through smut alley, I happen to find the latest release from a dev that had two successful goes at some truly debauched nukige smut. Gangbangs, pet play, cum play, you name it they beautifully rendered it through their vaunted, debauched 3d rendered scenarios.

    And here, we have their latest release, roughly more than five years after their last one. And that very sentence, just to keep in mind before we get a little further along in this review, is where my main bias will lay. With covid, creator burnout, illness (if I remember right) alongside the myriad of things that befall development, everyone kept up with the cien hoping for a release with each and every year. As the years climbed of course, so did the release date, 2023 end of year, 2024 some time, now in 2025 do we finally get to play this beautifully fostered dream. (Alongside this, this was all played through a translator injector so keep that in mind as well as I try to explain googlese with what scraps of story popup.)

    Is it worth it? Yes and no, though again this is from being a miconisomi fan ever since their first game and possibly not tempering my albeit horni expectations considering games like this truly do release once every 5+ years.

    Anywho onto the review.

    This is pretty much a visual novel in as much as it's a sandbox scene viewer. Not in the similar fashion of other sandbox JP hentai sims but more so in the guise of how the majority of scenes you source from the story between the 4 main characters can be shared amongst each other. Want to see that gangbang apply to a character that never even got there? Sure, want one to give you the BJ in the beginning of the game since the story didn't grant her one? Why not. Much of this game serves as just a structure to put your lewd suitors in a variety of scenarios that you can't change all that much save for their looks, actions that apply in the scene, alongside their h-level in said scene. This is pretty much blanketed across all of their games.

    Alongside this the story...is a story. The main "campaign" of Summer is you playing on an overhead map that features all the points of interest that usually translate to little character bubbles you can click on to further their VN route. Which is strange considering that if you lock in on one, the other often greys out, where going back to the beginning you can instead start their journey with the other being completed. Maybe there's a means or mechanic to balance both routes out but again through my googlese I wasn't able to find such a means.

    In that you play as a janitor that pretty much feels content in as much as being bored with his current role. You find some gals however just as bored as you are at the academy you work at, various familial relations with a handful of them (maybe, translator again) working summer roles, and you all quickly find lewd solutions on figuring out how to make summer pass by in the best ways possible. That's pretty much the plot, talk to girls, get horni, find yourself in truly debauched scenarios and eventually accept your new perverted relationship at the end of the questline as the H-level maxes out. Go back to main menu, find chapter select if you have a favorite scene stuck in the story alone, or go to the sandbox scene viewer if you want to watch every different position imaginable.

    And that's where I'm kinda put off by this title, especially after all this time waiting and referencing their last two releases. In both those games there was a means of a main story that tried to justify these hornyass scenes in as much as there was mechanics too where things were more intimate in introducing a touching sim and/or other more involved "hub" areas in which you push the envelope with previous characters in upping relationship/h-points while still including lewd mechanics in all of that. Miconisomi always felt as though it was a lewd train from the very start all the way to very end blasting your brain with goonery as every new mechanic had you doing something uniquely naughty to further the story, or trying to get to the next level in said mechanic. Here, it doesn't feel like that.

    It feels really just like a scene viewer that eventually had a VN story slapped against it. No gangbangs, or at least a very limited amount of them, no intimate means of groping LI's privately somewhere as you try and further your debauched situationship with them (save for the sandbox), no LI's uniquely interacting with each other (as far as I can find)--just a full on 3DVN with a sandbox scene viewer. It's...kinda disappointing, especially since so many cien posts almost teased it to be a collection of their previous two games' achievements resulting in an even bigger experience.

    And how debauched both games eventually got. It feels like there are means of seeing where they maybe cut corners, such as the sandbox showing that you can grope the LI's akin to their previous titles that don't seem to appear in the story (or maybe, translator does break certain actions). But at least with the main story beats, unless there's some new game+ mode beyond completeing the 4 routes, it seems as though they truly put everyone in a linear VN quest bubble and missed a lot of opportunities in this becoming a foursome situation or even involving mechanics around that.

    That's why I can't completely give it a five, nor can I really give it a three. It's a rare gem that actually tries to go beyond the normal means of what a lot of lewd games usually are, as this actually has budget and effort put into it. It feels like a proper double-A lewd game with a competent engine, beautifully made models (subject to a competent customization system), alongside great lewd scenarios. But it lacks those more engaging mechanics that their previous games fostered in making it more than just a VN with really good interactive scenes.

    Overall 4/5, maybe, hopefully some more meat might be placed on these bones but after five years of waiting for this, I find that the game suffers from being compared to it's previous titles. If this was their first game, fantastic, but it being the third after so much time has past just makes me yearn to go back and play what made them great.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I found myself quite disappointed, as I had hoped for more interactivity and meaningful choices storywise. Instead, the experience feels like passively watching a series of 3D animations.

    However it does have decent graphics and impressive customization options.
    It's a solid game, but nothing special.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a well made game after like a month of searching! The graphics are insane and even with the customization this game is visually stunning. The amount of settings you can customize in the H Scenes are such a great touch. The amount of voice acting is very generous and sound good too, I didn't really find a flaw in this game, I enjoyed it very well. 10/10. Solid Game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not here for the story, I am here for the H scenes. They are fantastic, A+ customization options for the models and plenty of scenes to enjoy. This has become the go-to for me for H-games for the foreseeable future.