Unity - Completed - SEX Route 69 [Final] [Play & Cum]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is minimal at best. I'm not looking for a hard game, but this was braindead. Worse still, the sex was very minimal and lukewarm. This game did just BARELY enough to avoid a 1* review. I wouldn't recommend this game even on sale.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    A true shovelware game. The author puts several of these mini games out a year. Game appears to be a cash grab IMO. No depth to anything.

    • Above average character models
    • Attractive female characters
    • Above average animations

    • Short mini game (90 minute playthrough)
    • Terrible writing
    • Dialog is cringeworthy - nobody talks like this!
    • Highly unrealistic fantasy story (poor execution)
    • Sex scenes all consist of one foreplay scene and one penetration scene (one sex position only)
    • Sex scenes are short and lack passion (you rush into sex and rush out of it)

    The dialog in the game is absolutely terrible! It's as if it was written by a 10 year old non-native English speaker who has a poor grasp of the English language. No one talks the way these characters do! It's 100% unnatural and cringeworthy!

    Mini games are passable but very basic.

    Even the threesome sex event consists of only one foreplay scene and one penetration scene (one sex position only)? Only one of the girls gets fucked by the MC in the threesome? Cookie cutter sex scenes with little effort put into them (animations are above average).

    These mini games are being rapidly published on Steam (cash grab IMO). They have no depth and make little sense. Perhaps the game is worth a fap but that's the game's only redeeming feature beyond the attractive female models and decent animations.

    I don't recommend this low effort shovelware game unless you're just looking for a quick fap (some may find it difficult to fap to). If you're looking for a good story with good character development you've come to the wrong game.