Finally, an H-game parodying DAL. Kinda surprised it took this long! Best of luck Shousaka, previews look good so I'm giving it a whack. Hope the game looks as good as the previews!
*Update* : The renders are very nice, the girls look more or less as they should. They even behave for the most part quite similarly to the actual characters. Nicely done on that score. Grind is reasonable: not too crazy, and also not super-duper-easy "instant-win" levels. Pretty much believeable. One thing missing is the dating mechanic from the original series, though I suppose the in-room "dating" mechanic more or less serves that function (without requiring the dev to script a whole bunch of outside locations and events.) Overall it's pretty enjoyable, definitely not one that I regret downloading. Good job.
I do have one -- and only one -- complaint, but it's kind of a major one. The Engrish in this one is *horrible.* I've seen worse: after all, the game *is* playable, and I can (mostly) figure out what everyone is saying. I've seen games that were so bad I had to drop them before I even finished the intro, so there's that. But PLEASE, for the love of hentai, PLEASE find yourself a good English proofreader, preferably a native speaker since English loves to break its own rules with basically total abandon.
I'll hold off posting an actual review til after someone has proofed the game, cause right now my rating wouldn't be fair to the game: Engrish that bad would actually put a large dent in my rating (like, one to one and a half stars' worth of "large".) Other than the proofing, though, I will reiterate that you've done a pretty darn good job so far. Keep up the good work, and get that proofreader!
