
Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
I’m new to the game but enjoy it so far.

I wasn’t sure though, if I want to do the corruption/lewd route how fast should I be progressing in regular quests? Doing lewd actions is clear enough but I don’t know how fast I should be doing the regular quests and I don’t want to end up on the pure route where she doesn’t fully corrupt.
As long as you don't finish the game you can finish the corruption route. There are a few scenes along the way that you can miss, but the endings vary so much that you'd need to play through the game a couple times to see all the variations of the corruption endings anyway. Some of the 'purity' route endings also result in Aura being in a less than pure state.
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Jan 24, 2023
Ye exactly, and as smart as the story make us believe she is, she never realize she is slowly get brainwashed until "too late". At that point I was like "lol what?". After all that time or you keep her oblivious, or she should be smart enough to figure it out since almost the beginning (which could have been even a good thing to watch, like her struggling in the real world to act normally, but her body acts differently and make her struggle "real", maybe even reading her internal thought that she wants to say something else but ends up acting like a bimbo or a bitch)
That's intentional and a part of the curse. Even Rose suspected some brainwashing just based on how much Aura denies even possibility of being brainwashed. So it's not about the cleverness it's really just a direct effect of the curse.

I feel like she should've been written as a character that you want to root for but instead she becomes this dumb, evil, petty, shallow character to the point where I ended up just hating the character and skimming the dialogue towards the end because of how insufferable she is. Like it gets to a point where I don't even care if she wins. I get that it's "mind control" but it's entirely one dimensional and even if there's a personality change, for someone as smart and principled as she is, how does she not wrestle more with the complete 180 of her values? Why is she only able to affirm and embrace negative changes but not positive ones that resonate with who she really is?
Also to me, the way the story was written, it feel like author lost interest and/or motivation and some point he just rushed for the end, not caring anymore for the characters he introduced so far. Maybe it's not like this, but the way how he barely developed John, Hermann, even Liliana is a good character that could futher "corrupt her", breaking her into becoming Mary, it just so much wasted potential, because the basic idea was good, but poorly developed. Also it should have give us an option to "decide" if spend time with George, and maybe with high corruption, we could make her decide to not do it and spend it doing something else, like having a proper impact in the real world.
I think you are missing the point. It's like you are under impression that aura-dev wanted to make corrupted Aura likable but failed it. Maybe he would correct me but after two years of watching the development of this game I think that making the Bad ending to feel bad for player was really an intent all along. The whole "interesting sexy scenes that liberate Aura" was just his way of luring players into corruption choices, the same as gameplay bonuses of such choices. And when player goes down on this path and breaks the character - soon he faces the consequences. Gameplay and story consequences.
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Nov 5, 2017
If it were just part of the curse then there wouldn't be any introspection on her part. There is dialogue about it but it's so weak willed and lackadaisical that it feels utterly disconnected and inconsistent with her character on any level whatsoever. And we're not just talking about differences of opinion in her personality change, there are moral ones with no compelling justification for it in her IRL scenes which is where she is primarily insufferable.

And nowhere did I say that the dev meant to make a corrupted Aura likeable. We are pointing out that she obviously isn't and that we think it was a bad design choice. Why would I want to keep playing an porn rpg game where I hate the protagonist? If that was their intent and you really like how Aura becomes evil, cruel, and stupid then they did a good job I guess. Glad you enjoyed all the scenes where Aura gets into fights with her friends, bullies and insults them before moving on to the next shoe shopping scene. Personally, I don't see the appeal of it but at least someone likes it. Just not really what I was hoping for in a porn game.
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Jan 24, 2023
If it were just part of the curse then there wouldn't be any introspection on her part. There is dialogue about it but it's so weak willed and lackadaisical that it feels utterly disconnected and inconsistent with her character on any level whatsoever. And we're not just talking about differences of opinion in her personality change, there are moral ones with no compelling justification for it in her IRL scenes which is where she is primarily insufferable.

