VN - Ren'Py - Sinful Summer: A Tale of Forbidden Love [Ch. 2.7] [Ruykiru]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is going to rank among the best incest visual novels ever made. The quality on offer here is astounding. The pacing is excellent. Its whole focus is on the moral dilemma that results from incestuous love and passion.
    The visuals look amazing. The way the lighting, camera angles, focus, and face emotions are all used is really superb. The writing is excellent. Memories of his sister's naked form, of her bare skin against his own, scorched his conscience like a searing mark. Guilt, shame, desire... A chaotic symphony, a longing so profound it defied all rationality. I did not skip any lines. The fact that this unique gem has been bestowed upon us is truly blessed.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing if you want a slow romance incest. The buildup is really good and makes the wait worth so far. Chapter 2 will definitely be more spicy (according to dev). Can't wait to see what happens next.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of v1.5

    This is shaping up to be one of the greatest incest visual novels of all time. I can't believe the quality on offer here. The pacing is fantastic. Its focus is solely on incestuous love and lust and the struggle with morality that brings.

    The visuals are stunning. The use of lighting, camera angels, focus, facial expressions... its all so incredibly well done.

    The writing is top tier. "Memories of his sister's naked form, of her bare skin against his own, scorched his conscience like a searing mark. Guilt, shame, desire... A chaotic symphony, a longing so profound it defied all rationality.

    I didn't skip a single line. We are very fortunate to have been blessed with this rare gem.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Edgar Anal Poe

    Review based on chapter one.

    This kinetic novel truly look refreshing at the topic of incest. Doubts, fears, denials and characters' attempt to understand their feelings. While this may sound "dreadful", this is absolutely not a gloomy story!

    I won't hide the fact that I was very cautious at first because it's a kinetic novel, in addition with multiple protagonists. In such combination developer really has to give his best because readers jump on the railtracks and they can't change the route, at most choose which station they will reach. Of course, sometimes the view outside the window is different from what you pictured, but this journey is incredibly enjoyable and I'm almost sure I'll make it to the very last station.

    Graphics, sounds and music in this case are incredibly important elements that build whole picture of the story. I love how detailed the developer approached this aspect. It's really nice and rare to experience the work of a passionate and dedicated developer who is confident in the story he wants to tell.

    Is it a perfect story/game? Of course not, such a game doesn't exist and will never be made. If you're NOT looking for another power incest harem fantasy, if you're NOT afraid of female character who is more than a paper figure blending into the background, you should try this game.

    For me, it's currently 5 stars. Although I think the real test for the story will come only now that the mom has appeared on the stage. I'm extremely curious about her perspective.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Walter Victor

    This kinetic novel is well worth a visit. It is extremely well-written with little to no errata. This developer really knows their stuff. The sister is cute, sexy and adorable; the mother, hot and sexy. The developer uses a unique rendering style that jumps out at you. All-in-all a really fun ride and I'm eagerly looking forward to further chapters.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a well-written story that takes its time and visually it also looks beautiful. The game is still in its early stages, but the developer is updating the game very quickly.
    With all the good stuff, it even has songs that were produced especially for this game.

    I think this game should get more attention.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of 1.5
    An epic tale of incestuous lust. The game features a story which slowly discovers the lust between siblings (and more to come!) which leads them down a slippery slope of forbidden love! The pacing is just right, its creative and engaging and you sort of feel the tangible blurred line between right and wrong. The teasing and eavesdropping makes it all more seductive!

    Its a beautiful rendered game with a lot of epic detail focus. Its tightly following a few characters so the story is quite consistent and realistic sort-of.
    Looking forward to the future with this one!

    +Good writing
    +Slowly pacing / anticipation build-up
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    What an amazing first few releases these have been.
    This is just the kind of incest stories I like. Few characters and a bit of buildup before things get steamy.
    Quite a nice twist to see the sister take the lead in seducing the brother instead of the other way round
    If I had one complaint it would be that things might be going a bit to fast.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Updated Review for Ch. 1.5

    While there are many incest-tagged games available to play, it's actually kind of a rarity to have one that is solely focused on being an incest game. That is exactly what Sinful Summer is doing. It's very up front about it, and is something I appreciate about it. If you're not into incest there's really nothing else for you here, because the game isn't trying to do anything but explore the blooming incestuous relationship of two twins (with the mother eventually being added to the mix).

