
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
Finally...... only took 4 days to get the damn thing set up given my health shit and kids dragging me off to be their taxi driver or some dumb shit. This is where the fight scene will take place. I retextured all the wooden stuff and the sand to loo like well sand. Fxed all the grass added trees/bushes and made custom banners. As well as moved things around so it would look correct from most angles.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
Well I have had a long ass day. Starting off at the hospital with a big ass needle and IV stuck in my left hand for 5 hours while I got a steroid, Iron and I forgot what the other infusion was..... Then coming home and after taking prescription pain meds I went to work. I created 2 sets of models one kings guard set with Uncle Alvey mixed in and the other is a basic soldier set. These will be placed around the fighting ring and scattered around the area watching. The archers will be up on the walls. They will be there to make sure no one interferes with the fight and no one cheats. But I am utterly done even the pain meds said fuck this... I am trying guys its just killing me without help. I have also spent days rebuilding my main assets to get this far and then setting up a network for my main towers to work back and forth from the same daz folder. Anyway here is what I accomplished today. If I feel good enough tomorrow I will work on a few random people. Along the lines of important people from town to scatter in the bleachers behind Lily and Kahlan.
guard_group_test1.png soldier_group_test1.png


Active Member
Apr 10, 2020
2years later.. Ah finally update can be uploaded, JK... i hope things get better for you SeveredRealms i will still check in every 2-4months for any updates on progress and news


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
Gotta love people in a rush... Went for a infusion yesterday and the nurse... yup in a rush and did a slopy job. Saw my primary doctor today and... I have a bust vein in my right wrist...... I am going to Georgia for a week and leaving at 3am Tuesday morning... Doctor said if this isn't better in a couple days I am going to have to go to the fucking hospital. FML...... Anywho... Here is a update on my SS page.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
Happy late Mothers Day to any ladies on here and I use the term ladies loosely since well your on here...
Anyway I am still looking for help and it eventually will be paid once the game gets going again. The reason for this post is i am traveling through Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and into Georgia.... Leaving at 3am tomorrow morning. I will be gone till Sunday night when I get back home.
Gonna spend a week with my middle daughter and my grandkids been 2 years since I have been able to see them in person. Grandson is wanting to try making his own game in unity so I took a bunch of parts I had kicking around and built him his own custom tower and loaded it with everything he needs to work in unity, blender and daz plus assets and other programs for graphics and sound..
Got my wife's "new" car running right finally but the a/c still isn't working grrr
I went through every sensor that could effect the turbo system.... couple hundred dollars later.... and I find a fucking broken wire hiding inside the harness
You can tell its working right now.... hit the gas and no lag and you can hear the turbo whine and she be gone lol....
My lawyer also won the last of the settlements from my injury that started all this shit.. Due to my disability payments I can't take a lump sum so he is going to have to prorate a check each month grrrr.
When I do get back and get some shit done around my home I am going to try and get at least the fight scene set up and rendered. I know every step of the scene I need to make it just getting my hands and brain to work together. Someone else was going to help me but he fried his gpu and I can't afford to send him my extra card or i would. Isn't much only a 1070 but it is what the game was made with up to the last release and worked fine.
Well it is just a litle update from me and some rambling but I really really need help with my games. My meds are kicking in and brain is starting to turn to shit so I am gonna stop here. If anyone is interested or knows someone have them dm here or on my discord.



Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2021
Well checking in to see the status of this excellent title. And I'm doing my yearly favorite harem title replays...and this project is one of them that I regularly enjoy playing.

And I'm hoping this title will come back, because there are so many other true harem project's becoming abandoned.

I'm hoping the developer will be able to get a better handle on his complex health issues.

Best Regards.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Well checking in to see the status of this excellent title. And I'm doing my yearly favorite harem title replays...and this project is one of them that I regularly enjoy playing.

And I'm hoping this title will come back, because there are so many other true harem project's becoming abandoned.

I'm hoping the developer will be able to get a better handle on his complex health issues.

Best Regards.
I'm sorry to say but its been 22 months now and that is 4 months past time for the abandoned tag to go up.

