VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sexbot [v1.6 Final] [LlamaMann Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Dude, what a fun and sexy game a big guy would say! ;)

    I have to admit that I didn't quite like the visual (facial) features of the characters at first. But after a while the visuals harmonized with the funny content and in the end had developed their very own charm, which is actually very positive. I now love the characters, and their appearance is very refreshing compared to all the exploited standard models in the Lewd Game scene. (y)

    I also have to admit that I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to play another loop game after Lust Theory just wouldn't end. (sorry for the side blow! :giggle:)
    But thanks to the hint in the menu on how to reach the endgame, I was able to work towards finishing the loop after 3 runs or so (ingame weeks).

    The endgame surprised me again, it was visually very impressive and left a nice dark :devilish: sci-fi impression after the fun at the beginning.

    Finally, I have to say that the end credits are probably the funniest I've seen. Instead of just leaving donation links and a few thank you notes, they really came up with something nice here.

    Now, unfortunately, it's another years-long wait for a sequel. :cry:
    Which is the only negative aspect I have to criticize about the game, but it won't affect my star rating.

    All those involved in the game have created a truly unique visual game with a loop story that I as a player can at least understand and hope will come to an end. :coffee:
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a great story once you dive into it but the ending makes you feel... hollow. I won't spoil how it ends but after spending so much time, getting every possible path, for it to end a certain way, I feel happy and disappointed. It's an adult game in theme and topics so I should've seen it coming.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this site, without a doubt!

    Story - 4.5/5: You'd think from the title that it's gonna be some silly sandbox VN about a nerd who builds / buys a sexbot and the sex ensues...and yeah, it starts out like that, but the plot twists in store are insane! Even the whole groundhog day (groundhog week?) effect is handled really well and makes you want to do it over again rather than making it feel like a chore. For example, it is handled a lot better in this game than in Lust Theory.

    MC - 4/5: Typical nerd...slightly exaggerated in some ways, but is a decent guy and fun to play as (definitely nowhere near as wimpy and pathetic as I was expecting). Also, totally one of the more fit / toned nerds I have ever seen...dude has a six pack and a fairly lean / athletic build for a so-called nerd. But then again, I'm glad they didn't make him look like either of his two friends.

    Models - 10/5: Every single female model in this, with the sole exception of Mai (Melvin's sister), is absolutely stunning! And even she gets a massive upgrade into supermodel status in the "true ending". There is a perfect combination of drop dead gorgeous MILFs and stunningly beautiful college-aged girls (yeah, I know they are supposed to be in high school, however I don't know about you guys, but no one in my high school was anywhere near that stacked).

    Animations - 5/5: What else can be said? They are smooth, they look good, and honestly are probably better than 95% of other games on this site. You can tell a lot of care and effort was placed into them.

    Music / Sounds - 4/5: There's a good variety of themes and none of them really feel like they get old because they change quite often depending on the scene. I only docked points b/c there are no sounds. Well, no sounds in the sex scenes b/c I think they could have been significantly improved with female moaning sounds.

    Overall - 5/5: (Technically 5.5/5 if you were keeping track of the average, but obviously 5 is the max possible rating). I don't know what else can be said. What are you waiting for? Download and play this game NOW! Show some love on the creator's Patreon and Steam page as well. He absolutely deserves it for this masterpiece!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite an interesting game with a ton of casual sex and a cup of tea for all kinds of people. there's Ntr for those who care love and corruption and casual competition which the more angles than many game out there.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely one of the best games I have played on here. It's one of my go-tos if nothing else has done the job for me, if you catch my meaning. I'm not into all the types of content, but that means there's likely something for everyone. And if you enjoy the type of stuff I do (flipping the script on the bully; finally winning over the dream girl; and of course, roommate/"study buddy" content) then I imagine you;ll enjoy this as much as I do.
    I think the time travel element/gameplay is a nice change of pace, and the writing and humor is great too. All-around top-tier adult game.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    PR Mitter

    Lemme clear something first. I might be a little biased because I'm not fond of loser nerd mc and repeating sandbox game. BTW I love regular sandbox/rpg.
    This game had great premise/plot. The dev ruined it with repetitive event. I believe if the dev continued the story after 3 time travels it would turn out great. But alas ! The dev wanted to milk the patrons.
    And most importantly I fucking don't get how this game gets so high rating!!
    I guess making a loser nerd MC had it's perks. All the Nerds rated it high.
    The artwork is not good either. The models have nonproportional body structure and specially the boobs. Render is good.
    Probably had given 2.5 stars but seeing how good of a premise getting destroyed the dev deserves 1 star. No More.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely my favorite game on this site.

