So, uhmm... I got curious. I've only been subbed to his patreon for the last... I think 6 months so I don't have a very long view? So your statement is
Right? Right? So he's bad because his subscribers haven't grown, right?
View attachment 4621551
View attachment 4621559
Oh look. His subscribers have grown from this time last year.
So yeah... Kinda blows your whole argument out of the water, doesn't it? (I'm expecting an "Well no. Because if you look at <insert something else that amounts to a moving the goal post fallacy here>") Also kinda proves that your statement was a begging the question fallacy, doesn't it?
But yeah. QED my dude. Capitalism at work. I'm done here. You have a nice life.
My statement was under the assumption of what you said was true, that his Patreon numbers have stayed the same and under a second assumption that you have been subscribed for a long period of time. Which you just proved the first half wasn't true.
So it not much of a gotcha moment when you present something that isn't true, and some else responds base on the wrong information that you provide them.
Unless I am misunderstanding the begging the question fallacy, which I understand to means continuing to insist something is true or a valid point even after being presented with valid evidence or an augment otherwise.
Then no its not begging the question because you never presented anything contradictory to the statement I made was saying until this post.
I think the correct fallacy here is either a hasty generalization or anecdotal fallacy, cause of lack of verification on my part to see what the Patreon numbers were over time and simply taking your word for it that it had stayed the same for the entire time. Also the second assumption is also.
Edit: Seems like I was confusing begging the question with proof by assertion fallacy.
Also rereading when you first asked if I was begging the question. The answer is no I was not because what you asked was a completely non sequitor what was said.
Some how you interpreted this
Also the fact that you are having a hard time finding complaints about the girls proves what leathermax was saying. Which is Oni's Patreons are fine with how bad the art is.
Into this.
So... lack of complaints about art means the art is bad because the art is bad... Isn't that the begging the question fallacy?
The conclusion was that Yes Oni's Patreons are fine with the bad art in the game.
The conclusion wasn't just the art was bad. The part that was disputed is whether or not the Patreons are okay with the art being bad.
The first premise of the statement was that the art is bad for all the previous stated reasons (proportions and inconsistency which I think I did an adequate job of laying laid out in this
The second premise which is that Oni has Patreons that don't complain much on Patreon, which you laid out.
The third premise is that he has a net gain of Patreons. As in he has any Patreons at all.
Lastly this is all assuming people aren't becoming his Patreons for some other reason other than just the game.
So no its not begging the question because the conclusion is not 1 premise proving itself, but rather a conclusion drawn from 3 premises.