Well, as someone who played all the games from this guy as you can see in this comment:
I gotta say I don't know what you guys were expecting. NTRMAN wasn't the best at writing, and it's a shame this game couldn't have a better ending, but I don't think it's too different from his other games. I mean, if you see the comment in the link I shared, I said this was the best of his games if you just wanted a quick fap and that's all, a lot of the stuff didn't make a lot of sense already. But that's how most of his games are, and to be honest, I don't mind it too much, the scenes are really good sometimes. As for the people who complain about the game being shorter than he promised, I would say that's fair, specially if you paid for it.
I just think this game wasn't ruined as people say. But well, who knows, everyone has different opinions. I already knew Satoshi would turn into a womanizer as soon as that guy posted how similar he was to Satoshi from Rural Homecoming. Honestly if NTRMAN wanted to put Satoshi as a Chad (Well, he's not a chad really but you understand), I would have done it so he gets back at Kujo and Azusa somehow, since he didn't seem to mind Tsugumi leaving at the end, he was broken at that point. I don't know man, revenge in these kind of games can be really sweet.