Unity - Self-defense Dojo Secret NTR Lesson [v1.9.10 + DLC] [WAKUWAKU]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's nice to find H games that is not just story and images, but where you have to play a little more to obtain the scenes, without being extremely difficult or tedious. The only thing that can be a little boring is getting to the max with every girl's stats when you already complete the training, having to keep doing the same one can be awful
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    this is probably the worst of the ntrlegend type games, but I guess it's still okay

    The first thing I noticed is goddamn do you get in the pants of the first lady fast, you go straight to fingerblasting her while nude in your first training then after maybe one more of those training sessions you can bang her. I would have liked a more gradual build up to things, which I guess the game kinda tries to do with the second girl?

    Nah just kidding lol, you have to have higher stats to unlock her training position then it's the same immediate finger blasting but this time you have to get her lust level to 3 before banging her. All of the sex positions are hella bland btw, with holding down either right or left mouse button to do what the game calls separate things but honestly look the exact same to me.

    The general grind of this game is also annoying, be it money (you'll need a lot) fish (again, you'll need a lot), skills (gawd damn do these raise slow as all hell, and naturally require money to level up) or lust (think the game boils down to buying the myriad things to increase the lust gain before actually trying to increase lust, because gawd damn do the required amounts to level up have drastic increases).

    The ntr/ corruption aspect hardly feels there, and the game also has a generally slow feeling to it (waking up everyday has you watching the guy sit there for a few seconds, and you have to watch some icon actually move to each spot on the map for some reason) so it's hard to really justify playing for some decent animations when there's much better options available
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I played this because i was attracted to the graphics and management.
    Well, there's not really any management, to speak of.
    You grind jobs until you have enough money to unlock things.
    The gameplay is really un-intuitive because you're supposed NOT to intreact with girls, but instead grind for many many game days until you can afford everything.
    And the grind is so slow and boring.
    And the game is so slow and the UI is so slow and there's so many scene transitions.
    I had to play the game on 4X speed sometimes because it was so slow.
    So even though i played 3 hours, most of it was sped up with cheat engine, so i would say for a 9 hour game this is an unacceptable level of grind.
    This would be a great game if it wasn't so grindy.
    The ratio of grind-to-sex scenes is way too high.
    I recommend to skip and play NTR legends instead.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fuckin hot. The game is a bit grind-y but it's enjoyable since the sprite scenes also contain h-material. I love how the characters are made and the animations are top notch. Overall, good playthrough with decent amount of h-scenes. These are the type of games I love to play, big fan of milfs and corruption. Can't wait for more releases by this game dev.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I am a fan of Management games and Isometric style games so if you combine the 2, you get this amazing piece of work. The art here is amazing and the theme was fun. It has humor, various kinks, interesting mini games and a lot of sex. Had a blast playing it from beginning to end.

    The only complaint I have is that the world was small which in turn made the game short. Wish there were more girls, places to explore and quests to do.

    For people trying the game for the 1st time here's my personal tip. Get the best fishing rod and just fish. Focus on your own personal training and on boosting your stats. You can always train the girls later.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A very entertaining, hilarious & professionally done adult game. Almost a masterpiece. This is one of those rare adult games that can deliver "boys-will-be-boys" porn entertainment efficiently, in a unique visualization style.

    You'll get the fun, the funny situations & characters, a set of WTF Japanese style Kama Sutra with high libido inducing interactions & animations.

    Thing is, there's just a bit too few girls inside the storyline, thus the story feels a bit too short. This also could be a five star adult game with a non-ending pregnancy mechanics.

    Overall, y'all should give this game a try if you haven't.

    Also, probably just me, but the current game version (1.9) is still a bit of a CPU hogging.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    AWESOME. there's a lot of stuff to go around that I found myself diddling for hours. there will also be a sequel or at least a game that takes place in the same universe so wait for that. Really enjoyed this much to my surprise.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Comrade BLin

    The game is grindy but they aren't boring and also quite rewarding.
    The sex logic doesn't make sense at all (you touch the woman for a few times but she already spread her legs) and some animations, though good, repeat but at different locations.
    => Too few characters but it will take a lots of time due to grinding and some scenes can only appear with certain conditions at certain hours.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    ok gameplay, very good cg.too grindy and kinda time consuming tho. Very good art for a 2d game if you played Summer memories then you will like this game. Can't press Ctrl to skip dialoge tho so that kinda suck
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game overall and I like it very much. Its just that its so close to being perfect that small bugs or missing things are very visible and detract from experience. It is also relatively light on content, but not every game has to be illusion sized.

