Wonderful game! If you are playing for the first time - don't skip the prologue. It's like half of the story with lots of content and there will be constant references to stuff that happened in the prologue during the main game.
Story is great, you don't have to farm or read boring texts for 30 minutes before your first erotic image and then farm for another 30 minutes to see another. This game got it the right way! Very rare and a very good job!
MC looks fantastic, even though it's not my body type, but there are no problems in the actual model or her body - they are just flawless, the girl is one of the cutest MCs that I have ever seen. The rest of the characters are lacking behind in looks, some girls look very similar to others which is never a good thing, unless they are related.
Plot is simple, but good enough for an erotic game. I'm not here for some sophisticated bs of a plot with tons of mindblowing twists. Please, keep it simple, don't waste your time and mental resources on stuff that will make it worse.
I love it that other girls are the ones that are exposing MC. This is so rare to see and is one of my favorite fetishes. Really hot stuff! Generally, women are either victims themselves or are just silent bystanders, that are not participating in anything at all. Give me more of it!

I hope that MC doesn't turn into your average dumb sl^t that jumps on every single D she sees, but remains a cute and nice character till the very end. It's way more fun, when MC is at least a little bit resistant and gets tricked/persuaded into hot acts.
Unfortunately, all games turn the same way every single time and all female MCs turn into dumb sl^ts in the end. Makes me sad.
Maybe add a couple of cumwalks later, that would totally work with the premise of the game. On top of that, MC might know that something is wrong with her looks, but pretends to not notice because it would be even more embarrassing to admit that she is not oblivious.
But, as it is now, this game deserves 10/10.