Situation SUCC: Inn Elysium - spiritual successor to Succubus Prison

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Jan 21, 2022
Seems he is doing a succubus prison Colab and some of the girls will be in the game.

You're obviously making this up. If he did that then he wouldn't have had anything to do with toki.

What's more likely is the explenation I've provided which seems quite reasonable.
His team has a coder from the UK, and I think the publisher is from Canada and in both of these countries such content is treated identical to ** with actual cases of arrests and convictions being made for people being caught with just mangas.

As such It's highly likely he has contracts with his staff to guarantee no such art is in the game or anywhere near their presence.

He also wants the game sold on Steam so he is abiding by the TOS.
He also has a discord server and discord has nuked entire servers over similar stuff. The server is also not political so I don't know why you keep saying it's filled with "yes men".

To summon the current year meme, it is 2024 and an Australian visual novel dev of the game called "proud father" had his door kicked in by the authorities and was arrested for running an "online child prostitution ring" as the media reported. But when you look into it, it was just a visual novel game that he was selling for people backing him on subscribestar and

Given all of this it's not difficult to understand why a western dev wouldn't want these types of characters on a comercial game set for public release and if you keep hammering the point you just come off as unreasonable and obtuse.

There's a huge range of games from japan that have the exact same content that you need without asking westerners to risk their investments and possibly face jail time and be placed on a registry just so you don't go potty face at them.

In fact, the western industry barely has any notable H games, so I don't know why I should shit on the few ones that do exist or the few devs that do try to make something.

Now with that said, I may be suffering from sunken cost falacy because I'm backing the project but from what I'm seeing I don't understand why the hate considering this is the first project he is doing and if sucesfull may cause other people to try and do the same giving us more succubi to enjoy.

He literally said in his Discord that he wouldn't be touching any Toki's game in the future because of the spin-off lmaooo, i have known him since way before his project had became well known and he literally hates em, his Discord has people who either hate Vinum or wanna see her only if she's big boobed lol.
The only reason he is making the game is cause the spin-off pissed him off so much lmao. He needs Toki just cause he liked Nemea and that's it, which contradicts his whole idea that Toki is a toddlercon oppai loli lover, but i guess he never realised that lmao, Toki is even supporting his work while this bozo secretly doesn't even like his no more.

The creator is a manipulate weirdo who spends most of his time calling people woke on Twitter and has 0 confidence on his project due to him not being capable of handling criticism.

SP ain't gonna be topped by this bozo and i hate to be seeing people coping on the opposite your style, which i know is gonna happen...

"Now with that said, I may be suffering from sunken cost falacy because I'm backing the project" take out the may buddy.
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Dec 1, 2017
Well, I can confirm that he hates new Toki's game and he said to me multiple times he doesn't understand Toki's choices and that his new SP shouldn't be called SP... which to be fair I think the same, this new SP is too different from the original.

When I translated ver. 0.1 of this new SP and I showed him few screenshots he didn't like the game, at all, and when I told him it has animations he was just curious it they were better than his. Tvee love-hate Toki, loves him for SP and hates him for everything else. I think Toki doesn't really understand the situation he is in. Back when we talked Myusca/Nemea dlc was still not confirmed and talks with Toki were ongoing.

I don't wish Tvee bad but he added me on Steam and discord on his own, asked me to spread the word and asked me for feedback, I contacted some discord channels from the past, I showed the game to friendly devs and translators, it's me who made this thread here and at the end suddenly, without a warning, he just removed me on both platforms. Not cool.

Like I said, game changed status to me from instant buy to downloading it here and then deciding. If the game proves bad I hope he will not drag Toki's characters and universe to the bottom with him. Toki is a genius, he could ride a wave and just make SP2 since it was his most popular game but instead he does whatever he feels like without listening to screeching fanbase. Tvee (in my opinion) is calculating everything and waters down a lot of things to make sure it will be friendly to both player and platform, and that's the main reason SP is remembered and will be for a long time while Elysium may be a good game but will be forgotten because it will be just generic. I hope I am wrong.


