Finished this game on Hard Mode, virgin clear with the Sorcery Kingdom ending in less than 3 days.
Had a ton of fun playing this, listening to the music, grinding and so on. (0 battles lost except for the final boss with its bull- RNG hard hitting moves.)
I don't think I can do it on Lunatic difficulty. Besides grinding, I doubt there's any changes in the game (or achievements) for a NG+ anyway. (Since it's eroge, there's basically almost never any, anyway.)
But after finishing the game, I loved this moment with the unicorn. So, it was shocking to see when I saw the unicorn as an enemy defeat in the gallery. I thought he was like a free max health npc (I was sooo wrong) since I like playing these games where protag has a virgin clear ending. (Makes the game ridiculously harder to "protecc the loli's innocence... somewhat" when you're playing the harder difficulties. )
But yeah. Loved it. Alongside Little Braver and Primal Sphere. Now, onto the next Anmitsuya game I go!