Unity - Completed - Succubus Heaven [2025-02-08] [Chaos Gate]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I genuinely have no gripes with this game appart from the part that maybe it could have a deeper bondage aspect looking at how there's collars and other bondage related stuff but this game like it is covers basically anything you want and need in a good porn game, the gameplay is fun and rewarding with 3 characters that all play different from each other and the porn part is great, you got femdom, shit with ghouls,slimes,etc and finally futanari and everything is pretty solid for a game that at most takes like 3 hours to finish
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Now this is a game worth playing if you want actual gameplay (and a decent one too) with a side of erotic content and guess what? This game got some replay value unlike the majority of games on the site.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game from top to bottom. Amazing animation and sex. The control isn't the best and the action isn't smooth like AAA games but it does its job. The rogue like gameplay is challenging and the sex part is fun.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Been following this one for a long time, and it just didnt deliver. The roguelike part is fine, but the weapon degredation plus the drop rates in the last zone sucks. It makes the boss rush at the end a slog.

    The H content didnt do it for me personally, but the game ran well and didnt crash or bug out.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally have a Steam ver
    Tbh this Dark Soul hentai version like crap cuz the loadout and the mechanic so fuck but the content... Excellent!!
    Cool big update after 2 years, nothing too new but not too bad
    wanna8/10 point but just put 5⭐is enough. C'mon just hentai game which is parody Dark Soul game
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    What a piece of shit of a game.
    No respect for the player.

    They invented the concept of dungeon crawler that punishes you for playing it.

    The more you progress, the worse your equipment drops get. (when you actually get drops)

    90% of the loot is completely useless because already broken or dealing no damage.

    You can dodge, but you can't dodge attacks, because they softlock you.

    And when you win the final boss fight, you get.... an unwinnable scene... on a black screen, yep, you don't see anything, you just lose.

    But don't worry, you always unlock new loadouts and bonuses, and... maluses? For your next playthrough.

    Nah, I'm kidding, the new loadouts are shit too. The first has you carrying un undroppable nuke that can kill you when you take damage, the second has you starting with no weapon, and the third, starting with random shitty weapons.

    Bosses fight are as fun as trying to destroy a concrete bunker with a rotten twig.

    I can't find a single good thing to say about this piece of garbage. I guess it runs and it's not buggy? Does that count as positive?
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It's an open secret that I like Succubi, so naturally I was interested in this game. I have my own issues with it, but I'm reviewing it on the merits of the game itself, not what I like, so here goes.

    Succubus Heaven revolves around three exorcists investing a strange miasma, which leads them into a sexual version of Dark Souls. (Ed: I have not played Dark Souls). You're able to freely switch between the three girls, who can each have four things (weapons and items) and their inventory, one of which converts weapons into ranged magic. Whichever character you're not actively controlling will operate on some pretty decent AI. The runs are, by design, short, and every run nets you points which unlocks blessings to make the runs easier, and curses that handicap you in exchange for higher points.

    The gameplay here is pretty nice. It's a known issue with H-Games that they can often trade gameplay for sexuality, but this could very easily be played more or less as a normal action RPG if you were careful not to get your clothing broken. There's not a lot of complexity to it, but what's there functions well. The H aspect of it comes in with the grabs and clothing damage. Once your clothing is broken, you'll passively take arousal damage, increasing the more damage has been done to your clothes, and being fully naked opens you up to full rape by the enemies, dealing very high lust damage. Every time the lust bar fills and you orgasm, more of it is filled with corruption, and when a fully corrupted girl goes down, she can't get up by herself. This does an excellent job of discouraging careless playstyles, and the game gives you tools to protect yourself from corruption, while keeping actual ways to reduce it hard to find. The blessings and curses add a lot of replayability to a short gameplay loop, and the recent addition of the arena gives you the ability to refight bosses at higher difficulty, as well as a couple of bonus challenges.

    But how is the H-content? Well, that's going to depend on how monsterous you like it. The two succubi that you face exactly twice, and the slime maids, are the most 'human' enemies you'll face. From there it goes from zombies all the way down to actual bugs. If that doesn't squick you out too much, then this game has very passable H scenes. There's nothing groundbreaking here, but there's something to be said for sticking to what works. The biggest challenge you'll probably find is that your NPC allies are a little too eager to come to your rescue, but there's a gallery for actually viewing the H scenes, and other than some wonky camera control it works well.

    The recent update added a lot of features to the game that really made it an entirely different experience, all in a good way (unless you hate Futanari or pregnacy), so despite looking like a PS1 game it's actually quite robust, if unoptimized. Especially moving into certain areas, it has a lag/crash issue. The developer has been working hard to correct it, but some issues still remain.

    All in all, it's a pretty decent game, the H scenes are good (censored, but there's ways to decensor it), and it's matched by decent gameplay. Aside from my own issues with it, the lag and freezes make it rather frustrating at times. On the subject of frustration: this is not a game you play one-handed if you intend to win. The challenge ramps up pretty quickly past a certain point, and it ends with a punishing boss rush. The H scenes, while good, aren't terribly deep, so even with the gallery there's not a ton of content here.