And nowhere did I say that the dev meant to make a corrupted Aura likeable. We are pointing out that she obviously isn't and that we think it was a bad design choice. Why would I want to keep playing an porn rpg game where I hate the protagonist? If that was their intent and you really like how Aura becomes evil, cruel, and stupid then they did a good job I guess. Glad you enjoyed all the scenes where Aura gets into fights with her friends, bullies and insults them before moving on to the next shoe shopping scene. Personally, I don't see the appeal of it but at least someone likes it. Just not really what I was hoping for in a porn game.
Well, I don't see it as a porn game, just a good rpg-game with optional sex scenes. I like the story, characters and gameplay. And I don't like the evil cruel Aura and that's why I am trying to avoid such scenario. I didn't even see the bad ending, just read some facts about it. So I am against corruption of Aura and if you don't like the consequences of corruption you could avoid it by not giving up into corruption. The whole "Aura gets into fights with her friends, bullies and insults them before moving on to the next shoe shopping scene" is optional and you could get to the end without it. It's harder but that's the point.
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May 8, 2022
If it were just part of the curse then there wouldn't be any introspection on her part. There is dialogue about it but it's so weak willed and lackadaisical that it feels utterly disconnected and inconsistent with her character on any level whatsoever. And we're not just talking about differences of opinion in her personality change, there are moral ones with no compelling justification for it in her IRL scenes which is where she is primarily insufferable.

And nowhere did I say that the dev meant to make a corrupted Aura likeable. We are pointing out that she obviously isn't and that we think it was a bad design choice. Why would I want to keep playing an porn rpg game where I hate the protagonist? If that was their intent and you really like how Aura becomes evil, cruel, and stupid then they did a good job I guess. Glad you enjoyed all the scenes where Aura gets into fights with her friends, bullies and insults them before moving on to the next shoe shopping scene. Personally, I don't see the appeal of it but at least someone likes it. Just not really what I was hoping for in a porn game.
Spoilers below, I went into a rant to give my take on your points.

You're aware that Luciela/Alicia is changing Aura exactly the way *she* wants to change her, right? She's altering her personality and viewpoints in a direction that Alicia herself was changed by Dolus. She is putting HER OWN spin on Aura! I mean think about it, she gets rid of all of her studying material books so that she wouldn't concern herself with studying and instead focus on 'better' things. Things that Alicia herself is interested. And last I checked, Richard himself studies at his own pace and is originally the second best scorer at the beginning of the story.

Think about it some more. Aura starts to despise people who don't dress 'well' enough, that don't put effort into their appearance, that have no care for how they are perceived by others. She ends up bullying them, being forceful and later harsh towards them with her language. She doesn't care about studying anymore, she cares a lot about her outward appearance and is interested in looking the best that she can be, about being popular, about being complimented. Now...who exactly does that remind us of? OH! Yeah, Alicia!

The difference between Aura and Alicia is that Aura's core personality remains much the same, while her behaviour and opinionated personality changes. She is still someone who is strong-willed, thoroughly believing in what she stands for (pre and post corruption alike) and stubborn. You know...Like Richard. But the things she stands for change.

What's actually most unexpected from Alicia's point of view is that she did not expect Aura to surpass her. Aura proves that she is better, more competent, more effective and more thorough than Alicia is. The fact that Aura is able to get the entire "Library study group" to change by herself WITHOUT Alicia telling or forcing her to do so...Especially Laura whom Alicia couldn't get to change herself: it shows where the story is headed.

Alicia is slowly getting cast aside, little by little. Aura is beginning to overtake her in popularity in her own mean girl group, and Richard is starting to stop caring about Alicia altogether and focusing on Aura: as if Alicia's time is coming to an end and Aura is becoming the full replacement. Even in her more "meat" like status, she is still far more human than Alicia is in Richard's eyes.

It's also a bit amusing that both Alicia and Aura have the same first and last letters to their name. Idk if that was intentional, probably not...But I think it adds to it too.


