A good game with very satisfying amount of girls & sex scenes , the story is way better than the other 2 space games of this Dev Terminus Reach: Sentinel .. ( at least the conversations are not that boring ) and it has different topics ( daily life , friendly talks , events , delivery , fights ) unlike the other space games which was always all about ( work , plans , wars , tactics , strategy ) all day .. i also noticed that some people complaining about granny sex in the game ,, well i actually disagree , i liked the variety of the girls looks , age , height , size & species .. and the player have the choice to accept or reject , its not like it was forced scenes .. so i don't see why the complaining here , i would agree to complain about the forced anal sex to be honest , because you have no choice to reject it in this game .. it also has a very good amount of side girls , and im glad that there are no narrators bugging your head every single minute unnecessarily like the other games & no nonsense bullshit talks in the middle of sex , with those ( OHH yea .. baby fuck me .. AAAHHH .. ) stuff , repeatedly .. so thanks to the Dev at this point 
BUT ,,
im NOT giving this game more than 4 stars ,, its actually deserves 3 , but im gonna be more kind this time , because it does better job then the other 2 space games ,, the missing 1 star is for the fallowing issues :
1- the same freaking brutal mistake that the DEV used to do in his previous games ( A LOT of unfuckable girls ) ,, there are actually more unfuckable girls in this game than the fuckable ones ,, yea its that bad , i remember giving 3 stars before to other games that have 1-2 unfuckable girls in it .. imagine this one , it has over 31+ unfuckable girls .. check this out : ( Gail & Teagan - Naha - Gillian - Emilly - Fara - Sayen - Phoebe - Demon woman - Dagna's mother - Kaede's mother - Miyuki's mother - Woman with Gem servant ( Lucien's owner ) - Helga - Thalassa - Mrs. Blake - The Nurse - Elizabeth - Mindy - Graves - Michelle - Fairy Queen - Isabel - The spirits - Lady Singh - Adriella - Rixa - Female Centaur - Marella - Lady Kuroda ) BRO , WHAT THE FUCKK ? .. the ones in red color are actually VERY sexy characters , i really wanted Sex scene with them , there's no excuse , no excuse not to have sex with them , if you make the effort to create sexy models & waste your time just to make them unfuckable at the end , you might as well make them males instead , because they are totally useless girls when they are unfackable , i was so disappointed .. the Dev can control the story & how the models look ,, but which girl the MC should fuck , that should be totally free for the player to chose , not the Dev , the Dev should of made a sex path for ALL the girls any way & let the player decide who he want pursue .
2- the controls , just like the previous games ,, once you roll back you gonna jump like 5-7 scene frames some times all of a sudden , which is super annoying and waste of time when it happened more than 15 times during the game play
3- i can understand if you give me the choices & some of them is gonna successfully lead to sex & the others will not , that's FINE , BUT ,, im not a fan of having different girls to fuck in every different paths & in each choice .. like , if you go left , you gonna meet A, B & C then have sex with them .. however , if you go right instead , you gonna meet D, E ,F & G only .. NO SEX with A,B & C any more , they simply doesn't exist .. you know what that means ? it means even if you made the right choice , you still gonna have to sacrifice some of the girls & you gonna miss tones of scenes in the story including sex scenes & new characters , that's just fucked up & it makes things more confusing ,, the different paths should effect the story only , not the sex scenes , the girls should be included in all the paths
3- the MC .. he is exactly the bald bionic guy from Terminus Reach: Sentinel games , same characteristic , same attitude , the always nice & caring , always ready to die for every single girl in the game , the one who always not forcing any thing at the girls , the one always wise & never make any mistakes , the one who doesn't care about sex & all the girls are the ones who are asking for it .. Well , that was OK & a good idea before , when it was the bionic guy , because he was not a human any way ,, but this guy here in this game is actually a human being .. yet , he still never want or care to have sex unless the girl ask him for it ? i mean , i don't want him to become a Simp like all the other games , but at least make him interested some time , you know , like normal people .. not always professional 24 hours
4- very short sex scenes .. some of them are not even more than 3-5 seconds plus no sound effects or back ground music
yes its a good game , a very good one , with huge a fatal mistakes & a critical disappointments ,, but again ... im satisfied 80% & maybe will play it again some day.
in Conclusion :











BUT ,,
im NOT giving this game more than 4 stars ,, its actually deserves 3 , but im gonna be more kind this time , because it does better job then the other 2 space games ,, the missing 1 star is for the fallowing issues :
1- the same freaking brutal mistake that the DEV used to do in his previous games ( A LOT of unfuckable girls ) ,, there are actually more unfuckable girls in this game than the fuckable ones ,, yea its that bad , i remember giving 3 stars before to other games that have 1-2 unfuckable girls in it .. imagine this one , it has over 31+ unfuckable girls .. check this out : ( Gail & Teagan - Naha - Gillian - Emilly - Fara - Sayen - Phoebe - Demon woman - Dagna's mother - Kaede's mother - Miyuki's mother - Woman with Gem servant ( Lucien's owner ) - Helga - Thalassa - Mrs. Blake - The Nurse - Elizabeth - Mindy - Graves - Michelle - Fairy Queen - Isabel - The spirits - Lady Singh - Adriella - Rixa - Female Centaur - Marella - Lady Kuroda ) BRO , WHAT THE FUCKK ? .. the ones in red color are actually VERY sexy characters , i really wanted Sex scene with them , there's no excuse , no excuse not to have sex with them , if you make the effort to create sexy models & waste your time just to make them unfuckable at the end , you might as well make them males instead , because they are totally useless girls when they are unfackable , i was so disappointed .. the Dev can control the story & how the models look ,, but which girl the MC should fuck , that should be totally free for the player to chose , not the Dev , the Dev should of made a sex path for ALL the girls any way & let the player decide who he want pursue .
2- the controls , just like the previous games ,, once you roll back you gonna jump like 5-7 scene frames some times all of a sudden , which is super annoying and waste of time when it happened more than 15 times during the game play
3- i can understand if you give me the choices & some of them is gonna successfully lead to sex & the others will not , that's FINE , BUT ,, im not a fan of having different girls to fuck in every different paths & in each choice .. like , if you go left , you gonna meet A, B & C then have sex with them .. however , if you go right instead , you gonna meet D, E ,F & G only .. NO SEX with A,B & C any more , they simply doesn't exist .. you know what that means ? it means even if you made the right choice , you still gonna have to sacrifice some of the girls & you gonna miss tones of scenes in the story including sex scenes & new characters , that's just fucked up & it makes things more confusing ,, the different paths should effect the story only , not the sex scenes , the girls should be included in all the paths
3- the MC .. he is exactly the bald bionic guy from Terminus Reach: Sentinel games , same characteristic , same attitude , the always nice & caring , always ready to die for every single girl in the game , the one who always not forcing any thing at the girls , the one always wise & never make any mistakes , the one who doesn't care about sex & all the girls are the ones who are asking for it .. Well , that was OK & a good idea before , when it was the bionic guy , because he was not a human any way ,, but this guy here in this game is actually a human being .. yet , he still never want or care to have sex unless the girl ask him for it ? i mean , i don't want him to become a Simp like all the other games , but at least make him interested some time , you know , like normal people .. not always professional 24 hours
4- very short sex scenes .. some of them are not even more than 3-5 seconds plus no sound effects or back ground music
yes its a good game , a very good one , with huge a fatal mistakes & a critical disappointments ,, but again ... im satisfied 80% & maybe will play it again some day.
in Conclusion :