    lets start with the art. absolutely fantastic, animations too. Extra thicc girls, with nice boobs and pretty faces, if that's your thing you will be in heaven (Sam is my personal favorite, perfect shortstack). Every single character model looks original. I don't know how original the models are but when you see so many VN using the same models and animations every time it starts get dull, sexbot doesn't have that problem, just feels unique.
    My only issue is that kind of annoyed me is liked the nerdy, hairy bush, psycho girl but the dev made her hot in the end, thing is that's not a critism, that just my preference. At the end of the day the dev liked what they liked and they kept it consistent rather then caving to any fans wants and that's always appreciated and prevents it from turning in to every other generic game on this site.

    The story is fun and silly. Kind of a "weird science" parody with a lot more sex. The plot synopsis is prom is in a week and you need to find a date, simple but it works. The characters are likeable and stay faithful to their personalities. Each scenarios from beginning of the week to the end has a good pace and always ends on a great conclusion (Belle prom date and Sam second prom date are my favorites, highly recommend them).
    I do have mixed feelings about the ending but ill wait for phase 2 to judge it.

    I played this game since the first update (on f95) and it started as a simple harem story with a mom and sister but it has grown so much since then. When the dev made it a time loop game and that's when it from a good game to a fantastic game.
    I don't normally like when I have to play a game multiple times to see all the content but with a time loop game it feels a lot more fun, it even feels like a more natural pace. Speaking about the pacing its only improved by the zeta stats, its fairly minimal but basically they're stats that carry over per loop, as a result starting a loop with a sex scene doesn't feel rushed, instead feeling very earned.
    It even has some replay value because there is so much content and you aren't restricted to fully focusing on one character per loop.

    Easiest 5 star I've ever gave (actually its the only one). I'm super excited for phase 2 and hope the dev keeps the time loop.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I thought this would be a game about a nerd having sex with a robot with some mediocre animations and that would be it.


    Sexbot is one of the best games I have ever played here. It's witty, sexy, and smartly done. After you think the game is over, BAM! New mechanic. The way that the game incorporates decisions, a helper assistant for different girl routes, and a gameplay loop that doesn't stagnate is incredible. Put on top of it top-tier models and animations, and this is truly a masterpiece.

    Brief synopsis:
    You start out as a nerd who gets a sexy robot.
    This is expected.
    But no one said anything about becoming a time traveling nerd with a sexy robot.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VN out there. Anyone should try it out.

    The story in itself remain simple and efficient, it's first and foremost a pretext for funny situation. What really strike is the characterization though, yes they are cliché but one shouldn't be afraid of the obvious, and since their writting is well done you easily get closure with them. There isn't a single character that feel less likable or left out.

    The renders are well done, posing and lighting never felt off whatsoever, so did the models.

    In terms of gameplay, since it take place within time loops, you got to explore the different options to get the gurls and their sweet sweet scene. Other than that it's a linear VN.

    Special mention for the gallery that offer hint for the scene to unlock and the built in walkthrough.
    In terms of UX there's nothing clunky.

    Really a top notch game, this is more than good, it's flawless. It achieve everything that it's supposed to do and beyond.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, what a wonderful game.
    One of the best, if not the best, I have seen on here.

    Lots of characters all very beautiful and with multiple scenes.
    The story is engaging and for me it works well.

