Jan 3, 2022
Maybe someone can help me, after I reach the castle town tavern in the desert where I'm supposed to gather info and talk to both people inside nothing happens, I have been 1h trying to figure out what am I missing but I cant find anything, the door is locked and nothing happens there either
I dont know if this is entirely correct, but you have to go the town under the castle, talk to the mayor, and then go to savora, talk to the people in the bar. Dont worry, forget about the door as it is will be unlocked later in the game
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Dec 31, 2017
Sadly I don't remember anymore. It's been long since I've played the game.
Did you try going to the adventurer's guild to recruit the thief girl? If you need to get inside Galactos Castle I think you need to recruit her to open the door in the castle tavern.
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Jul 1, 2021
Maybe someone can help me, after I reach the castle town tavern in the desert where I'm supposed to gather info and talk to both people inside nothing happens, I have been 1h trying to figure out what am I missing but I cant find anything, the door is locked and nothing happens there either
You need to recruit clhoe the theif girl.. Its the girl in adveture gulid that keeps asking to be taken to some mountains...
to activte her you need to have talked to a npc in town one of the towns where the castle is wich you cant enter normally/no front door/invisible door..

I dont remember wich npc so to be sure make sure you talk with all the npcs not just the mayor... When you have talked with the correct npc and you again check the front of the castle where there suposed to be a front gate the charecters will mention you need a theif charactter to sucefuly infiltrate the castle .. When this information is finnished then you go back to the adveture guil and talk to the theif girl wich will then explain that she will infiltrate the castle and unlock the secret passage that leads underground via the bar near castle.. However the conversation wont pop up until you meet at the correct bar and have meeting there to fisrt stratgize /talk/plan the infiltration with the theif girl in party or recruited.. didnt test withouth out her being in party and on stanby so cant be sure if it works just as well with her on stanby. to be extra sure talk with all the npc,s after you have talked with the mayor because the need of the theif character didnt activate for me after i talked with the mayor and went to the front gate so had to go back to the towns to make sure i once again talked to evry npc in both the towns and then go back to the invisible front gate yet again but if the theif girl joins you and she mentions she will help you if you help her later with the montain quest/ main storyline plot then you are on the rigth track..

Note this game isnt kind whwn keeping track of progression in the main storyline or maybe theres a bug or something... If you leave the game / taking a break withouth taking notes you actually migth forget where you left your play of the main storyline... It seams the game only tracks sidequests/guildquests in addition somtimes the clues and tips when someting is supposed to be done is very vague or even in some cases missing...

Theres is an encounter in the sewers where you cant kill mobs withouth having been explained you need holy power and the holy sword so if youre not carefull when youre on that part of the game you migth end up wasting many potions and holy crosses and potentially herbs to restore Tp as well. This explanation of the holy power wont be explained or given tips to you before the actaual encounter. i dont remember if i runned away or if i simply just died. to pop up the the conversation from anette wheres she takls about holy power,, was too tired when i played this part to pay too close attention but annyway in the end i had to head back back to th e church wehere i got the holy power and the holy sword and finally be avle to hurt the demon/mobs in tht part of the sewer dungeon..

Now though im having a little trouble finding some herb medicine that are suposed to be in the mountains somewhere.... Maybe theres a pathway or something i have missed because i had to run back to the town in the end to not completly run out of tp trying to find the damn herb due to the random encounters....

Also does this game has a faster way to ern money by gear or something? i dont mind grinding xp too much but the money aspect to buy stuff seams a bit of a slog unless theres an item or equopment that boost your money income or something. the adventure gulidquest are so far not enough unless you prioritize what you want to buy Especially most of the jewelry was out of reach for me unless i wanted to spend eye watering amounts of time grinding money to able to afford them even with the guldquests in mind unless youre suposed to wait with this equpment untill later in the game... But that also means that the gear that can make your progression in the game easyer for you wont be in reach untill much later and as such seams like a waste of missed opperunity unless you really likre the mental pain of several days of grinding for money
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May 6, 2020
Thank you everyone, it was indeed an NPC in the tavern of the first city in the desert lol
sometimes the game makes it hard to find where to go next


Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
I agree. The game on some quests isn't clear on what you need to do and there are no pointers on the map. So you end up walking all over the place until you hit a specific square and an event triggers. I've been tempted many times to put in a shining star on those places but since I'm very reluctant to change anything in the game unless it's a bug, I just end up not doing it.

At least such events are "trigger on player touch" and not "trigger on action button" so as long as you walk over the event (even by accident) it will get triggered.

Then again, a lot of the time it's the player's fault for skipping all the dialogs and then not knowing where to go next.


