From what I'm seeing there are a lot of badly placed if statements in the current build of the game. Some notable issues are in the breakfast quests (StageTwo\Actions\breakfastquests.rpy) and the sleep together quests (StageOne\Actions\angelasbedroomaction.rpy). Attached are copies which fix these.
Progression to breakfast quest 3 is broken as the if statement checks to see if breakfastquest1 is True and breakfastquest2 is False, where it should just be checking if breakfastquest1 is True instead.
You cannot make any progress in the sleep together quests (besides increasing the sleepwithmom counter past all of the actual progression stages leading up to the last - but they still won't trigger due to the ordering of the if statements).
Over the next while I'll slowly pore over this, as I'm brick-walled at several other quest points that I believe should be working, but aren't:
- Shopping for people besides the lingerie from Brynn
- Shooting Range
- Val after the first photo
- Val the gym after texting Brynn
- Brynn's photo shoot
- Brynn can't talk to her at the library
- Mari after the webcam
- Lynn can't talk to her at work