i m started modded skyrim at the very beginning it come out. (even before the creation kit came out)
i made some cool mod that are still available , but todays obsolete due to others modders using my mods in their own to grow.
shit, some of my mods even get used on Enderal (without my authorisation by the way).
i saw the modding community growing cool and nice.
but todays.... for fuck sake, its all about "how to get money easily". i hate thoses fuckers who share their things behind paywall. (i m talking about mods, not games)
anyway, i hope this thread will grow nice.
and if someone is curious about my mods, just go on steam and check for "macadamstreet" ( yes, its me ) content. my most popular mod is the "goosy goosa +" mod (wich is old, but should work great anyway).
here, if you dont want to search

feel free to use them and do whatever you want with them, i not care anymore.
i stopped modding bethesda game definitly sinze i see how much of a fuckers these devs can be. (pay mods attempt, now creation club shit and etc..)
btw i took down my website, soo dont search in there