Dec 14, 2018
Until I see a demo I just can't expect this game to ever come out. Been burned too bad by supporting creators (both traditional game devs and H-game devs) that just end up abandoning projects or never making any progress on it after years.
May 28, 2020
He literally said in his Discord that he wouldn't be touching any Toki's game in the future because of the spin-off lmaooo, i have known him since way before his project had became well known and he literally hates em, his Discord has people who either hate Vinum or wanna see her only if she's big boobed lol.
The only reason he is making the game is cause the spin-off pissed him off so much lmao. He needs Toki just cause he liked Nemea and that's it, which contradicts his whole idea that Toki is a toddlercon oppai loli lover, but i guess he never realised that lmao, Toki is even supporting his work while this bozo secretly doesn't even like his no more.

The creator is a manipulate weirdo who spends most of his time calling people woke on Twitter and has 0 confidence on his project due to him not being capable of handling criticism.

SP ain't gonna be topped by this bozo and i hate to be seeing people coping on the opposite your style, which i know is gonna happen...

"Now with that said, I may be suffering from sunken cost falacy because I'm backing the project" take out the may buddy.
From all the information posted here and from what I've seen on discord I can say that he just doesn't like loli and you guys really REALLY but like REALLY want him to like it and even include it in his project using his own expenses even if he doesn't both for personal but more likely and legal reasons.

Everything else that's added on top such as he doesn't want other people to play games that have them or calls people pedophiles seems to be just made up.

He has videos on his channel defending fan service and making fun of tourists and he is also friends with rev says desu, in fact rev even covered his game in one of his videos.

Furthermore if he was that strongly against it why are toki and shiki now retweeting elysium content and he is collabing with him as well?

Like earlier you guys accused the dev of lying by saying he is not working with shiki because shiki doesnt even follow the sitsucc account and on a recent check he actually does and even retweets it.

I also don't know why you'd say he's manipulative when he is open to conversations with many people, shows constant updates and none of his staff or backers came out with any type of complaint. As well as this raising the question what possible reason would he have to manipulate you personally given that you're not even a backer?

The game itself looks like its evolving from the videos shown and it's exactly the type of thing I want to see which is a succubus drain game. And while it's obvious to be a clone game, given that this is the first project he is embarking on why are you so harsh on it and not willing to give it a pass?
If he makes his money back then I will be far more demanding if he ever makes a sequel.

To the next point If what you say is true that he doesn't like Toki's new game then there is a huge queue for that starting from Japan all the way up to the west.
You can compare the intrest people have on the new game on dlsite compared to his old work.

In fact you can even see on many forums why people don't like it and It's not because of the characters, since the original also had some demons you could summon and vinum, but it's also the themes and the seemingly lack of succubus-drain but instead a focus on "madness".

This was also the case when toki made his furry game. The issue isn't the quality of the game or the characters. It's just that people really wanted to see the succubus trio again, and it's been over 10 years. How is this any different with people hating George R.R Martin from publishing random crap rather than finishing his latest book? Some fans will always act like this simply because they are very passionate about the work and really invested in the universe.

The reality is, people wanted more of the original succubus trio and the horror atmosphere that came with it.
It's like if the new MGQ came out as a spin off where you play as a squire of the king and only interact with humans from that town, without encountering a single monster girl.

Regardless it seems you two have a personal beef with the dev. You wanted something from him and he didn't give it to you.

And it makes sense that denying people something will incur resentment.

But given that you're not backers and you are demanding stuff that would potentialy mean he won't even recover his investments, and get his staff on a registry, is something weird to me.

Finally if toki gave him nemea and myuska, it's impossible for toki to not get directly involved with the colab.

In situations like this , it's usual for the script and art to require an approval from both parties if not just directly imposed by toki himself.
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Dec 1, 2017
Regardless it seems you two have a personal beef with the dev. You wanted something from him and he didn't give it to you.
Oh, you shouldn't say that, now I need to break your comment.

From all the information posted here and from what I've seen on discord I can say that he just doesn't like loli and you guys really REALLY but like REALLY want him to like it and even include it in his project using his own expenses even if he doesn't both for personal but more likely and legal reasons.
Yep, he doesn't like it, everyone here knows it. The argument that we want to force loli into him - good job, you created this argument on your own and now you are fighting it. Bravo!
Everything else that's added on top such as he doesn't want other people to play games that have them or calls people pedophiles seems to be just made up.
Yep, he doesn't call people names, he just says it's not his thing. Again, you are arguing a point made by you.
Furthermore if he was that strongly against it why are toki and shiki now retweeting elysium content and he is collabing with him as well?
For the money. Shiki is literally employed by tvee. Toki's characters will make a DLC to Elysium, maybe money are involved here too. If not, it's still free marketing for SP. How to argue your point when your point is so stupid it's hard to tell what even are you referring to?
I also don't know why you'd say he's manipulative when he is open to conversations with many people, shows constant updates and none of his staff or backers came out with any type of complaint. As well as this raising the question what possible reason would he have to manipulate you personally given that you're not even a backer?
I think this part strongly refers to me, the answer is he reached out to me believing I can use my connections to various translators/devs/discords to help him spread the word about the game. I can't show you him saying that because he told me this on Steam, before adding me on discord and Steam doesn't save messages so old. Also I don't think i ever said he is manipulative, but his behavior would match this accusation. I hope that answers your question.