I doubt this and the other game will ever see another update.
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Engaged Member
Jun 11, 2017
Really hating my life right now.

August 5
Well its now August and not much has changed. They have been messing with my medicine again. The new stuff they put me on is sorta helping with some things. My last blood test showed my anemia improving at least. This doesn't explain why I get sick for 2-3 days at a time. I spent the entire weekend sick as hell and pretty much ghosting everyone. I just did not want to be bothered.

I am not supposed to stay out in direct sunlight or extreme heat for long periods of time and its been in the 100F and above range for weeks now. I have central air in my home but even that is having a hard time and yay the a/c in our only legal vehicle..... quit.... I have a idea what it could be but my physical limitation are not letting me try and work on it. I mean hey 30 years working on cars and guess what.. I am certified to work on A/c systems and can't do a damn thing.... I can tell you this I am really hating all this crap. Even my health insurance is now trying to fuck me over.

Because I am officially on disability they changed my insurance. I am on a very limited budget and they decided hey he is getting this much a month now.... Lets charge him for health insurance. . . . Now I have to pay over $170 a month for my insurance plus copays for each doctors visit and medicine prescriptions. My monthly disability just paid for my bills before now I have had to drop one of my 2 vehicles off my auto insurance and ohhh yea I now have to pay for my internet because our awesome government decided to cut the program for low income disabled people to have internet... Hell my birthday is on the 11th and I am broke as fuck....
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired... I can not seem to find anyone willing to actually help with my games. I have multiple people say hey I'll help then poof they are gone. I don't know what to do everyone. I really really can't thank those of you that are still donating to my Patreon. It has helped me a lot and actually is just enough to pay my internet except when I have to may a damn copay.... Hell the last refill on my meds cost us $50 and that was only like 4-5 scripts.... One of them is $35 a month... Almost $800 without insurance and that's just one of like 20 meds i take. .

I have said it many times I did not start this to make money and I still hold to that but I am willing to split every penny this bring in with who ever would be willing to help me get these going again. The more that help the smaller the share but also the more that gets going the more they may get support for. What is needed is a writer/coder and someone to set up the scenes. As long as we keep our assets the same I can render. I have two pc's able to render just the pain in my hands and being sick or passing out half the time are messing me up big time.

I am sorry I don't post more often. i am almost always around in my discord and always happy to talk to you all in voice chat. Thanks again everyone and sorry I still have not been able to get anything out.

Jims Game Studios


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
I have tried to keep people updated. I have asked multiple times for help even offering a cut of anything my supporter sites make. I put a update out on SS not even 30 days ago. I'm sorry my life is a fucking nightmare but nothing I can do about it. In the last few weeks the motor in my vehicle started to knock, the cpu cooler in my main tower decided to die now my central a/c in my home quit and it over 100f in here most of the day. On top of all that. . . . I was rushed to the hospital last night after my doctor read my blood tests and called my wife after 9pm and said get me there now. My hemoglobin was so low I was on the verge of shutdown. on a scale of 1-10 to being dead I was a 9. After pumping me full with 3 pints of blood some iron and a few other things they let me leave this afternoon. Before I could walk out i look down to a pool of blood coming from my left hand where one of the iv's was.
I'm home now but my left hand atm is about as useless as the rest of my pos life. So mark it abandoned or delete it like I wish someone would delete me so I don't have to deal with this shit anymore.