    After a year of separation, twin brother and sister are reunited in an environment where their repressed feelings for each other begin to unleash in full. The game takes a relatively heavy third person approach, where you get just as many lines from a narrator as you do the characters themselves. What's also rather different is that while yes it's a kinetic novel, you're still not seeing everything from the perspective of the male protagonist. The game is about the family as a whole, not just the brother if that makes sense. There's just as much focus on the sister's perspective as there is the brother's. The mom has yet to truly appear in the game, but I imagine it will be the same with her as well.

    It's a pretty fast-paced plot in that it moves through the days fairly quickly by use of the narrator. I wouldn't say it feels unnatural, but I will say I think the game would have benefited from slowing down and letting some scenes actually play out instead of getting "the twins did this event together and got even closer because of it." I don't quite feel like both their bond and personalities themselves were characterized enough for me before it starts moving into the lewd boundary pushing. The game tells you many times how close they are, but as a player I wanted to witness more of it first hand. Further because of this, the sappy and emotional moments don't always land like they could have.

    Edit: In my original review I mentioned here that a good chunk of the writing was rather hit or miss for me. My main problem was how the first real conflict/drama was playing out essentially. While the teasing sister was sort of ready from the get go, the brother was the one having the "I CAN'T THINK ABOUT MY SISTER THIS WAY!!!" dilemma. Now while I still maintain the opinion of disliking that trope for a multitude of reasons (see my thread comments), this latest update (1.5) has seen that drama resolved. Despite my issues with it, it was a satisfying ending seeing both parties start to give in to their long-standing desires and I'm glad it wasn't something super drawn out.

    Now one area where the game actually does stand out a fair bit is during its lewd moments (which there are many of). There's a lot of hot angles, good sound effects, tantalizing teasing, and overall is just an aspect that feels like it has a lot of thought and effort going into. It's almost stylistically unique among AVNs I've played, in that it feels like the dev has really made it their own and ran with it successfully. I also want to mention that I do really like the character models as well. The girls look good in a more realistic sort of way with details like skin imperfections and such.

    While I wouldn't say it's the best game I've ever checked out, I actually do think it's one of the better pure incest games I've come across. There's a lot I've sort of forgiven in light of this just doing what it sets out to do, and not bullshitting you with anything extra. I most likely will return to this down the line.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for Version 1.4

    <------- Hud & Gameplay ------->

    Being a KN there's no Gameplay, but, the Hud in what concerns the font and colors of it, is quite legible and pleasant. It shows that some care was put into it.

    <------- Graphics ------->

    This is, maybe, one of the less stellar points of this KN. Not because the creator hasn't made an effort, but because it is limited by the engine in use.

    In spite of it, the creator was able to deliver a product that isn't ugly, there's a lot of attention to detail, with transparencies and other tricks, that attempt to go beyond the engine limitations.

    <------- Animations ------->

    One of the problems of this engine is the somewhat limited range of animations. Don't get me wrong, they work, they do their job. There's nothing particularly bad in this, except that anyone that has played other game(s) created in this engine, they have seen them many times.

    In what concerns this title, they are sufficient to enhance the story.

    <------- Photography ------->

    Here is where the Creator work shines trough.

    The plans, from extreme close-ups to the very wide shots, show the care with which this was created.

    The underwater scenes are very good. The color filters used are stupendous. The sunsets really feel special. The night shots aren't dark but convey the feeling of night.

    I felt the need to pause and keep looking at some of the scenes to appreciate the work done on them, either in the engine or in Post.

    Again, it is here that the care with which this was done really shines, a really good job.

    <------- Writing ------->

    Let's get this out of the way, the writing shows sophistication and maturity, not only of the creator, but of their writing skills.

    It doesn't matter if they are just starting or if this is their 100th story, they are quite comfortable writing, they have a large vocabulary and a strong domain of the sentences. This is NOT an amateur job.

    What this is is a very well written with a sense for the dramatic, for the effect, for the flair. The writing is not pompous or elaborate to the point of obscurity, but a quite interesting mix of simplicity and sophistication that makes this a extremely pleasant experience as a reader. The vocabulary is extensive and textured, creating by itself a sense of comfort and homeliness.