Nov 5, 2017
It isn't the shift from being strong-willed and opinionated about her hobbies and interests, it's the weak rationalizations and acceptance of the change itself that I don't find compelling. Particularly on the moral aspect of her behavior. This is also why I'm not really a fan of mind control because it just teeters too much into "It's magic I ain't gotta explain shit" land. Either the mind control is written to be subtle, believable changes and lowering of inhibitions that Aura can rationalize her shift in a believable way so as to not alert her that something is wrong, or it just goes into the lazy copout of, "Wow! My moral compass really pulled a 180 these past few weeks!", Nah she wouldn't notice cuz mind control bro.

I think this game falls into the latter category. And all this just to say that none of these are changes that I as a player am even remotely interested in or what I was hoping for. People defending all the shoe shopping and makeup and omg look at this jewelry scenes is full on bizarro world on top of the bullying and cruel behavior is so alien to me that I can't fathom how there an audience for this or what the appeal is. I said it in my very first review and I'll say it again. This is definitely not the kind of corruption I was hoping for from a porn game.


Jun 1, 2017
I think you are missing the point. It's like you are under impression that aura-dev wanted to make corrupted Aura likable but failed it. Maybe he would correct me but after two years of watching the development of this game I think that making the Bad ending to feel bad for player was really an intent all along. The whole "interesting sexy scenes that liberate Aura" was just his way of luring players into corruption choices, the same as gameplay bonuses of such choices. And when player goes down on this path and breaks the character - soon he faces the consequences. Gameplay and story consequences.
I'm not saying that author didn't do it intentionally, it's pretty clear that went down that route intentionally. What I don't like it's forcing the player to feel bad (make him feel disgusted) choosing the route of corrupting Aura. I don't want to feel "forced" to choose a route or another. Sure, some route can have a bigger emotional impact than the other, no problem with that. I mean making you regret said choise and making you feel bad while she punch her friend until barfing in front of other to make her act like she want. That's basically a psycho at that point, not even a bully.

Well, I don't see it as a porn game, just a good rpg-game with optional sex scenes. I like the story, characters and gameplay. And I don't like the evil cruel Aura and that's why I am trying to avoid such scenario. I didn't even see the bad ending, just read some facts about it. So I am against corruption of Aura and if you don't like the consequences of corruption you could avoid it by not giving up into corruption. The whole "Aura gets into fights with her friends, bullies and insults them before moving on to the next shoe shopping scene" is optional and you could get to the end without it. It's harder but that's the point.
This IS a porn game and it was born as such, just because before releasing the 1.0 of the game, the author introduced the nsfw part doesn't change the core of the game. Let be honest, we played this porn game for the erotic part of a girl slowly get corrupted into a bitch (or bimbo), not ending into a situation where you get turned off because you want to enjoy some sexy corruption. If you want to deny this, you are not speaking the truth and just defending the author choice. What kind of porn game make you regret choosing to persuit the corruption and NTR part of it?


