Hey guys!
Getting back into your feed with new teasers!
I'm back from my little holidays trip for quite some time already and I didn't post new teasers because I wanted to finish Sarah's scene properly without spoilering it too much. And now it's all done! The scene got bigger for about 10-15% compared to the initial script, I've added a few additional animations here and there and now it has 18 animations (vs. about 10 animations planned at first) and a couple hundred of still images. The scene got pretty big and I'm glad with how it turned out in the end, but, of course, you'll be the ones to judge. ;-p
And now it's time to move on... and start the second big scene of the update, the scene a lot of you were waiting for - Megan + Sarah + MC scene! And I hope this trio will find a way to surprise you. I plan lots of hot moments there: the ladies teasing MC, Megan undressing Sarah in front of MC and vice versa, lots of jiggling and bouncing animations - essentially, everything you love and keep playing this game for! ;-p
I'm going to post teasers weekly like usual, but in case if I'm left out of proper and suitable spoiler materials I might take a little pause or post something different instead like it was with the additional spa image sequence.
That's it for now guys, stay tuned, I'll talk to you soon!
P.S. Almost forgot! That's how our beauties will look in the scene!