Ren'Py - Completed - S.H.E.L.T.E.R. - An Apocalyptic Tale [v1.0] [Winterlook]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I really like the concept and art style, but I can't finish this game. The story is so unbelievably disjointed that nothing makes sense. Characters will say things that don't match up with the current situation. Only reason this gets a two is because of the character art and story concept.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game! All the girls are awesome and super hot! Game is fun to play, and have nice diferent routes, depending of what you like most
    Really wish the lewd scenes were animated, it would make this game a 5 star
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    The first time I played this game, I didn't make it through but I did make it back to beat it completely and I'm glad I did! I wasn't initially a big fan of the art style but I felt it grew on me and I loved the stories and different characters and how you get to interact with them and knock up the various members of your harem!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game I ever played!

    Loved the incest buildup, the choices we had during it all, alongwith the pregancny elements to it all.
    Keep pumping out more gems like this mate, you've dug gold here!

    Again, Best game I ever played!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art. Fun atmosphere (very biased FO enjoyer). Plenty of cute gals to meet. Honestly the only complaint I have is there isn't more. Like, I just want there to be more and more to explore. Also maybe more of the raider route.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    >Story is somewhat decent, I like the idea of shelter but end game comes too quick.
    >Originality is on point. Images and the paths you take is really great.
    >Amount of content somewaht good for its caliber. 4/5
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It is a working and completed game, but that's kind of it i would say.

    The game play changes a few times, but generally is just not very inspiring. A lot of the story choices feel like they don't really matter.

    The story is fine, the original shelter idea really isn't a big part of it as the settlement takes up most of the game. And honestly it's more interesting.

    The characters are decent but don't get developed much. 2 of the original 3 I didn't even end up sleeping with because I couldn't enter their room.

    The porn is pretty boring. The art style is mediocre imo, but that's taste. The writing isn't that hot though and it's just one static image. Worse the corruption isn't actually corruption. It's just instant drugging that turns otherwise interesting characters into brainless sluts. Incredibly lazy.

    Should you play it? Well, it's a working and completed game, so if you have nothing else to play. sure. 3/5
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best non-VN games here. It won't move you to tears or change your life, but:
    • Great original art
    • Characters with personality
    • Great scenes
    • No grind
    • Just enough sandbox to be a sandbox
    • Love/corrupt paths with entirely different arcs - well worth playing both
    If the art/tags don't repel you, stop considering and play it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better lewd games, if you are looking for porn focused fallout game, this might bw the best you can get

    Original artstyle
    Characters are different from each other
    Basic love and corruption mechanics

    Game is a sandbox
    There is a ending even couple of them

    Great game

    Cons: not always clear relation grind
    Not every character have corruption route
    Y-shield and food mechanic is annoying
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a very good game based on Fallout / other post-apocalyptic desert media. All the characters are super attractive and enjoyable, and the maledom scenes are probably one of the best in the genre. Not a lot of games have pure maledom tbh, so this is nice.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun parody of Fallout and is a good h-game overall, it has hot scenes, art is good, characters also good, good story and variety of options. Decent game. 5/5. Highly recommend. It's the simple formula well done.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Story 4/5
    This just supprised me alot, not so much the story which is still pretty good but the choices in this one is above soooo many other games.

    You start out with your family, mother, fater, 2 sisters and your given a choice to pick one of them to have a relationship with or all of them or none of them, in my first go at the game i went for the red head youngest sister and after some time you take the white haired military sister along to go outside and visist the town MC has been working with, thats where she meets the sheriff which apparently is an old friend of hers and they are apprently friends with benefits so your asked to leave so they can have some fun together.

    I found it a little weird since i was thinking what if i had picked the military sister to start with, so i tried a fast restart picked her and when we got to the town her old friend still wanted to have sex with MCs sister but she turned her down since she was testing out being in a relationship with MC, so yeah choices really does matter in this one and it does change story aspects in a pretty big way which is just damn nice to see.

    On a side note you do have the option to leave with the sister aka turn the sheriff down or you can let them have fun alone or be in a 3-some with them.

    So yeah choices are really well made in this one and your free to turn down or fuck whoever you want.

    As for the rest of the game its pretty stright forward, its an easy sandbox that dosent have all that much of a grind to it which is nice, theres kinda some management stuff but not really since its very limited since upgrades comes a pretty set order so you dont really have much of a choice on what to build.

    Theres quite a few holes in the story where it feels a bit stupid and weird, i cant get the military sister to work for the settelment or be MCs guard which feels quite idiotic but whats even worse is that MC has a military android that he never fucking uses, it just stays in the bunker looking into the wall....i mean why even put it in game if its not beinig put to use, it should be following MC around every damn second hes not in the bunker and all you can put her to work as is a freaking maid? or mechanic? what?

    And yes the ending is extremly rushed, i barely got the brothel build and never saw any of the girls giving birth to MCs kids other then the sister, granted you might be able to see it if you just sit a click skip day for a long time but i dident really care to test that out.
    You dont see any of the kids growing up either so it really failed alot by cutting everything way to short.

    Maybe its more of a 3 star game due to the ending being rushed, it had potential to be a really good and fun game but it would have to be 2-3 times bigger atleast with better management system and more exploring and so on.

    Girls 2/5
    The art is proberly not for everyone, i dont know why this type of art always has to have big tits, to me they just look ugly as fuck and would have liked too see some smols as well, but theres just no real diversity in builds.

    Sex scenes 2/5
    Game isent animated which lowers the value alot and the sex scenes arent really the best, maybe its due to me not having a big tit fetish that i find them boring and bad.

    Music 3/5
    Pretty average background stuff, a little above average but not by much.