Jun 1, 2017
Ye, too bad all the values and every part that Richard find amusing and love about Aura just get destroyed and removed all together. Just to point out a scene of inconsistency. When Aura stop the development of her game and tell everyone to "touch some grass", Richard is completely disgusted (even if doesn't know it was Aura all along), like at first has respect for the author of the game, then he's so disgusted seeing becoming like the "meat humans" he hates. Aura become exactly like that, how Richard is not disgusted like was when read the comment about the game? The reaction doesn't match what Aura actually become. Also, reading the story, Richard doesn't value that much Alicia, he just look at her like a normal human, but still an inferior one, as he likes only Aura because is the only one that see in her "a true human value", but those values get torned apart and she become a shallow copy of Alicia, but strangely Richard loves how Aura become. Why? It doesn't make sense. Just because he was able to corrupt her? He didn't do anything to do that tho, Alicia did all the work. He enjoyed because Aura lost her original values? But if he hates "npc humans", why turning her into one that would get bored easily if his plan is to have Aura at his side forever?
It just doesn't make sense
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Jan 24, 2023
This IS a porn game and it was born as such, just because before releasing the 1.0 of the game, the author introduced the nsfw part doesn't change the core of the game. Let be honest, we played this porn game for the erotic part of a girl slowly get corrupted into a bitch (or bimbo), not ending into a situation where you get turned off because you want to enjoy some sexy corruption. If you want to deny this, you are not speaking the truth and just defending the author choice. What kind of porn game make you regret choosing to persuit the corruption and NTR part of it?
I admit that in the beginning I started to play this game because of the corruption aspect of it. But with the time this motivation has changed. I remember how I realised that I am completely ignoring all corruption scenes when after new update I decided to look at the new content and immedeately without thinking started to skip new corruption scenes.
And I think that aura-dev never intended this game to be the normal "corruption porn game". Even slow pacing of sexual scenes leads to this conclusion and many players on this site already complained about it because they were expecting a porn game.
But NSFW scenes don't define game as a porn game. It was just expectations because there are a lot of porn games on this site. Now you see that such expectations are wrong here and that is not a problem of the game. That's all
Jan 24, 2023
Ye, too bad all the values and every part that Richard find amusing and love about Aura just get destroyed and removed all together. Just to point out a scene of inconsistency. When Aura stop the development of her game and tell everyone to "touch some grass", Richard is completely disgusted (even if doesn't know it was Aura all along), like at first has respect for the author of the game, then he's so disgusted seeing becoming like the "meat humans" he hates. Aura become exactly like that, how Richard is not disgusted like was when read the comment about the game? The reaction doesn't match what Aura actually become. Also, reading the story, Richard doesn't value that much Alicia, he just look at her like a normal human, but still an inferior one, as he likes only Aura because is the only one that see in her "a true human value", but those values get torned apart and she become a shallow copy of Alicia, but strangely Richard loves how Aura become. Why? It doesn't make sense. Just because he was able to corrupt her? He didn't do anything to do that tho, Alicia did all the work. He enjoyed because Aura lost her original values? But if he hates "npc humans", why turning her into one that would get bored easily if his plan is to have Aura at his side forever?
It just doesn't make sense
Yeah. Do you know how sometimes children use a lot of creativity and effort to break something and after success immediately upset that it is broken? Richard is like this. He doesn't hate npcs he just uses them without any empathy like some tools. He is a real human, others are just meat, why should he hate meat? So he values Aura but by breaking her Richard returns into the superiority mode before his first loss to her. He is still human and not weak to be turned into meat like Aura.
And yes, the most effort in corrupting Aura belongs to Alicia. But does Richard care about efforts? No he doesn't. He should receive what he wants just because he wants it. That's why losing to Aura made such an impact. And after losing her to exams he didn't start to make more efforts in studying because it's not his way. He should be the first in everything because he is already perfect.
And yes, if Aura was brainwashed that she lost her willpower and brainpower he would be bored. But it's natural to him. "This toy has broken. I need a new one". Not thinking about making an effort to save the "old toy". Efforts are for meat.


Jun 1, 2017
I admit that in the beginning I started to play this game because of the corruption aspect of it. But with the time this motivation has changed. I remember how I realised that I am completely ignoring all corruption scenes when after new update I decided to look at the new content and immedeately without thinking started to skip new corruption scenes.
And I think that aura-dev never intended this game to be the normal "corruption porn game". Even slow pacing of sexual scenes leads to this conclusion and many players on this site already complained about it because they were expecting a porn game.
But NSFW scenes don't define game as a porn game. It was just expectations because there are a lot of porn games on this site. Now you see that such expectations are wrong here and that is not a problem of the game. That's all
Dude, every corruption lead to a sex scene in Roya, how is not a porn game for you? You are just denying the evidence. Not to talk about how the changes to Aura lead her to become a sexy bitch (even if a psycho one). Literally is the sex in Roya that move the corruption forward.