    It's a pretty fun game that strikes a balance between gameplay and eroticism, not without it's bugs, and it's very much not at all normal human sex. If you're okay with outright monster sex and willing to overlook some technical issues, this is a game you can keep in your library and do a run or two every so often.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    version: 2024-10-11

    i think it's better than average game. but as a porn game it's meh. you cant really watch during gameplay to have your heroines defiled/raped. so only gallery unlocks remain which defeat the purpose.

    the game is really polished but the porn part is hard to get into since you are forced to fight else it's gameover soon. i wish there was a way for monsters to have their way with you and you won' lose progress/hp/etc. or just watch 1 heroine getting raped while the game is "paused" anywhere else like in some other game.

    so for that reason i had to deduct a star because it's not a great porn game imo. even though there are nice animations and sex scenes, it's just hard to get into it during gameplay.

    BTW low ratings were on different patches. many other patches came out since then and it fixed all the bugs. i dont think i encountered even 1 bug.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm giving 5 stars for the effort and the idea.
    The game is well executed, and while it's way far from being perfect I think it's a very nice idea in general. I find it quite repetitive after a couple of runs, but over all I really enjoy this kind of stuff. It certanly need some polish, like smoother comands and some more options in terms of fighting, but I deeply appreciate when someone tries to make something that is actually original.
    I'm giving it 5 stars also because it doesn't deserve such a low rating.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: Final

    Ill give this game for stars for effort, although it probably should be three stars. Anyways, i liked the idea of a rogue-lite soul-like type of game, but that should very hard to pull off correctly even for a normal game studio, much less a developer making erotic video games. They kind of managed to pull it off, well, atleast the basics of it. The game is very janky, in its combat, looting, progression and graphics. Put simply, this game feels like a development alpha stage for a much cleaner and polished game, but we are not going to get that, because filthy coomers dont deserve a decent fucking game.
    The sexual scenes were alright, but nothing really impressive. +Respect for the ambition, just not its execution.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun game over all. The controls are smooth, gameplay is solid if it had more ways to track corruption I would give it a higher rating for example you see text saying pussy sensitivity increased but there is no way to see those stats. Also adding some debuffs and pregnancy would be a plus but that's personal preference
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Zil Nalhir

    love it and i dont love many games. Great Job !!!! maybe throw in some goblins or Orcs as well? XD up to you i love it either way its fun to play and it sucks when you die... i mean i get it if you fail restart.. Any way saves where u last left off?
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    hope an unsencore patch will come :D
    graphics pretty nice for an ne game in that engine
    gameplay stuff and kampagne okay
    monster good and mabye more cg gallerie :D

    but dfntly good game for more views i will take it on the watch list
    Likes: baged
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    the game seemed quite cool but sadly the main characer moves frenetically, it is a lot uncomfortable to paly it. By the way, it has some great features that would be awesome to explore, like the change of weapon, the dynamic inventory, but as i said, i could'nt enjoy it because that frenetic moves the character make. even to atack i wasn't able to tarjet the enemy properly because of that movement problem. its a bit sad because it looks great but this was the final version.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    If expecting anything close to certain zombie series of game or quite a few other games of meet girls - get them to join you - fight in set areas - watch+save them from h grabs/ get gameover h grabbed - story - arm up - repeat sort of deal be dissapointted it lacks some of that and minimal most of.

    If it had more animations or story I would have given it a 3 for average, but this feels more like proof of concept and since there is like the zombie series and other similar games that do more this falls below the average in these times, while like 5/6 years ago it would have been a average.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A decent game with decent graphics and gameplay, mostly. Succubus Heaven is a soulslike-roguelike that I view favorably because it happens to scratch my particular itch. It's fully translated, which is great because SH has these wonderful little 'bad end' epilogues where the three girls are captured by whatever particular threat defeated them and you see them enduring their fates while a small summary detailing their future plays on the side.

    Am I biased? Yeah, but I like this stuff and I'm sure others do too.

    Otherwise, the gameplay's... okay. It works fine and the various modifiers make things interesting, but the damage system is a bit wonky. How it works is that there are three different levels of Health; Clothing, Arousal, and Corruption, along with various individual fetish weaknesses. Get hit, and clothing gets damaged, which means you get aroused more easily. Get grabbed, and your arousal increases. The more damage to a particular body part makes that character more weak to attacks of the same type for the entire run. All damage increases corruption, which when full means its harder to get up or escape from attacks. If the character is floored when at full corruption, they stay down unless another character can res them, which takes about 3 seconds with full corruption, which is more than enough to make rezing impossible in wide scale conflicts. It works, but its very vague and unwieldy imo. The only way you can heal your various damages are with very rare potions, which usually increase your corruption anyway.

