Others Streets of Lezdom [DEMO v0.1.0] [Frooty Kiwi Games]

5.00 star(s) 1 Vote


Jul 30, 2018
Unique and stylish game with good content, you don't see too many femdom action games unfortunately. I feel like the dash is pretty overpowered, I had some trouble progressing without it until I realized I had it but that made the game too easy and enemies didn't have too much room to harm me, thus removing H content from the experience. Maybe something slower or more difficult to execute like a parry/block that has a higher risk of failing? Or inability to dash out of stun. I like that the player and enemies tend to get stunned by hits however when there's only one enemy it's too easy to perma-stunlock imho. When there's multiple enemies they can clump up and get stunlocked too, maybe you shouldn't be able to stunlock so many people at once?
Also I made a simple toy integration for it but it would need some more polish to publish. I just forward game events to local HTTP server and from there send relevant commands
function signal_to_external(event, value)
    http_post_string("http://localhost:8080", ("{\"event\":\"" + event + "\",\"value\":\"" + string(value) + "\"}"))
as such
 global.player_health -= damage
 signal_to_external("hurt", damage)
 signal_to_external("player_health", global.player_health)
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Game Developer
Nov 3, 2024

The controls are a lil bit clunky, but its a really enjoyable game, waiting for more updates : )

Glad you like it! Consider supporting the game if you want to ensure the project being finished! :3

In the newest version I did minor changes to controls & added gamepad controls in case you prefer gamepad- like I do.^^

Kinky regards! >:3
5.00 star(s) 1 Vote