Version 2.2
This isn't a bad game it's just not a very compelling story. The majority of characters seem like cookie cutter personalities from other stories placed into a largely bland sandbox designed primarily, like most sandbox VNs, to waste your time more than create a compelling environment for a story to take place in. The models are nice and everything is pretty well coded (no major errors) but that's pretty much it. It's not terrible though. It's a solid 3/5. I enjoy the idea of having a character who doesn't really know themself and is learning more about their own desires as the story progresses, but the majority of the time, I also find it hard to care about the events taking place and the majority of tasks are just meant to drag things out in my opinion.
Riley is a very pretty character. The kind of girl who when you meet her boyfriend (in this case husband) you'd give him a thumbs up for getting such a nice pull. The problem is that when Mike is introduced, right at the start, you'll ask, "motherfucker, how?" In what world could this guy get this girl? Why the hell is she with this Goomba? It's absolutely baffling without a good backstory. He looks decades older than her and basically buys his cloths from Goodwill. This guy must have a magic cock or something cause this match makes zero sense otherwise. His personality is practically nonexistent since he cares more about his bar than his wife and the fact that every guy in town is trying to fuck her. He looks like he should be dating her mom, not her.

So good work, and I mean this genuinely, on making a relationship the reader will have no problem abandoning as soon as humanly possible. I just wish Riley could figure it out faster because the reader knows it immediately.
Then there's Wyatt. Okay, I gotta know ... was this vampiric debt collector pulled directly from Twilight? This guy is simply there to add nonsensical stakes to Riley's life that seem completely pointless. This character is so badly thrown in I can't even remember why she has a debt to him. I think it was implied that she took money to help with her schooling, but wasn't she on a scholarship at this college? So why did she need this? Was it for her husband's bar? I honestly can't remember. It literally made zero sense and I stopped caring or even remembered the guy was in this until the next Sunday he appeared. Every time this guy shows up it felt like a, "hey, remember me," nope, "I'm still a thing in this story," great, who the fuck are you again? It may be just me but it seemed a better idea to make Riley single from the start or in a newer relationship with Mike. And give her a past relationship that caused her to take on massive amount of debt to help her former lover who ditched her with the bill. This would also explain why she's with Mike at all. Stability goes a long way with someone who didn't have it prior, I'm just saying. As it stands Wyatt is a seemingly pointless insert to try an give a reason for the reader to care at all, but he's so odd and not rememberable that the reader will likely forget about him until he shows up to feel up Riley or fuck her. At that point the reader will be so desperate to plunge her into anything by then it wouldn't matter who he is. He could literally be the most toothless dirty hick and it wouldn't matter.
Then there's the dean. Oof, because we needed another reason for Riley to choose a more successful, good looking character, over her husband? Seriously, is this VN about how many obstacles can a character fuck their way out of? Couldn't the writer think of a better way to get Riley involved with this guy other than have her cheat on an exam because she seemingly isn't as smart as the reader is lead to believe prior to the start? This would have been better if this dean was a man whore with all of his students and called her in to take a special interest in her schooling development to help provide her with guidance and connections in her possible future career. Corruption through future advancement in other words.
There are a few other characters, but overall it all feels like a very slow burn to a story going nowhere. Like watching reality TV and suddenly asking, "what the fuck am I doing?" So, I gave up on this one. I realize there's a newer version of this as of right now, but I completely forgot I had even read this until I downloaded it and saw, "oh, I have old saves." That's when I started clicking through those and started remembering why I couldn't remember it. If you're bored and looking for to something read this'll do. Like I said it's a solid 3/5. The models are nice, especially the girls, and it never gave me any errors to report so that's a plus. If you like this VN don't let anything I've said sway you. And even if you didn't like it, give it a review. Let the dev know why you liked or didn't like it. Help give some constructive criticism. And when you get the chance, if you liked this, give something back to the dev. I wish this dev all the best and hope they've found their audience. Cheers.