Jul 1, 2021
I agree. The game on some quests isn't clear on what you need to do and there are no pointers on the map. So you end up walking all over the place until you hit a specific square and an event triggers. I've been tempted many times to put in a shining star on those places but since I'm very reluctant to change anything in the game unless it's a bug, I just end up not doing it.

At least such events are "trigger on player touch" and not "trigger on action button" so as long as you walk over the event (even by accident) it will get triggered.

Then again, a lot of the time it's the player's fault for skipping all the dialogs and then not knowing where to go next.
Its true the players can miss important stuff by skipping the text or ignoring the text but im also pretty sure some of the clues or tips where to go next is either very vauge or in some cases even missing...

In some cases you dont get information before a scripted event happens triggering hidden spots on the map with vauge hints or the sewer thing with the holy power that doesnt appear before the battle almost halfway passed trough the dungeon.. I get thast the game isnt about hand helding but if you need a special skill or item that wont get triggered before you actully trigger the event then you cant plan to avoid mistakes that you migth do. at least im pretty sure i didnt see any clues or hints to the holy power thing in the sewer before the battle wich triggered the scripted event with the hint about the holy power from one of the characters in the party..

To me it seams like kinda bad game design... But the game is interesting enogh to keep me playing and ignore those flaws even thogh playing detective and also doing some mistakes and trial and error before you discover what you actully have to do can be a bit frustrating and iritating at times..

Is the lack of tracking of the main storyline the fault of a bug or other issues by the way???.. after i got the guildquests i cant find the tracked progress or what to do in the mainline story annywhere in the quest progression tracker..the only saving grace is that im used to old school rpgs so the old fashioned way of writing down notes and even in some cases drawing maps still kinda works...
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Jan 3, 2022
I agree. The game on some quests isn't clear on what you need to do and there are no pointers on the map. So you end up walking all over the place until you hit a specific square and an event triggers. I've been tempted many times to put in a shining star on those places but since I'm very reluctant to change anything in the game unless it's a bug, I just end up not doing it.

At least such events are "trigger on player touch" and not "trigger on action button" so as long as you walk over the event (even by accident) it will get triggered.

Then again, a lot of the time it's the player's fault for skipping all the dialogs and then not knowing where to go next.
What I dont like about this game is there is no teleportation, it was reallly time wasting especially when the quest doesn't state the location of the quest (like the capture the oni side quest, where is the mine?) so I have to walking back and forth from riedenburg to sanctia
May 6, 2020
What I dont like about this game is there is no teleportation, it was reallly time wasting especially when the quest doesn't state the location of the quest (like the capture the oni side quest, where is the mine?) so I have to walking back and forth from riedenburg to sanctia
Indeed, its a hassle, thats why I have Mtools open in the background so I can teleport even if its cheating a bit lol


Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
Actually, there is teleportation, but you unlock it at the end of the game, haha :)

I have never had an issue with traveling across the world since, in my opinion, the game map is very well-made. It doesn't take you long to move from one end to another. Of course, it would be much easier if you could teleport and it would save you some time.

I'm guessing the point of moving around in the world is to force fights to increase libido. That way the player doesn't have to farm it for the most part. Plus you also get items, levels, and skills.

Is the lack of tracking of the main storyline the fault of a bug or other issues by the way???.. after i got the guildquests i cant find the tracked progress or what to do in the mainline story annywhere in the quest progression tracker..the only saving grace is that im used to old school rpgs so the old fashioned way of writing down notes and even in some cases drawing maps still kinda works...
You need to give me more info than that. It might be a bug. It doesn't say anything or? This is the whole quest. Which part are you on?

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Jul 1, 2021
Actually, there is teleportation, but you unlock it at the end of the game, haha :)

I have never had an issue with traveling across the world since, in my opinion, the game map is very well-made. It doesn't take you long to move from one end to another. Of course, it would be much easier if you could teleport and it would save you some time.

I'm guessing the point of moving around in the world is to force fights to increase libido. The way the player doesn't have to farm it for the most part. Plus you also get items, levels, and skills.
The levels gained from xp gets pretty stale or inefective as you level up per area so you gain less xp the higher level your characters are if you keep farming xp in only one area... So the game actually kinda forces you to move to areas with stronnger monters because of the degraded loss of Xp gain from leveling up... the item gained experience some loss of effectivness as well since items in lower areas are not as effective and not woth much money at areas with stronger monsters/experience treeshold..

It seams to me that its best to only farm max 4 or 5 levels pr area unless you really want to experience real slog from xp gain to level the characters gained from killing monters in lower leveled areas when the character pretty much have outgrown them unless the monsters have some kind of specic status spells wich can make some battles frustrating even on monters that dosnt take long to kill.... The confusion status effect made it troublesome for me on some occasions
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Jan 3, 2022
Actually, there is teleportation, but you unlock it at the end of the game, haha :)

I have never had an issue with traveling across the world since, in my opinion, the game map is very well-made. It doesn't take you long to move from one end to another. Of course, it would be much easier if you could teleport and it would save you some time.