Btw, I'm not saying, you cannot enjoy this game without the porn part, like for example taking the pure route, but deniying this is porn game is like saying the Earth is flat. It's just a porn game with a "big world" behind it and not focused only on the porn part (only if you take the pure route tho, otherwise you'll still ends up having multiple erotic and sex scene to move the plot forward, like becoming a maid with Arwin or becoming Herman's gf to enter the "Arwin party").

Yeah. Do you know how sometimes children use a lot of creativity and effort to break something and after success immediately upset that it is broken? Richard is like this. He doesn't hate npcs he just uses them without any empathy like some tools. He is a real human, others are just meat, why should he hate meat? So he values Aura but by breaking her Richard returns into the superiority mode before his first loss to her. He is still human and not weak to be turned into meat like Aura.
And yes, the most effort in corrupting Aura belongs to Alicia. But does Richard care about efforts? No he doesn't. He should receive what he wants just because he wants it. That's why losing to Aura made such an impact. And after losing her to exams he didn't start to make more efforts in studying because it's not his way. He should be the first in everything because he is already perfect.
And yes, if Aura was brainwashed that she lost her willpower and brainpower he would be bored. But it's natural to him. "This toy has broken. I need a new one". Not thinking about making an effort to save the "old toy". Efforts are for meat.
Ye, too bad that what Richard state multiple time during Aura corruption that he wants Aura to become his queen foverer, not like a toy to play for some time and throw away, Richard think of Aura as the woman he want to spend the rest of the live together, but said woman doesn't exist anymore as, like you said, is just a "broken toy" at the end, a shadow of former Aura. Again, it doesn't match his goals/wishes with what Aura becomes. Richard never said that wants Aura to be his "temporary toy", but say the opposite, wanting Aura to rule over the other humans together (he state this multiple times in the game).
Jan 24, 2023
Dude, every corruption lead to a sex scene in Roya, how is not a porn game for you? You are just denying the evidence. Not to talk about how the changes to Aura lead her to become a sexy bitch (even if a psycho one). Literally is the sex in Roya that move the corruption forward.

Btw, I'm not saying, you cannot enjoy this game without the porn part, like for example taking the pure route, but deniying this is porn game is like saying the Earth is flat. It's just a porn game with a "big world" behind it and not focused only on the porn part (only if you take the pure route tho, otherwise you'll still ends up having multiple erotic and sex scene to move the plot forward, like becoming a maid with Arwin or becoming Herman's gf to enter the "Arwin party").
Maybe we have different definitions of porn games. For me nsfw scenes don't define game as a porn game. Original Fate/Stay Night has mandatory sex scenes in each route but it's not a porn game for me. If you describe what makes a game into a porn game maybe I would understand your definition.

Ye, too bad that what Richard state multiple time during Aura corruption that he wants Aura to become his queen foverer, not like a toy to play for some time and throw away, Richard think of Aura as the woman he want to spend the rest of the live together, but said woman doesn't exist anymore as, like you said, is just a "broken toy" at the end, a shadow of former Aura. Again, it doesn't match his goals/wishes with what Aura becomes. Richard never said that wants Aura to be his "temporary toy", but say the opposite, wanting Aura to rule over the other humans together (he state this multiple times in the game).
Try to remember when he said it. There was no such thing in Intro. His proposal after putting the Curse was more like "Become my sex doll". Even after his loss there he describes it like ""The hunter is as great as his prey". He is the hunter, Aura is prey, no equity. He didn't think of her as a Demonic Queen at all in the beginning and that's what I was talking about. If you have a quote from the game prooving different then bring it.
Later when Aura is already corrupted but still magnificent in her willfulness and cleverness, yes, he changed his plans. But it wasn't an original intent. He wanted to destroy her personality and nothing more.
Jan 24, 2023
I will write my definition of porn games. Porn game is a game where the main focus is on player getting a sexual gratification without much effort or real consequences. So it could be a Visual Novel, or a grinding HTML, or rpg with rape scenes if you lose. And I think that Star Knightess Aura is not a described porn game.
What about your definition?