    It's weird, but kink-wise its great. There's a lot of detail in THAT regard. For one, if a character is aroused, they drip juice with flushed faces. One character, Dorothy, will even occasionally masturbate at high arousal levels to heal her arousal (whether other characters can do the same, I do not know). You can talk to your teammates as well, where they will remark on the story or their state. If they're naked, they'll shyly ask the controlled character to not stare so much. If they recently lost their virginity, they'll remark in various ways, usually on how they expected it to happen given they're line of work. There are other touches as well, but perhaps my favorite involves 'teleport challenges', where you can send a character alone through a portal for goodies. If your character is defeated, you lose them forever. But, as you change back to your other two characters, you can hear the other character you lost moaning and begging as she is mercilessly ravaged elsewhere in the level by whatever group of monsters defeated her, before who remains ultimately leaves her behind to continue their mission.

    That type of stuff's great and this game's all about that. If that's your kink, then this is your game.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Combat can be engaging, I'm fine with the game being rogue-lite, to make you replay it, but there isn't much to be replayed for, since most stuff you can get and see on your first few runs. And H-content for a game of such scale is just... "Lacking" at best. 2 animations per most enemies (clothed and naked). Lacking of content explains why your MC "die" so fast, since sensivity mechanic is basically non-existant, you'll be dead before the time your V or C is maxed out (B and A are non-existant, the only slime and the 1 doll animation doesn't matter really). I mean, come on, in the end of things, the game about gangbangs, doesn't have actual gangbangs.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I just finished it, and this was the best game of this genre I have played for a long time, I loved it.

    Weirdly, the girl models are pretty poor, that is the worst thing I can say against this game, but they still work. Everything else was cool: the monsters were cool and imaginative on the sexual side, the atmosphere was great (medieval-fantasy kind of dark but not gore, just charming for me), the fact that you can switch from one girl to another is nice...

    I particularly enjoyed the arcade-style gameplay: at start the game feels easy and I was like "okay damn I will have to lose on purpose if I want to bump into any pixel sex at all"... How foolish I was. It took me 3-4 nights to complete this game. It is not extremely hard, but hard enough to be enjoyable, and to require several trials before you derive a strategy strong enough to survive all the way through. And since losing is rewarded in several ways...

    In a nutshell, I totally recommend this game if you enjoy the genre as I do :)

    EDIT 2024: Well, I played the newer version with the slime path, and enjoyed it as much :) As for the raters who believe there is a "black screen unwinable scene" at the end of the game, it is definitely not unwinable, nor is it the end of the game.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    This game is weird to rate. The foundation is there and its good but theres a severe lack of polish, balance, basic quality of life concepts, and the porn content is lacking extremely. For some reason it was turned into a roguelike in order to entice players to continue playing to shoot for a higher score and unlock more bonuses. The fact that theres around 50 unlocks baffles me considering they're all just passives.

    The porn itself is okay at best but extremely minimal. With only one pose per enemy and about 4 types per floor its overly repetitive and bland. Plus the camera controls are kinda bad and you've got 2 other characters to break you out of grabs. The gallery is there but the content is pretty meh overall.

    Also speaking of repetitive, thats what this game really just is. Walk into a room, mash the attack key towards enemies, rinse and repeat. It feels like they wanted to add depth to the game but forgot to because a majority of the rooms have literally nothing in them. This is kind of a problem when you consider weapon durability and the potential to be completely fucked by RNG by simply not finding weapons. Not to mention the weapons themselves are bad when you consider how tanky a lot of the enemies get.

    Potions are nearly worthless since a majority of them seem to have negative effects and the throwable ones, like explosion, just throws the whole stack so picking up 3 of them means literally nothing. Also you can't stack them so if you have 1 poison potion on hand and find another, its a completely separate item. Also odd stones are this psuedo potion that is basically a magic orb that has specific effects. I find most of them to be either empty or have a negative effect like summoning enemies or poisoning everyone around you, including yourself and your allies. Two things that will bog down the item pool.

    Theres a lot of things I hate about this game that could be fixed with a little effort. The variety of weapons is small and maces are barely better than your fists, durability is a problem considering charged attacks completely melt lower tier weapons after a single use, traps are impossible to see unless im missing something, with 3 characters to use and not enough weapon drops it's always a diminishing experience, the AI is absolutely worthless as both enemies and allies are basically get as close as you need to be and attack relenetlessly which turns it all into a babysitting simulator or just a one man army concept, most of dorothy's spells are worthless and the fact that you convert weapons to get spells just makes her a liability.

    I find the game to be more negative than positive and while the foundation of the game is nice it just isnt polished or balanced at all and the h content there is small. It looks good for what you'd expect from a 3d h game but it might just be me that I find it too much of a grind and simply unenjoyable. I could just play an actual game that is polished if im looking for a game experience and theres far better porn games out there if you're looking for something to jerk off to.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I rated this one before, and I'm gonna give this a 5 star again for the completed version.

    Nice atmosphere
    Plenty of items
    Swappable characters
    Easy to get H scenes
    Fully voiced even for the cutscene
    Well-made battles
    Top tier H game from Unity

    Only few weapons
    Not helpful ai
    Unity graphics