    The minor things that you might notice are probably leftovers from systems that didn't make it into the game, like during grappling it is obvious there was supposed to be more to it than just pressing button at the right time 1-3 times. Some sex counters don't rise, DLC character English dialog is duplicated in two scenes.

    Not everyone likes the two bars mechanic where you want to max one but not the other, but cheatengine speedhack takes care of this time wasting element.

    Really good showing from the circle as it is their first game.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Played v1.9+dlc base/core game is decent, characters are cute and the scenes are good enough.

    Main reason I'm giving a poor rating is despite it being v1.9 with a dlc there are annoying af issue like scenes you've done not unlocking in the gallery, the fact you have to close and reopen the game to access the gallery because there doesn't seem to be a back to main menu option in game, the fact the dlc stuff doesn't seem to be in the gallery, some scenes being completely skippable if you raise the girls H meters too fast and yeah like others have mentioned you either cheat to make the game less grindy or pull your hair out.

    It doesn't seem like a multiple patches and dlc release version of the game and it doesn't seem like there's an easy way to unlock the gallery for people just wanting that as it would have been posted already if it was easy.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Played version 1.9 with DLC.

    I did not finish this a playthrough of this game because the grinding is atrocious. It usually is when games land in the " ntr-grind-puzzle-simulator" genre, but this game forces you to wait for slow crawls along the map to get to destinations. The path just to get to the one source of income takes around a minute just from screen transitions alone. Because of this tedium, I can't recommend anyone to actually play this. If you play the first hour or two it has some interesting things going on but there's just too much bullshit to justify going through it.

    The art, h-scenes, voice, and animations are well done and has a stylized look that is rare in the medium. This is the one saving grace but like I said this just isn't a fun game.

    You likely will have a void to fill from other games in this genre, but this one won't do. It does not respect your time so don't give it your time. Grab a full save and skip enough days to see the ending.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Game have potential , cute artwork and have multiple gals to work on, but too grindy and repetitive. I'm okay with game with "grind" element but this game doesn't have enough variance to make the grind fun.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This had potential. I can see what the game was going for, but it unfortunately fumbles in the execution.

    The first main problem I had was the sense of progression. The most satisfying aspect of a netori storyline is first seeing the heroine as resistant or reticent to your advances, but eventually succumb to the pleasure.

    But, in this game, from the very first encounter you can make the heroines ahegao with their orgasms. As you have more sexual encounters with the heroines, you only really unlock new sex positions. The heroines are already sex-crazed sluts from the word "go," which to me, goes against the entire appeal of a netori story. There's only really one character out of the four that has a storyline that actually progresses and develops in a somewhat satisfying way.

    The second main problem is the grindiness. Like with any game from this genre, you gain a type of points to unlock new sexual content. But, there is always another way to gain those points more quickly, which means playing a minigame to do that. Unfortunately, the amount of time required to play those minigames is quite a lot. My playthrough of the game consisted of spending ten minutes going through the first sexual encounters with the heroine, then spending the next few hours mainly playing annoying minigames to unlock everything faster. Any game from this genre which requires playing one or two minigames hundreds of times to beat everything efficiently is way too unbalanced.

    Again, I can see the potential. The idea of using judo moves to lock the heroines down and forcing them to orgasm is a good idea. Mixing this with the netori storyline is a good idea. And the art, character designs, and sexual positions are well rendered. But it just overall has flaws that reduce it to being merely a fine game at best.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewing: Self-Defense Dojo Secret NTR Lesson
    Version: v1.9

    Overall: 2/5

    To summarize, this is a very grindy and time-consuming game with a very disappointing payoff.

    Grab a save file instead of playing this.

    I'm not going to give a comment on other aspects of the game. The gameplay of both progression and hentai is already too overwhelming to the point that other things wouldn't matter.