Message Maven
Nov 20, 2018
Damn, bro. I'm so sorry. If I didn't already have my plate full with stuff, I'd help you out. I kind of kick myself sometimes that I've gotten involved in too much. I hope you stay as healthy as you can. Other than hoping you will be well, I'm not sure there's a lot more I can do right now. If anything comes to mind, though, I'll DM you. Much love, my man.
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Engaged Member
Jul 20, 2021
I have tried to keep people updated. I have asked multiple times for help even offering a cut of anything my supporter sites make. I put a update out on SS not even 30 days ago. I'm sorry my life is a fucking nightmare but nothing I can do about it. In the last few weeks the motor in my vehicle started to knock, the cpu cooler in my main tower decided to die now my central a/c in my home quit and it over 100f in here most of the day. On top of all that. . . . I was rushed to the hospital last night after my doctor read my blood tests and called my wife after 9pm and said get me there now. My hemoglobin was so low I was on the verge of shutdown. on a scale of 1-10 to being dead I was a 9. After pumping me full with 3 pints of blood some iron and a few other things they let me leave this afternoon. Before I could walk out i look down to a pool of blood coming from my left hand where one of the iv's was.
View attachment 4001325
I'm home now but my left hand atm is about as useless as the rest of my pos life. So mark it abandoned or delete it like I wish someone would delete me so I don't have to deal with this shit anymore.
Man I hear you...I also hate what is happening to me as I'm aging. When I was 18 and real stupid with a motorcycle, I had a serious accident (my bike dropped doing about 90KM (55m) /h, trying to slow and gear down before a corner came up fast). As the bike dropped (thank G there was no curb, or I would have most likely died that night), and as I was sliding and scraping my new bike, helmet and jacket to shit (which I worked hard to buy with my part time student job). The bike drifted forward in front of me and the foot peg's caught the edge of a manhole cover...sending it flipping and spinning into the air, then coming back down landing on the right side of my chest (crushing and cracking a number of my ribs, as well it damaged the frontal cartridge around my ribs, along with some major road rash to boot).

Well after weeks of not being able move while in the hospital, I was released to mend at home. But due to my previous fitness level of triathlon training...most of the accident issues eventually were behind me. Well at least least I though all was OK until 2019. As I didn't know the previous accident damaged a portion of my spine, and as my level of fitness started to drop (I was getting fat...with eating too many evening snacks). That all changed when I was involved doing community volunteering (physical work), I experienced a suddenly hit of being electrocuted (a form of a sciatic nerve event, feeling like being electrocuted with unbelievable amounts of pain, leaving me crippled not being able to move for days or weeks). This started my journey of it frequently happening over those three years. But with surgery, physio and then real slow and steady conditioning...I'm out and about walking, running and maintaining a level of training, trying to keep me out that damn chair...(and now I'm almost 60).

I couldn't fathom having to experience the US (Insurance) health care system with dealing my past injury. It would be considered a pre-existing condition, which would be very difficult securing any full coverage plans for my procedure. So I kind of understand how age and what we did in our past to ourselves can suddenly come and affect our health and ultimately affect our quality of life.

Fortunately for me I live in Canada, which has socialized single payer health care, so it's a huge benefit having this type of care so I'm not financially ruined. (I know what I went through is not the same as what your going through, but I understand how health issues can bring a person down. Try to stay strong and find a way to try to remain positive if you can...never give up.)

So I really hope you can eventually find a break, that will allow you to over come some or all your health care obstacles that is in front of you. And your quality of life can greatly improve.

Take care brother, wishing you better health and a better future.

Best Regards.
Last edited:


Apr 23, 2018
One of the only creators im alright with taking very long breaks between uploads seems to be a ton of health issues and is pretty transparent even seeming to share some pics of his condition, despite this even going onto the site where you can play the game for free to tell them to mark it as as abandoned guy gets alot of respect from me tbh
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
Man I hear you...I also hate what is happening to me as I'm aging. When I was 18 and real stupid with a motorcycle, I had a serious accident (my bike dropped doing about 90KM (55m) /h, trying to slow and gear down before a corner came up fast). As the bike dropped (thank G there was no curb, or I would have most likely died that night), and as I was sliding and scraping my new bike, helmet and jacket to shit (which I worked hard to buy with my part time student job). The bike drifted forward in front of me and the foot peg's caught the edge of a manhole cover...sending it flipping and spinning into the air, then coming back down landing on the right side of my chest (crushing and cracking a number of my ribs, as well it damaged the frontal cartridge around my ribs, along with some major road rash to boot).

