So the game has been updated to v1.5 and has had various improvements and fixes.
First the inventory bug has been fixed and save spots have been added near bosses, so less back tracking if you die.
Gamepad support has also been added and makes the game a little easier to play. You can now also backdash and block with single keys or buttons.
The one handed swords now have a pogo sword ability that can be used by pressing down+attack while jumping. This only works once per enemy no repeated bouncing on single enemies per jump. However you can bounce on multiple enemies one after another per single jump, again only once per enemy.(Note don't use this ability on the birds in the forest area as they seem to have a weird hitbox and you will get hit at the same time unless you have a powerful sword.)
I realized that I didn't include every ability in my last post so here are the ones I've found thus far.
Regen=Heal while standing still.(Very Useful)(This used to work even when moving.)
LifeSteal=HP absorb from enemies on hit.(Very Useful)
Thorns=Reflect some damage back at enemies when your struck.
Thickness=This seems to decrease your knockback when struck and not increase your defense as far as I can tell?
Reflex=Chance to dodge enemy attacks.(Useful)
Magnet=Pick hearts and money up from a greater distance.
Venom=Chance to poison enemies on hit.(Somewhat Useful)
Deathtouch=Chance to instant kill enemies on hit.(Somewhat Useful)
Knockback=Knock enemies away from you on hit.(Somewhat useful with large weapons or bows)
Stagger=Chance to stun enemies on hit.(Useful)
Affinity and Strike=These two appear to increase either base damage or criticals on hit?(Somewhat Useful)
Haste=Faster weapon charge.(Very useful with large weapons or bows.)
Greed=Makes more money drop from lights,signs,and enemies.
Luck=Higher chance to drop items from enemies and may increase item rarity.(Very Useful)(It doesn't increase criticals.)