Scene That Go On and On


Nov 30, 2020
I thought you had a rant AND asked a question at least that's what you said you did?
Also I gave you other options other than "if you don't like the game, close it, shut up, and move on."

If they stopped going over a certain amount of time, the content in the news ones that would have gone over wouldn't exist.
If they don't exist then the people who enjoy that content would not have it and so would go without that content....

Same here....

There are people who like them that's what matters and you didn't ask why, just if they did

...and people did discuss it and you replied with

You were also dismissive when asked about people who liked / enjoyed long scenes by replying you bet they are in the minority as if that held some meaning in the discussion. No discussion you just shut the point down with "you bet they are in the minority"

You also failed to admit or counter that those types of games are in the minority especially games

which means people who enjoy that content already have very little content out there.

You ignore the fact I offered helpful advice as in check game threads, auto skipping, checking what functions the games support
You ignore the part where I agree with you but point out again that you are NOT taking others into consideration?

and reply with

Maybe I'm not the one that needs to "chill and stop responding like you're looking for a fight."
First, let me tell you where you just sound like you're being a dick. The first post you made you didn't even respond. You took what I said, highlighted a bunch of stuff. Like you were saying, look how stupid this person is. But I figured, maybe I was overreacting and so I just chose to respond rather than make anything of it.

Your second post had this long winded response with a bunch of jabs. For example, "Did I enjoy it? No! Am I going to make a thread about it and other games like it? No because I know that others did and will enjoy it, the game was just not for me, so I deleted it and moved on."

Or, "I am not going to try push them onto others." (As if that's what I'm trying to do.)

Now, let me respond to some of this other stuff like, "If they stopped going over a certain amount of time, the content in the news ones that would have gone over wouldn't exist.
If they don't exist then the people who enjoy that content would not have it and so would go without that content...."

Do you really think a thread posted by little old me is going to change the landscape of adult games?! Like every developer is going to take a look at this and be like, "Holy shit, she's right! We have to change how we make games!"

Personally, I think there's a sweet spot when it comes to the amount of time scenes go on. Not too long and not too short. I'm not saying some ridiculous shit like, "Every game has to develop along those lines or they shouldn't exist."

You also said, "There are people who like them that's what matters and you didn't ask why, just if they did."

Seriously, do I have to ask them to elaborate when they respond?! We're on a forum. If someone responds, it's pretty much expected they're going to discuss the "why" automatically.

Also, I was not being dismissive of people who liked long scenes so if anyone took it that way, I apologize. But I also don't think saying they're in the minority automatically is being dismissive of them. Based on responses I found on those types of games, I think they are in the minority. People often complain that the scenes drag on and few ever come to defend it. Also, you seem to agree with me that they're in the minority.

You've said on more than one occasion that, "... people who enjoy that content already have very little content out there."

If there's so little content out there, it's probably because most people don't prefer games with long scenes.

Finally, I'm not ignoring your advice about skipping lines of text. But it's hard to focus on anything else when you follow that up with, "There is also the option that if you feel the scenes are taking too long to just close the game...."

I don't like to skip text, especially on a first playthrough. In fact, someone else responded with similar advice and I know you saw that since you quoted it. But I also don't feel the need to respond to everything, especially if I agree with it or don't feel it's relevant to myself.

Anyway, that was probably the longest response I ever made. Sorry to anyone who had to read through that. Although if you did, you all probably enjoy the drama LOL.


Dec 17, 2018
If the sex scene has 1000 renders and 50 animated videos and lasts 1 hour with a shit ton of dirty talk then fuck yeah, sign me up!

But if the sex scene has 4 drawings and 1 animation and has 8,000 words like the usual Japanese VN games, then fuck no, that's a fucking snooze fest. For those types of games, I just download the CGI's and fap to those. I'm not gonna sit through a novel describing all 5 sensations as the writer goes through a thesaurus trying to describe how it feels to stick your dick in pussy 500 different ways while I stare at the same fucking image of the girl, stationary in doggy, for 30 minutes straight. Played through a bunch of Japanese VNs afraid I had developed erectile distinction before I realized the poor little wanker was just bored out of his fucking mind.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
First, let me tell you where you just sound like you're being a dick. The first post you made you didn't even respond. You took what I said, highlighted a bunch of stuff. Like you were saying, look how stupid this person is.
Ok I'll try my best to address your points, My first quoting you post was because after reading the OP I thought you were not taking it seriously, you over did the exaggeration and I thought I'd poke fun at you for that.

