2.30 star(s) 27 Votes


Aug 2, 2018
Simulate life in 3D!

-Okay, that's nothing really new today...

All the freedom you need to create your own hyper-realistic 3D character!

-Like the last Illusion games...a detailed Character Editor....and not really much more?

Become a part of her life and control everything to your liking in the ultimate life simulator!

-Control everything....in a ultimate life-simulator... How is that supposed to work? I mean life-simulation would mean a lot of random things should happen, and to be able to control everything won't really make it a simulation now...

Watch over her, guide her, and give her the best life that you can!

With possible 3-5 Locations, and just 2 or 3 more persons (99.9% female) to make it safe for the most people to see what they want to see....a perfect, never cheat on you, eyes-for-you-only personality, which will bang everytime the player is horny...

Maybe Illusion should think about a "bigger" world to simulate life...and maybe some options like more characters (of both sexes).
But I fear this will not happen. Still gonna pirate it, to watch these girls for some hours...and then forget about it...

Arashi Blitz

Nov 16, 2016
I'm hoping the game goes along the line of Box Hako (also done by Illusion), been a fan of AG3 and AA1/2. We deserve a good game from time to time...


New Member
Feb 4, 2020
Wtf is this? Ive been HOPING for fucking years (since AI Shoujo) for Illusion to go back into the drawing board and MAKE SOMETHING THAT ISNT A COPY OF AN OLDER GAME but then Honey Select 2 released and i thought "ok, an asset flip its alright i will give them a break for this one". Now this comes around the corner and holy shit its the SAME. Cmon make new physics and a skeleton. Rn no matter how much you fiddle with the character creator you are never going to get rid of the stench that haunts since AI. Honey Select 1 had a better skeleton


Sep 4, 2020
i guess right now its just a character creation anyway hype i am looking forward to it


Oct 27, 2019
Frankly, it's kind of a bad argument because most of the actual content is always in studios anyway. I am way more pissed that they can't come up with good and proper gameplay, ffs vanilla KK was worse and less interactive than AA2 in all regards.
Yea those guys would be racking in dough if they released their own vn using their asset, they could have a season pass and shit tho dunno if they can be trusted to come up with a decent story. Click a list to see sex act gets boring so fast didnt bother with their games since HS1.


Sep 7, 2021
won't really make it a simulation now...
It's not a simulation unless I can file my taxes and begrudgingly pay for private healthcare.

Joking aside both the promo video and the official website's blurb makes this game out to be more like a directable JAV porno set around a couple themes. You'll probably see everything in about the same time too.


Jan 31, 2019
Yeah, it's not a game it's idk, NOTHING. Character editor with nothing to do with character. Have no idea why does it even uploaded...
Dec 30, 2019
It looks like this game is using a new engine or so, if that's the case are we not able to transfer our character cards from AI/HS2? if not, DAAAAAAMMNN, gotta start from scratch again...
2.30 star(s) 27 Votes