The game itself looks like its evolving from the videos shown and it's exactly the type of thing I want to see which is a succubus drain game. And while it's obvious to be a clone game, given that this is the first project he is embarking on why are you so harsh on it and not willing to give it a pass?
If he makes his money back then I will be far more demanding if he ever makes a sequel.
I think I said multiple times I give it a pass and I don't think I am harsh about it. If anything thing that irks me is he doesn't really respect Toki's choices regarding his games but he has no problem cloning his game, setting it in the same universe and even reaching out to him for permission to use his characters. You can make an argument it's in his right to love SP but hate everything else about Toki and you may have a point still it seems weird to me.

To the next point If what you say is true that he doesn't like Toki's new game then there is a huge queue for that starting from Japan all the way up to the west.
You can compare the intrest people have on the new game on dlsite compared to his old work.

In fact you can even see on many forums why people don't like it and It's not because of the characters, since the original also had some demons you could summon and vinum, but it's also the themes and the seemingly lack of succubus-drain but instead a focus on "madness".

This was also the case when toki made his furry game. The issue isn't the quality of the game or the characters. It's just that people really wanted to see the succubus trio again, and it's been over 10 years. How is this any different with people hating George R.R Martin from publishing random crap rather than finishing his latest book? Some fans will always act like this simply because they are very passionate about the work and really invested in the universe.

The reality is, people wanted more of the original succubus trio and the horror atmosphere that came with it.
It's like if the new MGQ came out as a spin off where you play as a squire of the king and only interact with humans from that town, without encountering a single monster girl.
That is very dishonest of you. First, massive following of the SP comes from the times when it got fan eng translation, and you try to compare it to the following of ver. 0.1 spin-off. The part about why people dislike the setting and that they just wanted more of the trio is mostly true. Tvee's opinion was this game is a mistake, my opinion was and still is game looks awesome but it shouldn't be called SP. In summary, almost everything you said in this quote is true, I don't understand however what does it bring to the discussion. Is it to justify why Tvee doesn't like the new SP? He doesn't need to justify it, he just doesn't.

Regardless it seems you two have a personal beef with the dev. You wanted something from him and he didn't give it to you.

And it makes sense that denying people something will incur resentment.

But given that you're not backers and you are demanding stuff that would potentialy mean he won't even recover his investments, and get his staff on a registry, is something weird to me.
I never wanted anything from him, he added me because he wanted something from me. I think you are kinda butthurt about that because you are a backer who gave him money and I am "nobody" who was contacted by him personally receiving scripts, videos and screenshots almost on daily basis. He never denied me anything, I never wanted anything from him, I have no reason to resent him for anything except him suddenly ghosting me. I know you want to believe something else because it would fit your narrative but sorry, you are just wrong.
Finally if toki gave him nemea and myuska, it's impossible for toki to not get directly involved with the colab.

In situations like this , it's usual for the script and art to require an approval from both parties if not just directly imposed by toki himself.
I am not sure about that, maybe you are right, maybe not. I think the only thing Toki is doing is giving him permission to use characters and the rest is up to Tvee? I don't think Toki even wants to be involved in any shape in this project. Another interesting question is who have the rights to the characters because recently SP was published by Kagura, so it is also a matter what is the contract between Toki and KG. Unless you have some hard info about the situation we can both only speculate about who has rights to what and who is involved in what degree.

Also I just remembered Tvee got a monetary offer from someone to sponsor the game, but Tvee rejected it based on the fact that he wanted full control over development process and this is the thing I respect. Based on that, I believe more that all decisions how to use the characters are left up to Tvee.
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May 28, 2020
I should have been clearer that the name calling part was adressed to the other person.
Regarding money, I don't think Shiki needs it to be honest. Unless the dev is paying him tens of thousands of dollars, shiki has allot of fame and money. The only thing that makes sense is if he actually likes the project and what he sees there.


