Mod - Ren'Py - Rogue-like: Evolution - Prime Mod

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The mod is basically essential to the game. Sure, the base game is fine, but there is next to no depth. Almost every girl is the same and you could max them out in a handful of days if you wanted to. This mod gives the game some much needed depth.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Heavily improves on the base game, basically turning it into an improved vanilla plus game. Would even call it essential with how many quality of life improvements it brings that should have been in the baseline really.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    None of the downloads are working.
    This is a great mod and i love it but now not even download is possible , for month i've only played this mod instead of the (lets be real) worst version that is the original
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    First I just wanted say thanks to Prime for making this wonderful addition!

    This mod is a magnificent overhaul to the base game of RLE. The UI has wonderful additions like a stat display, locations of the girls, XP for levelling up, etc. It's great for the girls to have unique introductions and it was fun experiencing those.

    This mod also gives a unique ability to each of the girls that you can access with points from levelling up. These abilities include hacking, addiction control, or even training the girls to be cumsluts or painsluts.

    All in all, I'd say that this mod is a must have for the base game! Thanks again to Prime for creating this gem!
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4392187

    Prime Mod by fellow forum member prime559 is essentially how you wanted Rogue-like: Evolution to be and it could not exist except in your imagination.... And suddenly Prime Mod appears.

    And we thought Expanded Mod was the definitive version of this game? How deluded we were.

    While the base of the vanilla game is not bad, this guy takes those mechanics and takes them to new horizons, delivering a polished and really enjoyable version.

    His updates always have some changes that will be interesting and when you think that nothing more can be added, this guy goes and does it.

    All my support and cordiality to prime559 for this great work.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Never written a review before but because this is one of my favorite games on this site so I felt like I had to. Your mod added a lot of things I wish Oni would of added and honestly made me want to play through it again lost count of how many times . I have a little knowledge about coding since I took some classes for it in school so I know this shit is not all cupcakes and rainbows all the time for you guy/gals that mod. So I wanted to thank you Prime for making a mod to extend a game that has so much potential. Looking forward to future features that your thinking of adding (y).
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The legit first time I'm bothering to write a review for anything on here, and to be honest it is earned, not only with the changes the mod introduces being over all fantastic, his work with simple quality of life things making it one of those mods where it basically a necessity.

    Thank you and keep up the good work!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great mod, really does a lot to hammer out some of the issues from the base game, adds some cool new mechanics,a nd expands on ones already in the game. Added to that, having a modder that is fairly active in the community is a huge plus in my books.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better mods I've seen. Keeps the vanilla game while providing some nice tweaks and additions. Even some minor additional content.

    Mod is also easy to install and uninstall since it only consists of a single file.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Prime559 has managed to transform a mediocre game with ill-implemented mechanics (albeit, I'm sure the original creator, Oni, made with the best intentions in mind) into a, to put it in simplest terms, an excellent game.
    I love the work this mod has managed to accomplish, and has made the overall experience so much better.
    Strongly recommend picking this mod up
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    De Sade

    Can't go back to vanilla, been using this for months and the difference is night and day. (My review is meant to be short and concise but the infernal character limit appears to have outwitted me yet again, just ignore all this bollocks.)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very solid mod that fits in pretty well, and while the instructions for how this mod works could be better, the same might be said for the main game itself. For one, it adds much-missed features like location tracking (must be earned through gameplay), and reduces randomness in places like searching Xavier's office at night.

    It could be balanced better. For example, it boosts the amount that the women can orgasm, but doesn't seem to have a similar upgrade for the MC (this might change with the "Sexual Vampirism" trait, if added). That being said, I would recommend trying the game without this mod first, just to understand the base experience as a basis of comparison, and then try a new playthrough with this mod.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Thanks, prime. Call me a loser for paying Oni monthly on his Patreon (sure it's only a dollar per month, guy's gotta eat) but after the 50th replay while he still smooths out ver.997 and Jubilee's sex scenes, one begins to want a bit more depth to the game itself.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the way
    Version reviewed: Alcoon (1.0)

    Why is this so important

    salscou: My dude, you arent using the mod.
    Bekai7: im not. youre right. can you help me although? im sure i used the cumslut and painslut function before but know its just like it disappeared.
    salscou: None of those functions are in the vanilla game, they are part of prime mod.
    Bekai7: that explains it...
    That explains it, because this is the way to play the game. The mod has become so good and so popular that nowdays people not only stop distinguishing the features from being either vanilla or prime mod added, but they are so used to those features that cannot play the game anymore without them.
    And I am one of those people.

