Ren'Py - Rogue-like: Evolution [v1.61f] [Oni]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It has very nice graphics and the characters are made with extreme care!
    I love this game!
    it's a pretty fast game and that's why I rated it 5 stars...
    In hot scenes he's great and has tons of options!!
    In the next updates I hope they will be able to add the tanning of the girls during the pool days and some movements in the sex scenes without having to download the mods....
    So far one of the best games!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Dont have much too add, Just a exelent game.

    Is a true sandbox, incredible dinamic, interestng and spyce with nostalgia character trying to be faithfull to then.

    And sorry for the buchet english, not my native language.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game for many years, in many different updates. I must say it's improved a lot since the first time, with new girls, new scenes, a lot of nastiness going on. I already consider it a classic of erotic games.
    Likes: mc247
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Playing this classic since... I dont know, years.
    I install it again on every new phone I buy, and "check if it's less laggy on this one" lol.
    I think this game is an example of what peak solo dev looks like when it comes to western erotic games.
    • Constantly updates, with bug fixes, clothes, re-made art, new dialogs etc.
    • Character's personalities feel actually different from eachother, you will notice that some stuff that worked to unlock new stuff with a girl, will not work with other, and there is a lot to try.
    • No "endings", this means that you can play and replay infinitely without fear of f*cking up with a girl. All the stats can go up or down without any actual "game over" thing.
    • It makes sense, this means that characters react and notice every single detail in the setting (other characters, clothes wearing, time of day, and their own stats). The characters also can like/hate others, and you can change that to unlock threesomes.
    • Easy to understand, no need to look up for a wiki/guide unless you want to speedrun it at 100% at the first try.
    • Even when the filesize is really small for the amount of content, consider that there may be some bugs and lags, specially when the characters have tons of graphical layers (Body, public hair, expression, hair, 2 underwear, up to 2 leg clothes at the same time on some characters, same with the top, collars, and you can also add cum, sweat, gloves... Then multiply x2 in some scenes, and x3 during clases when Emma/Storm is at the background)
    No other actual cons, considering how much content it has and the quality of the game itself.

    I would add more unique scenes and dialogs, like when 100% a character for the first time, or by having X and Y character at 100% at the same time, or something like that.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    So I have been playing this game ever since I got onto this site way back in 2017, insert joke about going through college here.

    But despite it's long development time it is the only game I still come back to and play every update from that time.

    Oni has somehow created the porn equivalent of heroin, this is my comfort game and I look forward to it still being in development when I am in diapers.


    Art- Oni is an excellent artist one of best porn artists in fact, I consider him up there with Hermit moth and Afrobull, he has a very distinct style that really just meshes well with the X-men evolution style in the game, his takes on many of the characters are really great from an aesthetic standpoint his Jubilee is exceptionally well done.

    Scenes- unlike most games there are no dedicated sex scenes at least not in the traditional sense that Christ intended. Almost every interaction is up to player control as are all the actions within the scenes.

    Replay value- This game has tons of replay value, more I would argue than any game on this site. There are many different responses you can give the girls and many different ways to build relationships. Oni also recently unveiled a female protagonist option giving even more interaction.

    Plus+++ Jubilee bites you how great is that? Fuck I wish she would drain me like a Capri-sun.


    Jubilee only bites you once. Even though I have more blood and my blood is not really doing anything aside from keeping me alive.

    No sub route for the mc, only dominant route. As a result of this sin against God Jean cannot step on me.

    Oni is not a good coder, bugs are common here.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. I usually steer well clear of parodies but the work in this is amazing and beyond reproach.