Jan 21, 2022
From all the information posted here and from what I've seen on discord I can say that he just doesn't like loli and you guys really REALLY but like REALLY want him to like it and even include it in his project using his own expenses even if he doesn't both for personal but more likely and legal reasons.

Everything else that's added on top such as he doesn't want other people to play games that have them or calls people pedophiles seems to be just made up.

He has videos on his channel defending fan service and making fun of tourists and he is also friends with rev says desu, in fact rev even covered his game in one of his videos.

Furthermore if he was that strongly against it why are toki and shiki now retweeting elysium content and he is collabing with him as well?

Like earlier you guys accused the dev of lying by saying he is not working with shiki because shiki doesnt even follow the sitsucc account and on a recent check he actually does and even retweets it.

I also don't know why you'd say he's manipulative when he is open to conversations with many people, shows constant updates and none of his staff or backers came out with any type of complaint. As well as this raising the question what possible reason would he have to manipulate you personally given that you're not even a backer?

The game itself looks like its evolving from the videos shown and it's exactly the type of thing I want to see which is a succubus drain game. And while it's obvious to be a clone game, given that this is the first project he is embarking on why are you so harsh on it and not willing to give it a pass?
If he makes his money back then I will be far more demanding if he ever makes a sequel.

To the next point If what you say is true that he doesn't like Toki's new game then there is a huge queue for that starting from Japan all the way up to the west.
You can compare the intrest people have on the new game on dlsite compared to his old work.

In fact you can even see on many forums why people don't like it and It's not because of the characters, since the original also had some demons you could summon and vinum, but it's also the themes and the seemingly lack of succubus-drain but instead a focus on "madness".

This was also the case when toki made his furry game. The issue isn't the quality of the game or the characters. It's just that people really wanted to see the succubus trio again, and it's been over 10 years. How is this any different with people hating George R.R Martin from publishing random crap rather than finishing his latest book? Some fans will always act like this simply because they are very passionate about the work and really invested in the universe.

The reality is, people wanted more of the original succubus trio and the horror atmosphere that came with it.
It's like if the new MGQ came out as a spin off where you play as a squire of the king and only interact with humans from that town, without encountering a single monster girl.

Regardless it seems you two have a personal beef with the dev. You wanted something from him and he didn't give it to you.

And it makes sense that denying people something will incur resentment.

But given that you're not backers and you are demanding stuff that would potentialy mean he won't even recover his investments, and get his staff on a registry, is something weird to me.

Finally if toki gave him nemea and myuska, it's impossible for toki to not get directly involved with the colab.

In situations like this , it's usual for the script and art to require an approval from both parties if not just directly imposed by toki himself.

He hates lolis and by extension also doesn't like who does, i proved that already with Toki and other people can back me up on that.

Hating lolis is the most tourist behaviour ever and bringing fucking Rev Says Desu onto the argument does NOT help your case at all lmao.

Cuz they have no idea about the weirdo Vee is, can't wait for them to see his actual main account used just for searching fights and cause drama, a behaviour JP love oh so much...

By that logic if Scott Cawthon follows Nikson he is also part of the project lol? The guy is just happy about a fangame being made regarding something he worked on lol, the same way Toki is, their interest about the game doesn't go beyond that, don't make it sound as if both of em are constantly under his comment section lol.

He said to me Shiki is an actual artist working for him, making OC's for the game ecc...something i've yet to see Shiki himself state or be actually involved in a much more concrete way than just liking his stuff once or twice lol, there is a difference in getting the rights for a character that is gonna be done by your team instead of the original artist, Nemea is not being done by Toki for example.

You are in this thread and still can't figure it out bruh...

I literally already explained that, also the game is a blatant rip-off but no one has had the balls to say it in his Discord, cause the guy likes to believe it's not and we already know how great he's at handling critics lol.

There is no if, he just doesn't like it at all lmao.

It's almost as if the game is a spin-off that still retains that disturbing feeling that made SP so iconic.

Because making a sequel to SP is easy from a writing viewpoint (if Toki is making it and the other artist are checking the lines for their OC's) but almost impossible from a gameplay viewpoint, unless you just do SP 2.0 with just a brand new coat of paint (which i would still get behind if Toki is making it at least) you are entitled and Toki can do whatever he wants with his IP...reminds me of DB fans that got mad when they saw Daima instead of Super 2 lol, to me it looks like you are mad that Toki didn't gave you what you wanted...