Jun 1, 2017
Maybe we have different definitions of porn games. For me nsfw scenes don't define game as a porn game. Original Fate/Stay Night has mandatory sex scenes in each route but it's not a porn game for me. If you describe what makes a game into a porn game maybe I would understand your definition.
In fact FSN was originally described/created as porn game, but maybe you didn't know that. Only after, because of the success, it was created a new edition, removing every reference to porn, making it into a non-porn game, but doesn't change the fact it was born as such.

I will write my definition of porn games. Porn game is a game where the main focus is on player getting a sexual gratification without much effort or real consequences. So it could be a Visual Novel, or a grinding HTML, or rpg with rape scenes if you lose. And I think that Star Knightess Aura is not a described porn game.
What about your definition?
Only because you have your head-definition doesn't mean it's true. You are just denying what it is just because you want to give your interpretation that the Earth is flat. Dude, no.
Jan 24, 2023
In fact FSN was originally described/created as porn game, but maybe you didn't know that. Only after, because of the success, it was created a new edition, removing every reference to porn, making it into a non-porn game, but doesn't change the fact it was born as such.

Only because you have your head-definition doesn't mean it's true. You are just denying what it is just because you want to give your interpretation that the Earth is flat. Dude, no.
Well, if you think that sex scenes in the game makes it porn I wouldn't argue. It's really pointless to argue about definitions without any benefit. And I know about Realta Nua version and still say that original Fate/Stay Night is not porn. I don't see how it is related to the shape of Earth but it's your problem. And your expectations that SKA as a perceived porn game shouldn't make you feel bad in corruption scenes are also your problem. Not mine.
I think I reached understanding of you and don't see a point in continuation of this discussion. Good luck and have fun
May 8, 2022
Ye, too bad all the values and every part that Richard find amusing and love about Aura just get destroyed and removed all together. Just to point out a scene of inconsistency. When Aura stop the development of her game and tell everyone to "touch some grass", Richard is completely disgusted (even if doesn't know it was Aura all along), like at first has respect for the author of the game, then he's so disgusted seeing becoming like the "meat humans" he hates. Aura become exactly like that, how Richard is not disgusted like was when read the comment about the game? The reaction doesn't match what Aura actually become. Also, reading the story, Richard doesn't value that much Alicia, he just look at her like a normal human, but still an inferior one, as he likes only Aura because is the only one that see in her "a true human value", but those values get torned apart and she become a shallow copy of Alicia, but strangely Richard loves how Aura become. Why? It doesn't make sense. Just because he was able to corrupt her? He didn't do anything to do that tho, Alicia did all the work. He enjoyed because Aura lost her original values? But if he hates "npc humans", why turning her into one that would get bored easily if his plan is to have Aura at his side forever?
It just doesn't make sense
That was his original intent btw. To turn a 'human' like Aura and degrade her into 'meat'. The irony is that despite that, the curse ensured she was the polar opposite of her original self and still very much "Human". He realised that a bit too late and alters his plans. Hence why if you make it to the two Demon Generals in Winterfall, he says that he is the only one that Aura can truly belong with, even pointed out how he upgraded the throne and had 'two seats' instead of one.

In essence, his original plan was changed and he decided that Aura was actually a lot more strong-willed, cunning and persistent than he originally thought. A lot more like him, actually. Maybe she would never be his equal 100%, but definitely someone that would stand by his side and bask in glory together. And it helps that despite losing a lot of her knowledge from reading books, she STILL possesses a reasonably high intellect much like him. Ensuring that she would still be a match for him in that arena, so long as it didn't come to academics.