    While the story is simple enough and I usually prefer a lengthier story and less smut, the options in this game are amazing. I just hope that Oni puts more into the story later and then this'll be a perfect game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Very beautiful game, really keeps to the X-Men Evolution art style which I really appreciate. If you are only here for one girl in particular, then don't interact much with the others, for they will interact back with you on their own. On the other hand, if you want a harem then you can also achieve that either by having the girls all separately (can make them jealous) or introduce them to each other (allows threesome scenes). Great game, plays well, developer does a good job and pays attention to detail, very nostalgic.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Asia Argento

    A master class of what a parody game can and could be. It follows M*rvel lore to a T, or should I say an "X" here? Animation is in the style of the 2000s XM3n show which doesnt draw as much nostalgia as Rogue herself does for me. References are made and a faceless protag is perfect for this. Really puts YOU in the drivers seat. The sex scenes COULD be more diverse and pregnancy isnt there, but thats like finding $100 on the street and complaining it is dirty. Damn near flawless game and the pinnacle of what all parody games could be.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Long time player and patron.

    1. Great artwork. One of the best examples of a 2dcg art on the site. The jump to HD graphics made a huge difference.
    2. Varied character dialogue. Oni makes each character feel unique and fleshed out. Especially like the color coding and unique wardrobes.
    3. Even progression. The grind is just enough to make the content progression feel natural.
    1. Slowed rate of updates. It feels the more recent updates haven't added a lot to the core mechanics of the game.
    2. Low mechanic depth. At its core the game is corruption stat grinder where you take each character along the same corruption path with a few exceptions for the two corruptible teachers. Would like to see varied endgame states for each of the characters but that's fine.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    + Good foundation for a game
    + Decent amount of different girls (Would like to see even more)
    + Decent art style
    + Indept interactions with the girls

    Things to improve:
    - Add sound effects
    -Add story events for each girl to give them a bit more personality
    - More variations in sex positions
    -Ability to give girls a different look for example hair style or overal clothes that they would wear all day.
    -More different kind of dating locations(like going to a amusement park)

    Game is a good start and has lots of potiental to be build upon.
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 65497

    The game is great, the images are excellent (I just find Jean Gray's hair that could be Evolution's hair weird). But the game doesn't have a purpose, it doesn't have a goal. After a while it becomes absurdly repetitive, and you take a step and find a sex-hungry girl or two.
    At some point it gets tired.

    I think it would be a little more interesting if there was something else to do or if the girls were a little tougher and had a little more personality. Or maybe the powers have something else to do with them.

    It would also be interesting if there were some arts of girls making out instead of just showing that little hand or tongue.

    And if there was that and there was still the possibility of playing with a female protagonist, then I would become patreon
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game so far, a lot of content, quality dialogue, takes a lot less time than a lot of these kinds of games, which I consider a huge plus. It is constantly being updated and made better. I started playing it back when there were only 3 girls, and I have happily watched this game grow over the years. It's probably not the most romantic game in my opinion, but it has a lot of funny parts to it that I think makes it more enjoyable.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is a sort of sandbox dating-sim, you get through into a school setting as a news student and from there you get to purse a selection of heroins.

    The dating gimmicks are nice and even fun but they do get repetitive very quickly.

    The plot is...well lets just say it is not a story driven game for there is none of it. There is a sort of introduction but it never goes beyond that which is a real shame there is a lot of untap potential unexplored.

    The art of the character is superbe, this part shines in that departement but I wouldn't say the same of the environment that seem rather dull in contrast.

    So the verdict, I would give it a good 2,5 out of 5. One star easily lost because of the lack of plot. but it is a nice little game, one would need 5 h to complete it.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is around for a long while. it evolved a bit but remain essentially the same but with more content. there is however some aspect that still need to be improved. i will cite here the good and bad side of the game