But I figured, maybe I was overreacting and so I just chose to respond rather than make anything of it.
So as to not make assumptions, here you mean respond as in the "I think people are misunderstanding what I'm talking about" reply?

Your second post had this long winded response with a bunch of jabs. For example, "Did I enjoy it? No! Am I going to make a thread about it and other games like it? No because I know that others did and will enjoy it, the game was just not for me, so I deleted it and moved on."
You took it as jabs, might it not instead have been a partially frustrated reply from a member who thought / hoped they had entered a discussion that might be constructive and interesting only to find yet again another vague exaggerated OP?

"Not another" is so frequent here that there are memes for it, did you consider it might be the reason and NOT jabs?

Or, "I am not going to try push them onto others." (As if that's what I'm trying to do.)
You got positive feed back, instead of building on it, you continued the exaggerations.

Do you really think a thread posted by little old me is going to change the landscape of adult games?! Like every developer is going to take a look at this and be like, "Holy shit, she's right! We have to change how we make games!"
No not at all but pointing out that your replies are ONLY taking your perspective into account might make you stop and put thought into it.

Personally, I think there's a sweet spot when it comes to the amount of time scenes go on. Not too long and not too short. I'm not saying some ridiculous shit like, "Every game has to develop along those lines or they shouldn't exist."
No one said anything about "every game", the context was the games you consider to go over the time you think is right.

Seriously, do I have to ask them to elaborate when they respond?! We're on a forum. If someone responds, it's pretty much expected they're going to discuss the "why" automatically.
Again you are looking at it only from your perspective and MANY of the replies on this forum alone contradict that assumption of yours....

Also, I was not being dismissive of people who liked long scenes so if anyone took it that way, I apologize. But I also don't think saying they're in the minority automatically is being dismissive of them.
In what context would them being in a minority fit into the point then? What bearing would it have?

Based on responses I found on those types of games, I think they are in the minority. People often complain that the scenes drag on and few ever come to defend it. Also, you seem to agree with me that they're in the minority.
I do agree with you, on that point and others but whether they are in the minority or the majority has no baring on the topic.

Wanting NOT expecting there to be less of an already small type of content is not fair and if this is supposed to be a discussion then pointing that out is on topic.

If there's so little content out there, it's probably because most people don't prefer games with long scenes.
I assume that is true but that also means that if there is so little content like that, that there is A LOT that the majority enjoys.
This leads me to wonder how you manage to keep finding these needles in a hay stack? or perhaps you have exaggerated the amount of them you've had to put up with that caused you to create this thread?

Finally, I'm not ignoring your advice about skipping lines of text. But it's hard to focus on anything else when you follow that up with, "There is also the option that if you feel the scenes are taking too long to just close the game...."
This part makes no sense to me, you are playing a GAME, it's meant to be fun, if it is NOT fun and causing you frustration and from your replies about there being multiple scenes, the game continues to cause this, how is advising closing it anything but helpful?

If you were running and said your side was really hurting and I said "well just stop running" would you take offence at that?

But I also don't feel the need to respond to everything, especially if I agree with it or don't feel it's relevant to myself.
But you will and did respond with an unfair characterization of my reply?

Is it really necessary to be so passive aggressive? Like your entire response was
Which is untrue as I offered advice on many different options and I agreed with you in part.

You are welcome to take issue with my replies and while poking fun at you might have been ill advised the rest of my replies have tried to first, get you to look at / think from a different perspective and then elaborate on where I disagree with you, where I think you are being unfair and offer alternatives / options on how to fix the problem, when the first one didn't work.

Deleted member 1666680

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2019
It's a common issue in many games. Most people making these games are hobbyists, so they don't have much experience and they don't understand the design basics. Such as "form follows function", which means, if your game is supposed to be porn game, the form (story) follows the function (presenting tons of sex scenes).

Most games fail as porn games miserably. There's just not enough going on. Creating art is much more difficult than writing though. So it's easier to write "50.000 new words" rather than creating 100 new sex scenes. Unfortunately, they're hurting their own games with that. Devs would really benefit a lot from focusing more on many sex scenes and characters rater than on writing and the story. The latter is just a framework for the porn to take place in. That doesn't mean your story and stuff shouldn't be too deep or amazing as well, but fix your porn stuff first, everything else is just a great addition. And the porn should also be easily accessible and not locked behind grind or clunky gameplay mechanics.

A great porn game can get along with mediocre story, but a great story that is supposed to be a porn game, with not much and no good porn, is just something that falls short; you won't contest with real games, but you can also not contest with porn games.