
Sep 4, 2017
No mega feelsbadman, Not even the newest version? ( ) Feels worseman.
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Jun 26, 2017
No mega feelsbadman, Not even the newest version? ( ) Feels worseman.

  • New tag: Lactating
There is a new market called "The Pasture" that specializes in lactating slaves, and assigning slaves to the dairy automatically makes them begin to lactate (thanks, future drugs!). Lactating makes slaves' breasts grow substantially larger than previously possible, and allows them to produce milk for the dairy. This will be changed slightly when the Transformation patch happens to make it more gradual, increasing the value of buying slaves who are already through the process.

  • Added room: Dairy
The milking machines harvest milk from any slave cows assigned to them, providing a constant income. Slaves assigned to the regular milking machine will stay strapped in unless they need sleep. The advanced milking machine does away with that restriction with an advanced life support system, and extracts twice as much milk to boot.

  • New Suite furniture: Dog bed, Scratching post, show platform, and kennel
All of these are new ways to display your favorite slave pets. Disobedient slaves will automatically be locked in the kennel. Obedient slaves will pose for you on the show platform, play with the scratching post, or sleep in the dog bed.

  • New random events: "Accident" and "Milky Slave," both restricted to lactating slaves.
  • Added option to milk lactating slaves from inspection screen.
  • Added color varieties to female clothing.
  • Added a subtle grid to assist in object placement.
  • Added an options menu (accessible from the pause menu) that has controls for master volume and voice volume.
  • Increased number of tourists to make the brothel more useful.

Still on the list:

  • More skill variety. I'm still not really sure where to go with this, and might push it into its own voting option (when I was thinking pet play, I was thinking more along the lines of what I already added plus what's below). My gut says that doing it right would involve a whole separate room type along with a variety of training devices, but I'm open to ideas.
  • Switch pets to a separate assignment from the master suite
  • Attack event (disobedient pets only)
  • Cuddle event (obedient pets only)
  • Chase event (all pets, though the context changes based on obedience)
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Game Developer
Jan 14, 2018
Hey all, StationmasterDev here. Thanks for all of the kind words. I'm just going to rapid-fire through the questions/comments here.

First off, the limit on ships is just because you're all running the demo. The full version lets you build all of them and as many as you want (though dreadnoughts are expensive).

The name is a bow to FreeCitiesDev, who really opened my eyes to the potential of this kind of game. It also just kinda makes sense.

The Excel-in-space thing for slaves is actually on my to-do list, and a good idea once you hit a couple hundred (easier than going to (0,0) to find all of your unassigned slaves/bored citizens/etc). There's currently a list of planets in the "Demand Tribute" screen, it's just hidden in the demo version because I pulled out the features that let you amass large quantities of slaves. I'm sure a MEGA for the full version (or just one of my download links, which are not fingerprinted or protected in any way) will show up here at some point, and I'm not going to DMCA it, but I'm not posting it myself.

0.7a has a grid, which I've found helps with furn placement a lot. In case you hadn't worked it out, shift lets you place them in batches, and MMB rotates them. I had noticed the bug where sometimes rooms would run off into oblivion, but I thought I had fixed it a few versions before release. Will try to replicate again.

The multiple instances of "your station" is not something I've seen before, and might be a bug I introduced when I slapped the demo together (I'll be honest, didn't spend much time testing the demo beyond "it runs"). I'll keep an eye out for it though.

Casino is a not a bad idea. I might roll that into the club when I release that.

Will check into the memory leak. I have a couple ideas (just hoping it's not in the parts of the code I don't control), but for now, that's what autosave is for.

Mac version is possible, but I have no way of testing it because I don't own a Mac. Will run a test at some point.

Thanks all, Keep 'em coming.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2017
How do you switch what the slaves are doing? I keep getting slave so and so has nothing to do. I have the brothel going like 8-9 of the cheap things in there and only 3 slaves. plus i have 1 of them assigned to my room so not sure what is going on with her. But how do you switch the jobs lol
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Jun 26, 2017
How do you switch what the slaves are doing? I keep getting slave so and so has nothing to do. I have the brothel going like 8-9 of the cheap things in there and only 3 slaves. plus i have 1 of them assigned to my room so not sure what is going on with her. But how do you switch the jobs lol
Clearing selections by right clicking then left clicking on the slave reveals the profile screen. I am getting slaves from my suite standing in the middle of the map/brothel when they are idle but when i have enough objects they dont go idle so im sure it's just bugg


Game Developer
Jan 14, 2018
Almost. I should likely make this clearer, but disobedient slaves go to the cheap booths, and obedient slaves go to the rooms. It's not set by what class of citizen/tourist you have available.
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Apr 27, 2017
I'm pretty sure I have directX 11 installed but it won't let me play since it's not 9

Edit: It's amazing what a system restart will fix

I like it, a visualized "free cities" is nice.