    Choices 5/5
    Its nice to see games where choices matters and makes a diffrense, in this one you have the freedom to fuck whoever you like or just say no and it works perfectly.

    Story and choices are the two most importen aspect in a game for me so i had to give this 4 stars even though the girls wasent in my taste and the story was cut really short, but ii still enjoyed what little is there.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I had a lot of hope for this game. It sets up an interesting premise, but doesn't follow through with some the choices. Some char are bare bones. Worst of all, midway through it rushes towards an ending and ends up feeling a bit disappointing.

    The Good

    + Two ways to play
    You can romance or you can be a creep and mindcontrol all the girls. It gives you very different scenes. You can take your 'family' and do one choice, then do something different to the 'outsiders'.

    + The main trio have a lot of content
    I won't say they get very fleshed out, because once they get jobs, they are just on autopilot but they have a lot of scenes.

    + Decent sandbox
    It doesn't start right away, but once you can travel , you can explore the small world.

    The Bad

    - Oscar's development, Perry's development, etc.
    There are a number of char that you personally can wish bad things on, and exile, or whatever. None of these choices comes to bite the player in the ass, or even see them appear again. What if you make Perry's crew work for the town, but later during the final battle he adds his team against you? Nope these char are never heard from again. That's a shame.

    - Rushed ending
    Just when you get a car and its looking like you can do some decent exploring, the game is moving towards the endgame. Its a bit soon.

    -Odd plotpoints
    There's some odd things that probably should be talked about. Like that only Oscar knew how to clean the suits, or the deal with John, which makes no sense.

    -Game mechanics abandoned
    So at first it seems like you have a few items to ration, food and radiation defense, yet they are only stumbling blocks in the very early game. Soon you can get more than enough. Another shame.

    The Ugly
    This game could have been a lot better if it wasn't in such a rush.

    S.H.E.L.T.E.R. is OK, its got the typical Winterlook kinks, and if you play it you can enjoy the great art. But its held back by its own mediocrity.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Another great game.
    The story is pretty good with some decent looking characters and nice renders. The game could have had more stuff to do and places to go but overall it was pretty fun and worth playing, game is not that long and the sex scenes are overall good. Only issue was it needed more places to visit and things to do and collect.

    Story. 7.5/10
    Characters. 8.5/10
    Sex. 8/10
    Renders/art. 8.5/10
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Art: 5/5
    Writing: 5/5
    Sex escenes: 5/5
    Fetish: peersonally i like pregnant and i love this sistem, it could be better but am not doing it so 10/5
    Great variety of girls and all have something to look, u have the tomboy 10/10, the shygirl 10/10, the milf 9/10, and then all from the town the sherrif its pretty lovely 10/10
    if you ask me you should tried at least 1 time and give between 1 n 6 hours that is were is all the juice
    edit: this was my 2 time playing this masterpiece
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    Again, one of those games that doesn't value a player's time. You do a lot of unnecessary fetch quests, but you get very few rewards in return. All the female characters in the game are just hollow shells for you to have fuck, but you still have to spend hours convincing them. The story is very clichéd and handled in a rather superficial way. The characters are all very boring. I didn't like the drawings very much either, and the lack of animation made the game worse. The interface and text fonts also look terrible. The music in the game is very bad and has nothing to do with the concept. The game is a complete waste of time, and if you install and play adult mods in Fallout New Vegas, you'll have a lot more fun than this nonsense. You won't have to put up with grinding gameplay, bland story and so much filler dialogue.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this one, played last year and decided to play it again to give a better review!

    You play as either the middle son of a family or a guy from a group of friends and you survived in a bunker for some time now its time to leave and see how the world is, while doing that you get to know more people and decide whats next for you and your crew.

    while in this journey you can make people fall in love with you or corrupt them to be yours.

    I love post apocalyptic theme games (like Fallout) and I enjoyed a lot playing this one, the art is really good and theres a good option of things to do.

    would love some VA action and some after story content but still great game with enjoyable even though simple gameplay and story!

    Also I loved all of the heroines and It was really cool managing the camp! would love to see more of that feature.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Credit where credit is due

    Enjoyable Fallout themed Dating Sim with CYOA elements & a smattering of grind/combat. Right up my alley.

    Played the demo. It rocked. Bought the game on Steam at full price. :)

    Nice art style, well drawn sex scenes & the game has Mind Break/Corruption or Romance/Good Guy options. Checks the Android, MILF, Tomboy, Monster Girl & Futa boxes quite nicely. :p

    I do wish that there more Combat options & better ways to grind for resources than the Bartending minigame. That said, the sex is grand & the RPG elements are well worth your time & money.

    I'd love to see a sequel that explores the next generation of survivors & the surrounding lands. :alien:
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Bought this on Steam last year. Fun game with some unexpected kinks popping up (wasn't a member here yet so no list of tags on Steam like here). There are no animated sex scenes so if that is a deal breaker than be aware. Have played both romance and corruption route to unlock the gallery. The game is complete from the playthroughs I have done. No "TBC" or "not in this build" messages. Depending on how much of a hardass you play the MC as you either end up as Negan or a pervier Rick Grimes (no zombies in the game but a good analogy).
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a well realized post-apocalypse world where the MC has two branching paths: (i) corruption and mind control, or (ii) true love. Either way, the player will navigate a VN adult game with plenty of great art and an emphasis on knocking up all the women in the game.

    This game does have some drag/grind with resource collection that could have been tighter, but otherwise it's a smooth gameplay experience with little to no bugs. There is a variety of quality in the art, but thankfully the range is from "excellent" to "good" so no complaints on my end. I would recommend for anyone who enjoys adult VNs.