    As this game is completed, I very much hope the dev will continue creating awesome games like this.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Impressive game. Good character models, lots of varied scenes, a solid narrative, continuous progress that allows courting any woman you have successfully courted in a previous loop, a useful included walk through, strong flagging of unpopular kinks, and lots of chances to review and revisit previous content.
    This is one of the best porn games I've encountered on F95.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing game. Great story. Great renders. What more can you want? The thing is, this game took me for a ride I did not expect to be taken on, and boy, I am so not disappointed. I haven't been this engrossed in a really long time. I can't wait for what comes next for this game and for the developer.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, and it is funny too, with some hilarious comedy scenes.
    artwork isn't realism, but don't get fooled it is good.
    animations are good too. not some swapping of two still image.
    I would say its a recommended game to play.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The concept and execution are nice and simple. I really enjoyed the time loop mechanic and how there were permanent variables that stayed between loops. The only reason it's a 4 and not a 5 is because the models/rendering is not my taste.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Literally insanely amazing game, ngl I was not expecting the loop mechanic but it worked so well I got way more invested in it.. Being team Melvin 1000% though one can only hope for some... permanence or non carbon-clone copouts, like the beerpong scenes you love to see it.. But still, it works in a cheeky way. idk how you could even market this better but the worst part of the game is reading the description and thinking it's only Weird Science with nothing else going on lol when I gave it a chance on a whim finally it easily became one of my top games of all time on here
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games that I have played on this website.
    The art and renders are of truly great quality
    The story is written competently, has a definite charm a nd hearth alongside some genuine funny moments.
    The gameplay is simple to untersdand and intuative
    I wish the dev good luck and for them to keep creating for a good long while
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's absurd how good this game is...

    Writing: it's like the "Slay the princess" of porn, 5/5. The situations, the comedy, the forever entertaining scenes.

    Animations: Galore! It cuts no corners, every single scene that can be animated, even if it's just a turn of a head or a sensual dance, it is animated.

    Hotness: The girls are so different, and yet so hot in their own way. I can't believe I found the bully girl super hot (both looks and attitude wise once her arc started)... and when I found out there's a competition between her and the mom, i was like... Oh damn, this game just keeps getting hotter and hotter.

    GOTY of Porn VNs? If I'm being objective, I honestly can't think of any other coming near it. It's just in a class of it's own.

    Totally deserving of it's 5 stars.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    [Version reviewed: v1.5 Ph. 1 Final]

    I don't want to be too harsh on this game because it's pretty entertaining and makes for a quick fap.

    The story is okay, don't expect a grand and touching narrative but it gets the job done of leading you from one scene to the other.

    The visuals are much more uneven. Textures are pretty good overall, but the faces of some characters are disturbingly deformed (especially Bayley omg she looks terrifying). It's weird because most are like, regular hot.

    Gameplay and porn are good, nothing revolutionnary it's your typical porn VN. At least some scenes are pretty creative, but it can quickly get weird.

    Overall it's a 3*, slightly above average because most of it looks good with plenty of scenes, but no special quality shines through it all. The goal here is to fap, not feel, and it's doing it's job nicely.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Its a great game! All the LI's are smoking hot and each one unique from the others so there's tastes for everyone. Story is intriguing but also doesn't take itself too seriously. Gives you just enough to make you feel a part of the universe so the scenes hit just right. Animations are top notch and not all are loops. They're also done in such a way that every few dialogue you get a new angle or increase in position. NTR is some of the spiciest I've seen but also very VERY avoidable if not your thing.

    Few things that could be improved: dialogue is a little stilted. Like you can tell the author is trying just a little too hard to be funny. It does balance with serious dialogue well though and doesnt try to do stand up comedy mid sex scene like a certain PV. Also beyond some of the weirder fetishes that is mostly just a personal preference, my only real gripe is development time. You can tell he puts a lot of hours into each release but with his time being split between Black Jack, the Steam release, holiday event one-offs, all the hard work is just in too many places which makes it feel like the game as a whole hasnt moved forward in quite a while. I can understand its a tough balance for any artist, but those are just my thoughts.

    I'd highly recommend downloading this game. Seriously, this one wont waste your time and will give you PLENTY to work with. At this point in time you can go all the way with nearly every LI so you can definitely consider Phase 1 to be a complete game ;) and if you like it, support his Subscribestar so we can keep development streamlined as a community :D
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    To start with, they go out of their way to make unappealing male characters. Then they just incidentally make some of the ugliest women in 3D, but it seems to just be a matter of taste. Very recessed cheeks, skin taut, wide eyed, large mouth banshees. I can't even imagine someone likes this, but there are many 5 star reviews that adore them.
    The portrait next to the dialog definitely makes this worse, as it's the most thoroughly lit and clear face shot. They don't look as bad when they're standing far away, in the shade, maybe wearing a mask.

    ...So, writing!
    The humor is pretty ongoing on cheesy, it's not trying to be a serious narrative at all, so take that as you will. I like cheesy, but it just kind of fell flat a lot for me.
    You call your mom by her first name a lot. Kind of weird.
    Time loop is samey and repetitive
    The "romances" don't seem very distinct/different.
    Not enough NTR.