Well after weeks of not being able move while in the hospital, I was released to mend at home. But due to my previous fitness level of triathlon training...most of the accident issues eventually were behind me. Well at least least I though all was OK until 2019. As I didn't know the previous accident damaged a portion of my spine, and as my level of fitness started to drop (I was getting fat...with eating too many evening snacks). That all changed when I was involved doing community volunteering (physical work), I experienced a suddenly hit of being electrocuted (a form of a sciatic nerve event, feeling like being electrocuted with unbelievable amounts of pain, leaving me crippled not being able to move for days or weeks). This started my journey of it frequently happening over those three years. But with surgery, physio and then real slow and steady conditioning...I'm out and about walking, running and maintaining a level of training, trying to keep me out that damn chair...(and now I'm almost 60).

I couldn't fathom having to experience the US (Insurance) health care system with dealing my past injury. It would be considered a pre-existing condition, which would be very difficult securing any full coverage plans for my procedure. So I kind of understand how age and what we did in our past to ourselves can suddenly come and affect our health and ultimately affect our quality of life.

Fortunately for me I live in Canada, which has socialized single payer health care, so it's a huge benefit having this type of care so I'm not financially ruined. (I know what I went through is not the same as what your going through, but I understand how health issues can bring a person down. Try to stay strong and find a way to try to remain positive if you can...never give up.)

So I really hope you can eventually find a break, that will allow you to over come some or all your health care obstacles that is in front of you. And your quality of life can greatly improve.

Take care brother, wishing you better health and a better future.

Best Regards.
Ahh to be young and dumb..... Yup been there done that. I got one for you. not as serious as your but fucking funny now when at the time it wasnt. I was on my Rm123 dirt bike going up to our gravel pit. (yes my father owned a pit along with 280 acres of land to play on) Well me being me... I was wearing shorts and no shirt.... A fucking wasp went right up my god damn shorts...... I slapped at it with one hand then well i didnt get it so i slapped at it with both hands. . . . . Yup no one was driving the bike now. . . . . Bike went one way..
I went the other and that was right through the fucking pucker brush. I was scrapped bruised and bleeding.... fucker new stung me. . . . Man I wish I still had all my photos of my bikes, 4 wheelers, trucks and cars.... But my house burned in um 92 i think it was... I lost everything sadly.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
For anyone that might be interested in helping or even taking over my game(s). I have all the files set up in daz for everything SR related and can upload the zip file to my Gdrive. Also All my notes and ideas for the game(s) can be found on my discord for those wanting to know or help. They are not public. By games I also mean Nobody Knows as well. I would only ask that my vision be followed and things I swore would not be in the games stayed out of them. If you are interested or know someone that is or might like to try making games this would be a good start for them. Myself and those in my discord would be willing to help out with ideas and scenarios as well. I am not stupid and I know how to write I'm just a crippled fucker that cant do shit like I used to grrrrr.

Neko-Chan Pacifica

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2021
Post from my subscribestar.
I honestly wish I could help you, but I wouldn't have a clue where to even start. Never made any kind of game, probably take me forever to learn to code hehe. Writing I could probably do, but I'd wouldn't even know where to start with that either. I really liked your game so much. I hope you have a peaceful Christmas along with your family and your pain is not so great.
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Nov 16, 2020
For anyone that might be interested in helping or even taking over my game(s). I have all the files set up in daz for everything SR related and can upload the zip file to my Gdrive. Also All my notes and ideas for the game(s) can be found on my discord for those wanting to know or help. They are not public. By games I also mean Nobody Knows as well. I would only ask that my vision be followed and things I swore would not be in the games stayed out of them. If you are interested or know someone that is or might like to try making games this would be a good start for them. Myself and those in my discord would be willing to help out with ideas and scenarios as well. I am not stupid and I know how to write I'm just a crippled fucker that cant do shit like I used to grrrrr.
Hey, Sev, I am not sure what I can do to help, but I am willing to try. Hit me up with what is needed, and I'll see if anything fits my skillset. I'd probably do best at coding. I am not sure I can do much with rendering, and if by writing, you mean the story line, I am about as creative as a lump of basalt. But I an try. Hit me up, and I'll see if I can provide any meaningful assistance.
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