The difference is that the spin-off deals with an ending already present in SP and just stretches it lol, wanted more of the same thing? Well guess SP is taking the Danganronpa route lol.

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Dec 1, 2017
Ok, well, to be fair i send him lolis on discord couple of times and he firmly said it is not his thing. He probably both feared about consequences and didn't like them but I believe his reaction was very fair towards me in that regard. Maybe he doesn't like people who like lolis and that's the reason he ghosted me, however when it happened I didn't send him anything he didn't wish to see for a long time and he never called me a pedo.

Another thing is he once mentioned how illegal this stuff is in Romania and named other countries, unfortunately for him he mentioned my country and he was just wrong - here it is very gray area and the one court case that went about it ended with dropping charges. From what I checked in Romania it is also gray area, but Iunderstand him not wanting to check the waters especially when he is a developer.

I know about the situation of the dev of Proud Father, however he was from one of the two countries in the world that has very harsh law even about the digital thing - Australia. The other country is obviously Canada. This wasn't bravery, it was stupidity.


Jan 21, 2022
Ok, well, to be fair i send him lolis on discord couple of times and he firmly said it is not his thing. He probably both feared about consequences and didn't like them but I believe his reaction was very fair towards me in that regard. Maybe he doesn't like people who like lolis and that's the reason he ghosted me, however when it happened I didn't send him anything he didn't wish to see for a long time and he never called me a pedo.

Another thing is he once mentioned how illegal this stuff is in Romania and named other countries, unfortunately for him he mentioned my country and he was just wrong - here it is very gray area and the one court case that went about it ended with dropping charges. From what I checked in Romania it is also gray area, but Iunderstand him not wanting to check the waters especially when he is a developer.

I know about the situation of the dev of Proud Father, however he was from one of the two countries in the world that has very harsh law even about the digital thing - Australia. The other country is obviously Canada. This wasn't bravery, it was stupidity.

The illegal stuff came in play coincidentally with the guy openly not liking em lol hmm, well guess that worked even more to his favor then.

Point being he defo ain't a fan of Toki no more thanks to the spin-off and the reasons are as clear as day, he prob ghosted you cause of that and cause you dared to critic his game, after having you spread his game for him lmao. i remember that word being used in his Discord very well but maybe he has the community that does it already for him so he can just ghost em later on lol.

Also one thing:
Honestly if Nemea or Myusca get in and their writing is dogshit, i can just chalk it up to fanmade shenanigans, as long as they don't have their OG's art-style or VA's, that would be easy to do...well unless Toki comes in and suddenly makes the game canon to the SP universe lool.
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May 28, 2020
The illegal stuff came in play coincidentally with the guy openly not liking em lol hmm, well guess that worked even more to his favor then.

Point being he defo ain't a fan of Toki no more thanks to the spin-off and the reasons are as clear as day, he prob ghosted you cause of that and cause you dared to critic his game, after having you spread his game for him lmao. i remember that word being used in his Discord very well but maybe he has the community that does it already for him so he can just ghost em later on lol.

Also one thing:
Honestly if Nemea or Myusca get in and their writing is dogshit, i can just chalk it up to fanmade shenanigans, as long as they don't have their OG's art-style or VA's, that would be easy to do...well unless Toki comes in and suddenly makes the game canon to the SP universe lool.
He retweeted tokis furry game earlier and toki retweeted his nemea stuff and seems supportive.
The idea that they dislike each other is ridiculous given that they're sharing game assets with each other.

He already shown a nemea animation he's working on his subscribestar and from what I've seen there and on his Discord it's solid writing and it's difficult to believe toki isn't involved.

The vibe I get alligns with what kernist said. And it gave me the exact same impression.

He dislikes lolis, and hes also careful to protect his staff, but he has no issues with people that like them, as long as they're not doing it in his face.

If you're uncomfortable with that then whatever I guess but he 100% never called anyone a pedo besides asking people to delete it if posted anywhere near him.

i knew he was just BS me to avoid doing that outfit for Myusca unless i payed lmao, just wanted to share what he told me tho.
Funny how you mentioned Zion cause he just released Chapter 5 for SC after like 3 years, and it's mid AF together with a lack of said Shiki's art, which i know he made cause i saw it but it's not in the game lmao.