    • good art
    • original concept
    • decent grinding
    • many girls ( you are likely to find one at your taste)
    • complex relationship between girls (they do not like each other)
    • Xavier add an actual challenge so you do not just do wathever you want like a sandbox game
    • sometime it's confusing who you are talking to (where there is multiple girls)
    Potential of improvement & suggestion
    • adding male character to add up to the challenge
      the male characters would be "rival" in love to certain girls and tend to challenge your progress with them. like keeping you to interract with the girls and try to screw with you during dates. like a jealous boyfriend
      here is some suggested character and who will they try to keep for themselve
      Scott Summers - Jean Grey (he aspire to be her boyfriend)
      Kurt Wagner - "Kitty" Pryde (he aspire to be her boyfriend)
      Evan Daniels - Ororo Munroe "storm"
      (she is his aunt but he is a bit too "close" to her)
      Logan - Laura Kinney (he is sort of a father figure for her, so he will be intimidating to you and protective to her)
      Henry Phillip McCoy "beat" - teacher (he will just be generally add up to the gallenge when you flirt around the school)
    • Adding a group of girls as part of another faction could be interresting, like the Brotherhood of Mutants. some girls could be added all together and resting in a secret hideout that could be found after a event in the mail. before that, they will occasionally come around to the academy and cause trouble.
      here is some girls i propose to add
      Mystique (she would act like a teacher to this new faction)
      Wanda Maximoff "scarlet whitch"
      Tabitha Smith " boom boom"
    • additional character could also be added to the Academy. so you could have some additional girls to the "harem"
      Amara Juliana Olivia Aquilla "Magma" - an little Latina with Naive personallity and hopefully shaved for a change. she should have breast a bit smaller than Kitty
      Rahne Sinclair "wolfbane" - a really territorial girl, she will be easily jealous to see you talk to other girls who she do not feel close to.
      Risty Wilde - she is actually Mystique who was infiltrating the academy. she will absolutly avoid to touch you because she will find out your power before burning her cover, but i find her sexy, so i would love to have her around the game even if it's only to see her in the shower.
    • a feature that could be really welcome could be to have the possibility to shave the pudic hairs. like you would need to have a bit higher relation, like after you start to have a full intercouse wih them, and you buy razor and ask to shave them. the shaving will not be permanent, it should last like a week, after what new grown will appear but with 2-3 stage before becoming a wild bush. otionally you can ask the girls to always shave by their own, which could make them been seem shaving in the shower.

    so that is all i have to say about the game, it's a really good game, but not yet a 5 stars to me. because it's still could be better and refined
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game. Really like the amount of H options that are given for each character. The setup is a game in the Xmen universe where you use your powers to help girls remove their mutant abilities. You can have relationships with and H scenes with multiple girls at a time.

    The game does not have sound but the art and writing is very good. I can highly recommend it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Trainers are hit and miss with me, I like them, I like where they go, or I don't like them at all.

    Rouge-like, Good plot, makes sense and totally easy to follow, scenes are easy to unlock and the game is self explanatory. The Animations need a small amount of work but for a game that's been this long in the making and is just wrapping up now. I think give it a few weeks this is gonna be great with most if not all bugs, content and characters hashed out.

    Can't wait to delete my last save and completely start this over again I think I'll enjoy seeing it fresh and finished.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    i recommend this game because the art, the forme of the structure of the game is good if you like Trainer games RLE is for you.
    some of the ways to talk the girls have some consecuencia and that good, every decision is importand.
    a bad thing is the way of gain money s not to much complicate only you have to save the money for to much time to buy the tings you want.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Not only it's very good, it has excellent potential.
    The trainer aspect don't take too much time once you know how to optimize gains, and the sex scenes themselves are pretty good, with ok animation.

    [Review update: 1.51f]
    Quality has been dropping for a while now, and the recent addition of Squirrel Girl is the final nail in the coffin. Seriously, her face is absolutely terrifying. The game is still good, but fleshing out previous characters instead of constantly adding half-baked ones should be an obvious choice... Unless it was demanded by patrons, I can't understand his choice of adding that nightmare fuel in the game.

    Unrelated, but when are we getting better clothes for everyone?
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    My only regret is taking forever to play the game because I thought it lacked depth from the small file size and not being a fan of sexualized western art.

    But boy was I wrong.

    It is probably one of the best old school sandbox dating sims on the site, with a strong focus on male domination and drugs(apparent your jizz is addicting)

    The strongest appeal for the game though is how unique each character feels to corrupt and the barriers you need to overcome.

    And most of all, there is an amazing amount of freedom and real player choice you get from playing it.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most well thought out Dating Sims out there, definitely worth a play and a half

    The art is Gorgeous and everything about the girls is perfect. The dev is very active and is constantly working on the game. There are many systems and the only faultin them i can think of is the grind; but that is just a Dating Sim thing.