Others - Completed - Shinobi Train: Ninja Rikune and the Pleasure-Falling Train [v1.0] [neruhituzi]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Hey, i like corruption of character as much as the next guy. So its relatively hard to find a game that does it well. But dont worry you wont have to look around for at least a little while, because this game does corruption amazingly, its al dente. The corruption is its main strength and that by itself is what almost carries the game experience here.

    The ok parts of this would be the gameplay, its really basic and luck based. Which gives me mixed feelings. Its not a hard game and you can play this game with one hand, but i would prefer something more engaging instead of clicking and rolling the dice. Plus the art style is a bit scuffed, but it does the job well enough.

    TLDR its a relatively short game that is easy to start and easy to finish. That has amazing corruption mechanics going for it and not much else.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The game itself is easy to understand and is more based on the luck than startegy (even the game said it) so there is no interest to invest time on it, just chilll and role the dice.

    Even if i personnaly dislike game based on lose to get content, you can unlock the full gallery without playing so did I.

    The content is a whole story with events of H, particulary long I find for "porn", but i really liked the draws, the sound effect, with a little bit of animation.

    Not my kind of game but i appreciated playing (1st mission) and watching the content.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I liked the story in the first one, this just took it all out and focused everything on the worst part about the first game, the h content.
    Despite the change of focus h content is still kinda bland, I really wish we actually had a story and kinda of a game like in the first one.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Didn't finish the game yet, but the gist of my experience with it so far:

    Gameplay and scenes accompanying it are kinda mediocre. They aren't bad, but they are too short, simple, and repetitive. Everything being determined by RNG is extra annoying for obvious reasons.

    Defeat scenes though? That's the real shit. Aside from, arguably, too drawn out build-up, they are very well written and illustrated. Developer should probably make VNs instead.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Play it if you're interested in the H tags: tentacles, multiple orgasms, predicament, aphrodesiacs, lewd crest, hypnosis, mind break. The H-scenes are absolutely peak if you like those themes, but not much else in the game is noteworthy. If those tags don't interest you, you will not have a good time.

    Story: 3/5 - There is not much story or character progression in this game, but it continues the plot of the first game. Play the first game to understand the context. If you like that game you will also like this one.
    Art: 4/5 - The main protagonist is always drawn well and in a nice style; however, there are a lot of unfinished elements in many of the scenes, e.g. people that are just a coloured silhouette.
    H-Scenes: 5/5 - Absolute peak. Long, detailed, hot, creative and with multiple parts. The rest of the game is basically a mediocre delivery mechanism for these scenes.
    Gameplay: 2/5 - Very simple, not much strategy, and gets boring quickly; however, its unique and encorporates some hentai elements.
    Originality: 5/5 - The h-scenes and art are very original and creative. The gameplay is also fairly unique (though nonetheless a bit boring).
    Writing + Translation: 3/5 - The translation is fine. The original writing clearly had a lot of text of the character making pleasure sounds, and lots of empty "..."s. These are just filler, but the translation gets accross the context and story.

    Overall: 5/5 - I love the h-scenes too much to give it anything lower, even though the rest of the game is pretty average. If you care about gameplay, don't bother and just unlock the gallery.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has some good bones to it, but it really doesn't leverage them as well as it could. There's about 4 random-encounters, 4 Bad ends, and 3 H events that have unique art. You'll see all of the random encounters by Mission 2. There's variation the lower your reason goes, but it's relatively tame overall.

    I'd give it a 4/5 for the system, translation, and idea behind it, but i'd give it a 2/5 for lack of variety and linear mechanic. By mission 3 or 4 you're kind of just holding ctrl and clicking the space for the die roll.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    wish that this style could be incorporated into a longer story with consequences for the corruption,4/5 only complaint is wish there was more

    uhh i guess that wasn't 200 characters so i'll write this sentence which says nothing
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Best H-scenes in the business (although very very long). Hypnosis, tentacles, groping/brainwashing themes. Gameplay is pretty minimal - it's a cute short game that'll get you off if you're into the tags - enough said. Really liking this devs works.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    A perfectly serviceable game, you can unlock all the cgs without even playing the game by going to the gallery, clicking unlock, and going to the end of the popup and confirming unlock.
    The events are alright for the most part. Gameplay is meh.
    The main highlight are the defeat cg events. The art is very well done and are an enjoyable spectacle. Without the quality of the cg art, the game would most likely be a 1 or 2 star.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Sequel to an awesome game with a likeable female lead.
    Gameplay is easy and engaging enough that it doesn't distract you from the H aspect but it doesn’t make you fall asleep either.
    The mid-level H scenes get progressively more intense the more corrupted the heroine gets, which is crucial in games like these, and there’s customization options to select things like status effects or set the corruption level.
    Huge bonus for unlocking defeat scenes if you complete the level they appear in too, all in all it’s a big recommend, + I really like the art style and I hope this dev continues making stuff
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I think "boring" sums this up in one word. Played "properly", all you'll encounter is some moderate groping using the same set of base CGs that doesn't escalate over each mission, and the gameplay isn't very engaging either, being mostly RNG events with the only player choice being to decide when to spend your resource meter to reset your chance of bad things happening. All the actual sex content is relegated to losing, during which you'll be inundated with short stories' worth of text for a handful of CGs that can range from nice to downright mediocre.

    All in all, an unfun waste of time that also isn't good at setting you up for the fap.