I don't mind lolis nor do i care about em that much, but you're still losing a portion of people that does, just cause you don't like em lol, just dumb.

Uhm have you been to his discord? Not only did everyone say this but he admited it since day one? Which doesn't explain what it means by "he doesn't like criticism?"
However if it was just a cash grab with cheap art and a quick job for a cash grab I'd agree it was a bad thing.
But given that he has so many succubi now, cameos from different games including white devil from succubus covenant, voice acting, full live 2d, puzzles, unity engine and more, I geniuenly think he really REALLY liked the original game and just wanted to make more of it.

If you don't like clone games it's fine. But this is definetly not something rushed and made for the sake of it. And given that Toki himself and shiki are backing the project they must have actual faith in it too.

As for cannon, I think it's possible? I don't know. the idea would be that this game happens in America while Toki's game happens in Japan. So that could be the connection. If myuska and nemea appears then it would be difficult to say it's not cannon.


Jan 21, 2022
He retweeted tokis furry game earlier and toki retweeted his nemea stuff and seems supportive.
The idea that they dislike each other is ridiculous given that they're sharing game assets with each other.

He already shown a nemea animation he's working on his subscribestar and from what I've seen there and on his Discord it's solid writing and it's difficult to believe toki isn't involved.

The vibe I get alligns with what kernist said. And it gave me the exact same impression.

He dislikes lolis, and hes also careful to protect his staff, but he has no issues with people that like them, as long as they're not doing it in his face.

If you're uncomfortable with that then whatever I guess but he 100% never called anyone a pedo besides asking people to delete it if posted anywhere near him.

Uhm have you been to his discord? Not only did everyone say this but he admited it since day one? Which doesn't explain what it means by "he doesn't like criticism?"
However if it was just a cash grab with cheap art and a quick job for a cash grab I'd agree it was a bad thing.
But given that he has so many succubi now, cameos from different games including white devil from succubus covenant, voice acting, full live 2d, puzzles, unity engine and more, I geniuenly think he really REALLY liked the original game and just wanted to make more of it.

If you don't like clone games it's fine. But this is definetly not something rushed and made for the sake of it. And given that Toki himself and shiki are backing the project they must have actual faith in it too.

As for cannon, I think it's possible? I don't know. the idea would be that this game happens in America while Toki's game happens in Japan. So that could be the connection. If myuska and nemea appears then it would be difficult to say it's not cannon.
If that's true then he's also a huge hypocrite considering that he ain't liking that game either lmao, poor Toki having no clue the guy literally does not support his work while he's happy about his project, unless it turns out he's also an artist for Vee or is in his dev team for the game, his support amounts to some likes or retweets.

Did he made it or he just gave the okay to use his char? Cuz i know he neither animated or drew it.

"Protect his staff" yeah from the lolis lol, "but he has no issues with people that like them, as long as they're not doing it in his face." Yeah we know the guy doesn't like who likes lolis.

"besides asking people to delete it if posted anywhere near him" or ghost em after having em spread his project.

"what it means by he doesn't like criticism?"

"Every time I was giving him my honest opinion, I am not kind of person who just pats on the back so there was a lot of "I don't like it" or "it's ok but ... could be improved". At first it was ok but with time he got more and more defensive, like "everyone has an opinion, some people tell me one thing and some the other thing, can't please everyone" or "I want to make sure Steam won't reject the game"

Kernist words here.

"REALLY liked the original game and just wanted to make more of it." portions of it, considering he hates stuff that were present in the original as well lol.

Shiki and Toki are happy about his project (not knowing the weirdo he is) and are fine with him using his characters, because they are not part of the project, thus no matter what he will do with em, it won't affect the canon established by em.
i explained this already with my Cawthon example, they are happy about him but are not directly involved in it.

That's not how canon works bro, unless the main owner of SP says so.

I'll already have to deal with people thinkin the rip-off is better than the original, the only thing left would be having the OG cast being ruined in canon.
May 28, 2020
If that's true then he's also a huge hypocrite considering that he ain't liking that game either lmao, poor Toki having no clue the guy literally does not support his work while he's happy about his project, unless it turns out he's also an artist for Vee or is in his dev team for the game, his support amounts to some likes or retweets.

Did he made it or he just gave the okay to use his char? Cuz i know he neither animated or drew it.