    Gameplay (Progression Grind): 1/5

    Progressing in this game is massively disappointing. It takes way too much time to literally do anything.
    • Navigating the dojo takes 2 seconds each time you move to another area.
    • Navigating outside the dojo requires you to watch your icon move from one place to another, which takes 2 seconds on average.
    • Skipping 1 hour of time (by clicking the lower right "pass time" button) takes 2 seconds.
    • Sleeping/Waking up takes 4 seconds.
    • Training the girls requires you to watch an 8 second intro of nothingness before it requires user engagement.
    • Training with the master provides minimal gains for the amount of time spent.
    • Text skipping is slow. I estimate that it moves at 4 dialogues per second when you hold space.
    • Lust accumulation requires you to finish each scene for minimal gains
    These tiny amount of seconds may look like I'm nitpicking, but here's the gameplay loop that a new player is required to do in a day to progress.
    1. MC wakes up (4s)
    2. MC navigates 2 areas to go to the training room (2s + 2s)
    3. MC wears the dojo uniform (2s)
    4. MC trains with the chosen girl (8s)
    5. Training minigame - overpower the girl with speedclicking and timing clicks.
    6. After the minigame, enter a scene where you have to fill the girl's lust meter.
    7. The scene ends and the girl gains +150 affection.
    The player is required to increase the girl's affection to be able to do more things. And in the first day, the first training wouldn't enough to level up her affection. Now consider this: The minigame and the h-scene are the ones where you are actively engaged to the game as a player. This is around 1 minute of gameplay. And in order to do that? You have to spend around 20 seconds staring at the screen doing nothing. That's 33% of the time wasted, and you have to do this repeatedly to progress.

    Let's not forget that we have to make money too. You won't be raising affection the whole time.
    • Work - 4s of cutscene
    • Excavation - at least a minute
    • Fishing - grind hell

    Considering the amount of grind needed to reach a higher level of affection (which in turn unlocks more h-scenes), we can say that for the entire game, you'd be spending more than 50% of the time doing nothing. If you can't imagine this, then think of it as having to watch a 1 minute ad everytime you turn the page of that hentai you're reading.

    And worst of all, the game stops running when it's not in focus. So you have to literally watch the game while nothing is happening.

    I will advise anyone that wants to play this game to please get a full save file, or get a boosted first-day save file with unlimited resources.
    Personally, even with a cheated save, I wouldn't recommend anyone to completely "play" this game. Just play it for a while, and once you get a feel for the characters, get an unlocked gallery save and view the scenes.

    Gameplay (Hentai): 2/5

    There's nothing much good to write about this one. If you've seen some of the famous NTR (Netori) games then you would find the gameplay here as standard. However, you would also find that it lacks engagement, variety, and flavour. Once you enter a scene, you are locked to it until you complete it. Only then would you be able to enter a different scene to spice things up. This means you can't change position after you've selected it.

    Also, the audio outside training scenes isn't synced.
    What audio? The PLAPPLAPPLAP audio.

    Plot: 2/5

    The characters are given a basic background. They're enough to give you a sense of how they might act in situations which can tickle your fantasy, but story-wise everything just feels so disconnected.

    Art: 3.5/5

    It's mostly pixel art. The girls are cute, the MC looks nice, the master looks like a master, and the big bad definitely looks like the big bad.
    While some of the scenes aren't to my taste, the game's overall art design still appeals to me, which is why I started playing this in the first place.

    Unfortunately, the scenes and cgs aren't varied enough for me.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game, the art and the gameplay were the highest points of the game.
    the grind starts kinda boring but in the game u start exploring and discovering things that can be really helpful (or u can just use cheat engine)

    It's a great game, give it a chance and see by yourself
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the gameplay, I was really invested in the situations, art and the game itself.
    Maybe it can be a little challenging to get good exp for skills, so you can search for some other ways to get the exp as modding.

    But even with that, is really a good game, I wish there could be more girls in the future, because I want to keep playing it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Finnaly English version
    Nice translate English version, now i can play without worrying about Japanese language. Nice game, take around ±4-6 hours to complete (if not skip the chat dialogue). Kindda funny gameplay and can be played with one hand :)›) IYKWIM....
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Only caveat is it's too grindy.
    Even with cheats, some events are just too RNG or locked due to time limits.

    Yes, you're time-limited not only for the entire game but also for cinema events.

    Good game nonetheless. Loved the art and concept. It just got stale.
    My tip is that you should cheat but cheat only to the point you get all the accomplishments for a girl and get all the items in the game. Don't progress too fast to save your own time trying to see all the scenes.

    P.S: 100% Completion isn't possible yet. Getting 100% completion of current content is RNG based and may take 8-14 hours.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    pretty grindy, it has good mecanics but the dev repet too much without changing the minigames. The art is decent but a lot of the gallary lack dialog and reutilize previus arts. the translation is decent, i 100% it and didnt notice any big errors.