    I am proud to have witnessed the development of this mod since its very beginning, version 1.0 (of the mod). I have made an extensive review on it back then, already praising the great variety of features the mod had back then, while also suggesting some other features for addition.

    For every new game release I waited for Prime mod to update before trying it out. Why wouldn't I? Download the base game, download Prime's rpyc file, put it inside, and you are good to go. And with each release the amount of people who did the same thing grew more and more, to the point where we are now, with this mod being not even a DLC for the game, but even the "true" version of game, while the vanilla feels like demo.

    The mod features
    * The mod started with extra info on the top bar with gauges, which is really cool. To this bullet I would like to also add the "massage mastery" perk which finally gives reason to use that activity in manual mode.
    * But the first truly groundbreaking feature was the girl "skills", as discussed in the quoted conversation above. The new mechanics it brought to the game were a breath of fresh air after several years of complete radio silence from the developer of the base game in this regard. I cannot even tell what was the previous feature added to the base game before gender swap and buttplugs which were introduced in 1.0. How many years did it take? Well, here we have lots right of the bat.
    * Changes to leveling system and to microtransactions remove a huge part of grind from the game, while shortened time constraints on most of ingame events allow to progress much further in the desired way. Here also goes the ability to meet girls out of order.
    * The changes to girl outfits based on inhibition level are cool additions, which further expands the sandbox nature of the game and adds more value behind the gauges.
    * As I have requested in my older review, now the girl resistances are also togglable, allowing to finetune each girl to player's own tastes.
    * Lots of minor tweaks here and there to fix bugs in vanilla game and also to improve the base game mechanics.
    * The dev mode support allows to adjust lot more variables and features than base game allows, which completely covers the need in "cheat mod" or smth alike. If you know what you want, there is no stopping you now.
    * Finally, as of 1.0, I finally see the clothes movement to the mall, for ALL girls, which I suggested back when .997 came out. And, when going there with Laura, I have noticed something which was the reason for me to rewrite the entire review. THE GODDAMN MESH PANTS.

    And the moment I saw this piece of clothing, I knew this was it. The final feature I wanted and requested very close to the start of the mod development, is now added. All I wanted back then is now in the game. Dream mod? Absolutely. But this is the kind of dream, that just keeps on giving.

    This is 1.0 version of the base game, and this is the only way to play. Here's to even bigger success. The sky seems to be the limit and let it be so. Keep it up!

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  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Works perfectly, some interesting new options. It adds to the game what I'm missing the most: Additional, flavourful dialogue and some agency for the characters involved.

    Installation is easy and without issue. I am testing this at version 2.1h,
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Takes a phenomenal game and adds a lot of little things to improve the experience, like a significant increase to daily income, new level up abilities, or the girls choosing more revealing clothes depending on their inhibition stat. Overall, a new take on the game to make it feel new without including more girls or poses.
    Plus, the guy in charge of the mod is pretty cool and listens to the playerbase's suggestions, too. Tnak you Prime, very cool!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This mod is an excellent way to breath new life into the game during the long periods of time between updates. The play is more fast paced, some changes to the interactions make things feel fresh, and the automatic use of clothing reduces the tedium you run into after buying the girls new clothes. I highly recommend this mod for anyone looking for a fresh experience with the base game, or as a way to play for the first time, as it adds some great QOL.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Adds more personality to the girls and gives them a few new interesting interactions, honestly exactly what I've been wanting to see from Oni for a while now. Thank you Prime! Hope you keep developing this mod, because I think it is lovely.