Wow, even when i close the game when i lose a battle, debuff still coming, and with that i got 5 debuff dogtits
well, guess i am in the cycle of death
to remove the debuff i need beat dogtits
i cant beat dogtits
i can use help of hell, but with that i left true mercy
this is definitely the most desperate game i've played
dark souls is my little pony compared to this game
and where is undertale vibes in this game, maybe later, but for me is more like demonophobia vibes but with monstergirl edition
still try to remove buff though
Nevermind, i got debuff in time when i lose and leave, when i still in battle and leave i dont get debuff
and i success in remove debuffs, when i see normal dogtits, not anomaly dogtits, i have chance to win
however there is strange thing, when i win dogtits debuffs does not remove
but when i win dogtits and come to resting room and save, and then debuff is removed
strange mechanic, why i still get debuffs although in game lore i die, and i dont wear hell indulgence, so how i still get debuff after death
if this is not lore thing, i dont understand why i need save - load to abuse this mechanic
i hope i got answers later in the game