Yes, English is not my first language and there will be some grammar errors here and there, sorry for that.
Fair enough. But PornHub exists, and so does F95Zone. There is plenty of porn, and plenty of (much, much better) porn games. You're using 'borrowed' real porn assets in an HTML engine. You don't have original artwork, you don't have a bespoke 3D engine. What you have to set yourself apart from the competition is your writing. Bad Engrish will only get you so far.
The gameplay mechanic is a bit harsh, but it is the main feature of this game which makes it unique. I know at the moment it could be a hit or miss, but I don’t have any plans removing it. However I’ll be working on making it more flexible for any kind of player.
Unique =/= Good
Right now it is uniquely awful, dumb, and un-fun.
There's a reason why, even among just the other HTML based games here, they are often built on economic gameplay. Having the player's progress limited or dependent on their ability to earn money.
Become Someone,
Casting Director,
Love & Vice, etc.
Because being punished for seeing the naughty bits, the sole reason anyone would potentially be playing this over literally any other game, is ass-backwards. Plus it needs to be reiterated again, that having a dumb-fuck doctor use 'idk'
in dialogue to explain how lethal sperm mysteriously escaping into your blood can be (but only when aroused), is brain-bleach levels of bad.
So it's a fundamentally un-fun mechanic, delivered poorly, and with incoherently dumb and creatively bereft justification. Even if you want to have some sort of gameplay failure state, it shouldn't be in place of the expected reward (e.g. the porn). Even if you kept it as is, why use such awful dialogue and poor justification? That's just not how human bodies work. Anyone who has even the barest passable level of knowledge about human anatomy knows what a crock of shit that explanation is; and to hear that coming from a supposed doctor, delivered with texting shorthand no less, is supremely cringe inducing.
At this point, why even adhere to reality? 'It's Magic, I Ain't Gotta Explain Shit!' would be a more logically coherent and less disappointing explanation for how being horney gets you killed. It would establish that we're no longer in our reality.
Magic exists, anything goes. Literally have a wizard teleport in front of the player and creatively explain it away with magic. So long as said wizard didn't use internet 1337 speech to do so, it would almost certainly be better than what's there.
The UI is broken because you’re using the ‘pirated’ release, tho
Thanks for your feedback.
Okay. So your plan was not to have exclusive locked content for backers, but rather to have the entire game locked behind a paywall? Ballsy, given how poorly the game looks at first impression. Doubly so in that you're ignoring common 'best practices' among the other porn games (the game is the advert for your Patreon/Subscribestar, and as a rule you don't charge consumers for adverts). Triply so when you yourself are pirating real-porn for your assets. I'm open to being proven wrong, but I'd bet my bank account that you don't own the rights to the images you are using.
So you have a poor misspelled UI built on the assumption that only the people who already paid you for it sight-unseen would ever be playing it; despite the vast, vast, vast majority of amateur porn games not at all operating anything like this. If you still don't get why I find your development process baffling after this, I don't know what else to tell you.
I get that I was, and still am, being incredibly harsh. Given the quality of the product on display, I don't think it is undeserved. However, it is not personal. I don't hate or loathe you personally or anything like that. I just have a post-secondary education in Game Art & Design, and harsh peer critique was just par for the course. I would like to see things being improved, as I would rather have more good porn games to play than bad ones. While your game does have fundamental problems and needs a lot of work, you do deserve credit for at least responding to harsh criticism with a level head. So, genuine kudos for that.