A short update about...things.
1.I noticed the change name option,apparently it's already active,and it works as intended.Maybe the 0.12 update will set it in the preferences(or not),but either way I like it.Saw it in replays,changed,and it stays that way.Until the next change I assume,and it's related to the persistent file most likely,but either way,nice job.And a

to modder for the change in the colors at Jemma's route start,not ideal but still better than white.
2.The top changed a bit,Melanie hair dye not really a plus,I always thought it was natural,but on a careful read...
Nr.1 is Jemma now,hardly anything I can complain,maybe just the orange shade on her pants.It could be worse(like yellow),but a darker color would be better I think,to fit with the rest,like brown or grey,or pale shades of purple or green.
Melanie is nr.2 now,mostly OK,with 3.Toshi and 4.Beren,like last time.
3. is a spoiler