My only two complaints is the inaccurate building controls and "less than serviceable" visuals.

Technically, didn't like the 10 limit but hey gotta make money somehow.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2017
interesting game, terrible graphics.
also definitely has a memory leak, after screwing around for 90 min it nearly killed my laptop bit initially it was fine
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May 3, 2017
Agree with the comments so far, needs some more info added to the tutorial to explain the various types of rooms, positioning rooms and furniture and raiding but agree excellent start. PS. Needs a casino / bar.

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Dec 26, 2017
Small question:
How do i go to the "map" shown in the screenshots? or is it not yet implemented?


New Member
Mar 23, 2018
Small question:
How do i go to the "map" shown in the screenshots? or is it not yet implemented?
if you are talking about the map of the galaxy you must first create a desk (at 100K) in your "suit" :)
and after (top left) you have the map of the galaxy unlocked
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Jun 12, 2017
hmmmm, I want to try it but the screenshots don't really appeal me... well fuck it, we'll see after I've tried it
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Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
I cant say I'm into the real-time management thing, at least not without a pause feature, and the graphics need a ton of work (not the character models, literally everything else), but I did have some fun with collecting a harem based on ironic/sadistic criteria. Especially abolitionists and ex-slavers. What I'd like to see gameplay-wise is way more options to handle slaves besides just raping, torturing or killing them. There should be rewards, conversation, different sex acts. And heck, if you're going to revel in the inhumanity, go all out. Different options for torture, execution, more graphic descriptions and depictions. I found the writing to be decent, actually. One of the game's strong points right now.

Technical problems I encountered included a finnicky interface, especially with placing rooms, selecting slaves, the inability to move or rotate objects, and also a memory leak.
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New Member
Dec 28, 2017
I played until I got it to crash lol. I had it on the highest graphical setting. Once I got to omnipotent or whatever my computer wouldn't play it any more. I'm running an 8350 with 32gb ram and twin 660's in sli each with 2gb. I was going to throw on a screenie for you but i can't get that game save to load lol.
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Feb 21, 2018
Animations could be improved,could not figure out how to use air fleet,could not figure out how to assign slaves to locations,not sure if hallways are even needed since people don't actually walk around.

This was interesting but it could be improved.


Futa Church of Holy Cock Rings
Mar 3, 2017
yea, i agree with others saying you need more detailed slaves controls, id be fine with a simple little portait and then a description/stats, along side where they are and what they are doing, with options to move them around.

also options for specific rooms, a terminal or something for the brothel so you can see all the slaves in the brothel and move them around as well.

also having stats/figures for your station would be nice, such as citizens, No. of tourists, overall happiness, and the like.

and since this was a demo and certain stuff was removed then i can only imagine what the game is like with the stuff you removed.

but a solid start id say

good luck :)
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Dec 29, 2017
You guys are terrible with all your ideas and criticism lol. Give the guy a break and let s just contemplate the gap between this and the usual crap we get as a first release for that type of game. Hell, if there s even another game to compare it to in termsof scope.

Though i agree mainly with one thing i red a few times already that is not about graphics (dev told me on reddit he basically sucks at that and doesnt really like doing it so the best scenario here would be for him to be able to outsource the job either through money or partnership) or the technical part of the game. It would indeed be nice to be able to play not as a total asshole. Yes i ll be a slaver no matter what but what i liked in free cities was that i didnt have to be an extreme dick about it even though i might hook you up to a milking machine forever.

So yeah, more possibilities when interacting with the girls would be very nice. Some in game recap menus to manage slaves also but that d already planned i think he said in this very thread.

Tbh there are dozens of things that come to mind but it s mainly because of the scope of the game, which is a good thing.

So yeah, be cool guys lol
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3.60 star(s) 56 Votes