Jun 1, 2017
That was his original intent btw. To turn a 'human' like Aura and degrade her into 'meat'. The irony is that despite that, the curse ensured she was the polar opposite of her original self and still very much "Human". He realised that a bit too late and alters his plans. Hence why if you make it to the two Demon Generals in Winterfall, he says that he is the only one that Aura can truly belong with, even pointed out how he upgraded the throne and had 'two seats' instead of one.

In essence, his original plan was changed and he decided that Aura was actually a lot more strong-willed, cunning and persistent than he originally thought. A lot more like him, actually. Maybe she would never be his equal 100%, but definitely someone that would stand by his side and bask in glory together. And it helps that despite losing a lot of her knowledge from reading books, she STILL possesses a reasonably high intellect much like him. Ensuring that she would still be a match for him in that arena, so long as it didn't come to academics.
Sorry, but no. Since the begin Richard state that wants Aura to become his Queen, I don't remember if was in the tutorial, or short after in the real world, but the plan never changed.
Don't go around trying to come up with excuses for the author, the story is clearly incoerent if you analyze it objectively.

To make it clear to everyone, I'm not saying "You guys cannot enjoy this story you should play something else", you can enjoy and play what you want. Do you like it? I'm happy for you, and I'm honest here, but you cannot deny some problems in the story and how they were deal. Maybe you didn't notice them because you were captured by the game you like, but objectively, what me and some other guy say it's that we didn't enjoy it because of said flaws in the game. And I would like the author to be more mindful while creating his next game. Doesn't want to listen or doesn't care because he wants his game in a certain way or care for the story content? Ok, but doesn't mean it will be objectively a good story/game
Jan 24, 2023
Sorry, but no. Since the begin Richard state that wants Aura to become his Queen, I don't remember if was in the tutorial, or short after in the real world, but the plan never changed.
Don't go around trying to come up with excuses for the author, the story is clearly incoerent if you analyze it objectively.
Could you provide a quote? Tell us in which scene Richard says such things? I clearly remember how he acted in the beginning and what he said. There wasn't anything about the Queen.
And yes, objective analizing is not a common skill. Many people fail at that.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2020
Hey there! Just downloaded the game and finished the Intro. This is the first RPGM game I play, so I came to the thread to ask for some guidance from the older players:

1) Is there any guide or walkthrough that can help me understand which different branching paths exist?

2) Even though I asked if there is a guide about branching paths, is there more than one path to play in this game? Because I dont know if its even possible to follow different paths!

3) I was interested in playing the Corruption Path (it's why I downloaded the game), but Alicia and Richard are so unlikeable that I changed my mind and I want my first playthrough to be a Pure/Light Path, so I was wondering if it really is possible at all to kick their ass and avoid being corrupted. I will definetely try out the Corruption Path afterwards, but I need to get my W before I do that.

4) Reading the past comments, it seems to me that Richard went from wanting Aura to be meat to wanting her to be a Queen. This makes it more interesting to me, because "being meat" like he originally wanted her to be is definetely not appealing to me, but becoming the Dark Lady seems cooler! Is it true that his intentions change?

The game seems super interesting, so I'm really invested into this!


Jun 1, 2017
Could you provide a quote? Tell us in which scene Richard says such things? I clearly remember how he acted in the beginning and what he said. There wasn't anything about the Queen.
And yes, objective analizing is not a common skill. Many people fail at that.
Reread what I said as I clearly stated I don't remember the point. If I could remember it I would have already said, no? Or you want to start a thread-war just because I don't remember when it was said? Also now also you want to say that Richard never wanted Aura to become his queen since beginning? Like as a way to excuse the poor writing?
Ok, let's do like this. Let's say he didn't want Aura to become his queen but just a silly toy to play for a little. Still doesn't match with everything after. Even if Richard changed idea later (which he didn't), why would he want a former shadow or Aura to become his Queen and companion for life? It's even worse story-telling if you say this as he clearly stated he hate shallow people and doesn't value Alicia that much (as this is supported by the fact that Aura overthrone her in her social life and friends and Richard doesn't care)
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