"Protect his staff" yeah from the lolis lol, "but he has no issues with people that like them, as long as they're not doing it in his face." Yeah we know the guy doesn't like who likes lolis.

"besides asking people to delete it if posted anywhere near him" or ghost em after having em spread his project.

"what it means by he doesn't like criticism?"

"Every time I was giving him my honest opinion, I am not kind of person who just pats on the back so there was a lot of "I don't like it" or "it's ok but ... could be improved". At first it was ok but with time he got more and more defensive, like "everyone has an opinion, some people tell me one thing and some the other thing, can't please everyone" or "I want to make sure Steam won't reject the game"

Kernist words here.

"REALLY liked the original game and just wanted to make more of it." portions of it, considering he hates stuff that were present in the original as well lol.

Shiki and Toki are happy about his project (not knowing the weirdo he is) and are fine with him using his characters, because they are not part of the project, thus no matter what he will do with em, it won't affect the canon established by em.
i explained this already with my Cawthon example, they are happy about him but are not directly involved in it.

That's not how canon works bro, unless the main owner of SP says so.

I'll already have to deal with people thinkin the rip-off is better than the original, the only thing left would be having the OG cast being ruined in canon.
Good god you're so salty and absolutely entitled.

He didn't agree with your criticism. I mean ok on one hand there's you in his DM's giving your take, on the other there's the 200 backers he has paying him money. I wonder who will he listen to?

As for your take it seems to ammount "put lolis in it" because you don't want Nemea 2.0 , Myuska 2.0...and if he were to add a loli im sure you wouldn't call it Vinum 2.0.

You're like that guy in every single scene who has a fetish and unless the fetish is placed in the game he spergs out.

Imagine if you were making a game and someone who is deeply into vore walks up to you and demands you put it in, even though it disgusts you. Now you have nothing against people that like it, but you personally feel grossed by it so you just don't want it posted in your presence. How is that an unreasonable position to have exactly?

You're also saying that shiki and toki don't know who he is. Like what exactly are you basing this on?
In the era of machine translations and chat gpt you really think they don't do any type of research before throwing their names behind a project? Shiki especially makes money hand over fist on his pixiv, and on top of that is very difficult to get a comission from as he is allways booked with other projects. The idea that they're innocent to the internet and can't do a simple search in the era of machine translation and chat gpt is ridiculous.


Jan 21, 2022
Good god you're so salty and absolutely entitled.

He didn't agree with your criticism. I mean ok on one hand there's you in his DM's giving your take, on the other there's the 200 backers he has paying him money. I wonder who will he listen to?

As for your take it seems to ammount "put lolis in it" because you don't want Nemea 2.0 , Myuska 2.0...and if he were to add a loli im sure you wouldn't call it Vinum 2.0.

You're like that guy in every single scene who has a fetish and unless the fetish is placed in the game he spergs out.

Imagine if you were making a game and someone who is deeply into vore walks up to you and demands you put it in, even though it disgusts you. Now you have nothing against people that like it, but you personally feel grossed by it so you just don't want it posted in your presence. How is that an unreasonable position to have exactly?

You're also saying that shiki and toki don't know who he is. Like what exactly are you basing this on?
In the era of machine translations and chat gpt you really think they don't do any type of research before throwing their names behind a project? Shiki especially makes money hand over fist on his pixiv, and on top of that is very difficult to get a comission from as he is allways booked with other projects. The idea that they're innocent to the internet and can't do a simple search in the era of machine translation and chat gpt is ridiculous.

Rich coming from you

Not critics lmao

Sure bud

Sure bud

If that could mean more would go for my project sure lol, SP had that too btw, it was all about having all kinds of fetish for people to enjoy it.

Okay then prove to me they had any interaction with his orginal profile, or anything that would assume em knowing about it like/retweet/repost/comment/follow.
They can't even link his OG profile to the game one, cause the guy uses it more for figthing than talking about his game.

"throwing their names behind a project?" show me they did, show me Shiki and Toki being in his team, as of now they ain't artist working for him dude, unless they become in the future of course.
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May 28, 2020
Rich coming from you

Not critics lmao

Sure bud

Sure bud

If that could mean more would go for my project sure lol, SP had that too btw, it was all about having all kinds of fetish for people to enjoy it.

Okay then prove to me they had any interaction with his orginal profile, or anything that would assume em knowing about it like/retweet/repost/comment/follow.
They can't even link his OG profile to the game one, cause the guy uses it more for figthing than talking about his game.