I'm guessing the point of moving around in the world is to force fights to increase libido. That way the player doesn't have to farm it for the most part. Plus you also get items, levels, and skills.

You need to give me more info than that. It might be a bug. It doesn't say anything or? This is the whole quest. Which part are you on?

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Sheesh turns out there is a teleportation feature lol
While i thankful for the whole main quest guide, but what I currently needed is the location of the mine in the "capturing the oni" sidequest, is it the mine in the mc's village or the formerly wiped out goblin cave or is it somewhere else?


Jul 1, 2021
Actually, there is teleportation, but you unlock it at the end of the game, haha :)

I have never had an issue with traveling across the world since, in my opinion, the game map is very well-made. It doesn't take you long to move from one end to another. Of course, it would be much easier if you could teleport and it would save you some time.

I'm guessing the point of moving around in the world is to force fights to increase libido. That way the player doesn't have to farm it for the most part. Plus you also get items, levels, and skills.

You need to give me more info than that. It might be a bug. It doesn't say anything or? This is the whole quest. Which part are you on?

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The main storyline doest say anything. Unless you write down the information npc and charcters say during your play on the main storyline the only thing thats shown at least to me unless im completly blind or something is the sidequests/guildquets the part where the mainstoryline information is suposed to be in the menu was completly blank/dark/no text/information last time i played .... im on the montain part trying to find the herb for her but it seams i kinde have done it it in wrong order.. I did the part with the infiltration before the natural herb/ Deadly Illness part wich im on now and it doesnt appear to have broken the game but i cant see the main storyline progression.. Perhaps its just a temp bug and it will fix itself when im done wiith Chloe's part or next time i load up the save??? Taken a break from the game due to stuff i need to take care of in real life so il report back if i find more strange things, perhaps even take a screenshot or uppload the save if the bug stll persist next time i load up my save.. If the bug doesnt persist it migth also be an issue with memory or other piece of hardware on my pc
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Active Member
Dec 31, 2017
It might be the game locks you out of the main quest to make sure you finish the Chloe's side quest first.


Sep 9, 2017
While i thankful for the whole main quest guide, but what I currently needed is the location of the mine in the "capturing the oni" sidequest, is it the mine in the mc's village or the formerly wiped out goblin cave or is it somewhere else?
It is the mine in Taklat
Jan 3, 2022
The main storyline doest say anything. Unless you write down the information npc and charcters say during your play on the main storyline the only thing thats shown at least to me unless im completly blind or something is the sidequests/guildquets the part where the mainstoryline information is suposed to be in the menu was completly blank/dark/no text/information last time i played .... im on the montain part trying to find the herb for her but it seams i kinde have done it it in wrong order.. I did the part with the infiltration before the natural herb/ Deadly Illness part wich im on now and it doesnt appear to have broken the game but i cant see the main storyline progression.. Perhaps its just a temp bug and it will fix itself when im done wiith Chloe's part or next time i load up the save??? Taken a break from the game due to stuff i need to take care of in real life so il report back if i find more strange things, perhaps even take a screenshot or uppload the save if the bug stll persist next time i load up my save.. If the bug doesnt persist it migth also be an issue with memory or other piece of hardware on my pc
Have you found the herb? If not try to go to the mountain again, reach the peak of the mountain, you will find the herb or the grass near the tree, the herb is different than the usual grass so you should be able to see it easily. I was frustrated in this mission too lol (maybe I was spoiled with the recent rpgm games where the objective always flashes so I dont have to find it meticulously)


Sep 9, 2017
You can get there by taking a ship from Riedenberg. You can't miss it since you need to go there by the main quest as the tower of the last boss is located in a nearby region (2 screens of walking on a map)


Apr 8, 2018
The devs made a genuine attempt to make this game stand out from the mountain of trash on dlsite, so it was interesting enough despite how dated everything is. But when it made me walk into a tile near a wall, so that the characters would notice that there is indeed a wall and no gate - I've realized I've had enough of this nonsense, lol.

Before disappearing into the abyss, the devs actually made another game - a Persona porn-parody ミッシングリンク/"Missing Link" (even got Ann before Atlus). It plays much smoother, but unfortunately it's too old and too big for a manual translation.
Jan 3, 2022
You can get there by taking a ship from Riedenberg. You can't miss it since you need to go there by the main quest as the tower of the last boss is located in a nearby region (2 screens of walking on a map)
View attachment 4193059
I see, so thats why I cant find taklat anywhere lol wasted all my fucking time. Tbh I didn't advance my main quest yet, I purposely postpone my main quest to finish the side quest first lol
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