    The author is quite comfortable in the process and it shows beautifully.

    <------- Story ------->

    Now, this is a Kinetic Novel (and I hope it stays that way) so, it lives and dies by the story.

    In this still incipient, still small, plot, we can see the roots of the greater drama and greater plot that it promises.

    If there's anything I would ask for a reduction of, would be of the foreshadowing and futuring that the narration seems dedicated too.

    Let's steep into the Theme. This has been done and done and done, better, worse, different, etc... too many times, but, also, not enough times. The incest angle, especially with twins and eventually the mother, is one of the tamer ones. Mostly because it isn't as disturbing or carries a sense of danger as does the ones involving fathers.

    In a quite novel and pleasant surprise, we see the female protagonist being the major actor, not even the mother, but the sister. I have to say, that this right here, is a decidedly winning point for me. I do hope that this is a constant even if the male protagonist gains some (very needed) confidence. The best part of this, is that it isn't made in a domineering or aggressive way, but, a slow and gentle loving that is pushing the barriers aside without damage and without force. I have to say, I am in love with this girl.

    The slow, but inexorable, pace with which the certain act will come, may confuse some of the readers, used to a male protagonist that takes control and charges in. Truly, not what is happening here.

    I would go as far as dropping the brother as a protagonist at this point, this is clearly a story for, and by, the sister. I do appreciate the attempt to give us His POV, but, it is indeed her story. She drives it, she owns it and it is hers.

    The brother is quite an interesting character, the one with more growth and transformation potential (and sorely needs it too) his gentleness and care, along with the powerful emotions he's being faced with, and let's not forget, he's 18, inexperienced and HORNY. Being placed with a major seducer like his sister, that clearly and without doubt is interested in him, and as been for years, is causing him to rip out of all his barriers and protections he developed while growing. The process IS painful, IS slow, but it is also irrevocable. I do hope he retains his gentleness and dependability and not turns into an asshole.

    All in all, a story that in a small time, as managed to capture my imagination and my feelings.

    <------- Conclusion ------->

    I will say that this has the potential to become one GREAT KN, maybe one the best of this theme. Maybe not in the graphics and sex scenes (it remains to be seen), but in the story and dramatic developments.

    The attention to detail that permeates the whole project, if maintained, can make it something to point out as an example. It is THAT good.

    The characters are growing, are evolving, are becoming something. Even at this incipient start it is already clear that this will lead to great things.

    I truly RECOMMEND it to anyone interested in the Theme, with the caveat that this isn't a FAST one, get ready to be teased mercilessly.

    <------- Rating ------->

    The Writing, the Story and the Photography, lead this to a 5 ***** rating, with absolutely NO doubts.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Welp, for a first game it's very good. Like unusually so, well done!

    Music has been picked appropriately. Gentle, sweet, guiding, nicely following the scenes.

    Setting is good, the narrative for the start of the story works well.
    Makes for a very sweet intro into a journey of discovery between the twins.

    I like the early interactions between these siblings.
    Feels natural as far as that's possibly with this topic.

    Natural in the sense that there is some guilt involved concerning the inner desires.
    Trepidation about the possibility of damaging their relationship by stepping outside the comfortable and safe boundaries.
    Which is a very human consideration given their history and love for each other.

    Build up's nice. We all have our own wishes for how fast it should go (I'd go even slower for max pay off), but I felt the current pace is quite pleasant.

    Renders are good! You incorporate some very unique perspectives which add to the fresh feeling of this game. I'd say most were a hit but a few, I feel, could be improved upon.

    Later on the tension between the two is striking, tangible, well presented in that regard.

    Great effort so far, keep it up!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    As a fan of brother sister love stories and *nc*st stories in general, I can recommend this. While the first release is quite short, it is a good setup for what's to come in the future. Looking forward to more of this one.

    + good writing
    + cute brother and sister characters
    + good renders (subjective of course)

    - short
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This first version is truly of high quality! Whether it's the renders, which are all pleasant to look at, or the sound effects that only enhance the enjoyable gaming experience. Both characters seem to be endearing, and even though it's only the beginning of their story, you can feel the connection that emanates between them. Let's see what the future holds; for now, I highly recommend it! Good luck to the developer, I sense that they will deliver an extraordinary project!