"throwing their names behind a project?" show me they did, show me Shiki and Toki being in his team, as of now they ain't artist working for him dude, unless they become in the future of course.
Not linking your main account to porn is not something unusual. Raging Golden Eagle does the same and I know other creators that do.

Most people that follow on main do not want porn.

As for criticising the way he does business. He hasn't released a single game, and already secured colabs with a manga creator, toki and succubus covenant, while having a 5k subs account.
Just because you personally don't aprove of it doesn't mean it's not effective.

Also you speak like a modern diversity consultant advocating for inclusive fetishes in a video game and pretending that it's like math where if you add a fetish you get more customers.

The reality is that some fetishes push people away. For instance if a game adds scat in then you'd have fewer customers rather than more.

And if you add loli in the game, then major distribution platforms won't publish it, meaning that it makes no sense from a business point.

But I'm sure when you will invest money in your own game you will simply not care about distribution platform, laws or anything else right?
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Jan 21, 2022
Not linking your main account to porn is not something unusual. Raging Golden Eagle does the same and I know other creators that do.

Most people that follow on main do not want porn.

As for criticising the way he does business. He hasn't released a single game, and already secured colabs with a manga creator, toki and succubus covenant, while having a 5k subs account.
Just because you personally don't aprove of it doesn't mean it's not effective.

Also you speak like a modern diversity consultant advocating for inclusive fetishes in a video game and pretending that it's like math where if you add a fetish you get more customers.

The reality is that some fetishes push people away. For instance if a game adds scat in then you'd have fewer customers rather than more.

And if you add loli in the game, then major distribution platforms won't publish it, meaning that it makes no sense from a business point.

But I'm sure when you will invest money in your own game you will simply not care about distribution platform, laws or anything else right?
Got it, seems you can't prove none of what i asked and you keep moving the goalposts or intentionally missing the point, kinda like Vee when you dare to critic his game, bro really be having unlimited amount of excuses lol.

Although it makes sense, you are giving him money so of course you ain't gonna leave the ship no matter what.

Listen up, Vee once told me he got Shiki, just ask if he hired him and got the OC out of him, that way you can end at least that concern of mine and prove me wrong, dude has been spoiling everything anyway since day one, may as well give you the pic will sadden me seeing Shiki working unknowingly for a weirdo, but money is money even for him regardless of who gives it.
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Dec 1, 2017
I don't want to reply to everything here, I will just leave an information that Tvee doesn't use unity but Godot, unless something changed.
May 28, 2020
Got it, seems you can't prove none of what i asked and you keep moving the goalposts or intentionally missing the point, kinda like Vee when you dare to critic his game, bro really be having unlimited amount of excuses lol.

Although it makes sense, you are giving him money so of course you ain't gonna leave the ship no matter what.

Listen up, Vee once told me he got Shiki, just ask if he hired him and got the OC out of him, that way you can end at least that concern of mine and prove me wrong, dude has been spoiling everything anyway since day one, may as well give you the pic will sadden me seeing Shiki working unknowingly for a weirdo, but money is money even for him regardless of who gives it.
Yes he did get him and it's two pictures of a goth fallen angel, I've already seen it. He's now trying to secure myuska from shiki as well. The man is too hyped about his project and does share too much. Had he just shut up he probably wouldn't have you lying constantly about him I suppose.


Jan 21, 2022
Yes he did get him and it's two pictures of a goth fallen angel, I've already seen it. He's now trying to secure myuska from shiki as well. The man is too hyped about his project and does share too much. Had he just shut up he probably wouldn't have you lying constantly about him I suppose.
Kek, guess that absolves everything else about him lol.

However it's funny he didn't wanted to post the thing that would have boosted the interest more than any other stuff he already spoiled lol, unless Shiki didn't gave him permission cause she wasn't complete yet.
But i'm willing to believe ya since you said you are founding his project afterall.
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May 28, 2020
I just hope we get a really hot kiss scene like the one with Myusca

This one has a kiss scene, but he is waiting for the voice actress to finish the lines before publishing it.

He said he has allot of anouncments to make besides shiki and the colabs but is waiting for the steam page first.

Allegedly steam shows more scrutiny torwards some hentai games, especially the ones with non consent themes. So he needs to have an end to end build before submitting even for store aproval.
He claims that even the demo is ready to go once that happens and he has shown videos of the demo.
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